Is that something similiar to "one more cancel" in persona 4 arena?i love rapid cancels yesssss
Yooooooooooooo...if meter can be spent to cancel things to stay safe on strings and to cancel moves so that they can combo into other stuff I am STOKED! Sounds a lot like HD gauge drive cancels in KOF and THAT is a good thing. Actually the DOUBLE KO is identical to KOF13. Not many people have ever seen one happen, but when they happen it is the hypest shit you have ever witnessed. Double KO and then BOOM! suddenly yhou got a sliver of life and its time to man up. It. Is. AWESOME.I wonder if those macros have anything to do with this:
i believe so it says it can be used to cancel strings which leads me to believe it's for canceling normals rather than specials so it's not like a FADCIs that something similiar to "one more cancel" in persona 4 arena?
Oh man that's exciting! That adds a lot more depth to the game. Omc is my favorite thing about persona.i believe so it says it can be used to cancel strings which leads me to believe it's for canceling normals rather than specials so it's not like a FADC
Meter burn and rapid cancels are two entirely different things. I remember seeing the move list screen and at the bottom of the list there were two types of cancels listed: one of them was called push away cancel and the other I believe was launch cancel. I'm looking around to see if I can find it, but it wasn't from one the character move list screen shots posted. I believe it was a video featuring the flash.I remember paulo tweeting about rapid cancels before, there not a universal system, but instead there the meter burn function on certain moves.
Those are different things. Combo cancel thing, where you can cancel any string at the cost of 2 bars into a wall bounce or ground bounce, they are universal.Meter burn and rapid cancels are two entirely different things. I remember seeing the move list screen and at the bottom of the list there were two types of cancels listed: one of them was called push away cancel and the other I believe was launch cancel. I'm looking around to see if I can find it, but it wasn't from one the character move list screen shots posted. I believe it was a video featuring the flash.
Yeah, but the street fighters wouldn't.Id still prefer a regular old combo breaker.
Rapid cancel and combo cancel are the same thing.Those are different things. Combo cancel thing, where you can cancel any string at the cost of 2 bars into a wall bounce or ground bounce, they are universal.
No there not. A rapid cancel is a term for a mechanic in blazblue, it started in guilty gear and it was called a roman cancel, its also in persona 4 arena called a one more cancel. This mechanic basically cancels most actions and puts you in neutral, so you can do stuff like use a special with a longer recovery and cancel it and continue a combo with another special or normal, or can use it to make a move safe.Rapid cancel and combo cancel are the same thing.
This is good. You clearly see a couple instances of both. I clearly saw batman rapid cancel after a special then dash over to continue combo.we've already seen enough meter burn examples to get the concept, though now that they've explained the cancels its way easier to tell whats a Meter Burn move and whats a Meter Cancel in the trailer. Rewatching this one now gets me really hard.
I just hope they make some better effects to distinguish the different meter uses. That generic pro-move sound happens for like all 4 major meter uses, and the only difference appears to be wether a green or white orb pops off the character. That and unless this game has like, Vanilla MvC3 meter gain we are never ever going to see a super in real play.
I see yellow (wonder woman shield smash), red(harley quinn extended gun juggle), green (grundy's knife swing ground bounce), and then white is on bats, nightwing, and cyborg. I was going to infer that maybe some are based on whether meter is used for specials or normals, but there doesn't seem to be a clear difference between the colors. Perhaps its just character color coordinated? I'm new to the extended meter burn stuff, but I imagine it won't take long to figure it out as I've played many other fighting games, just not those anime ones.I just hope they make some better effects to distinguish the different meter uses. That generic pro-move sound happens for like all 4 major meter uses, and the only difference appears to be wether a green or white orb pops off the character. That and unless this game has like, Vanilla MvC3 meter gain we are never ever going to see a super in real play. KO's are gonna be like oldschool "Mercy's" except both players have "danger" health? Hype! I don't see it happening very often as most double KO's in FG's are pretty rare, but glad they went in this direction.
MAAAAAN! I just want to play this game already. But also, my obligation to mention MM in an Injustice post compels me to say, REVEAL MARTIAN MANHUNTER ALREADY!!
Insanity - repeating the same thing (believe in something awesome to be revealed) over and over again, expecting things to change