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"I'm In A Nightmare" -- Batman General Discussion Thread

Adam Todd

It usually works against people who don't know to just block low which is why I do it lol but only after certain set ups or if they're in the corner do I try it. Midscreen it feels useless cause they can also just walk backwards as you jump and boom, they escape it lol
Well that sucks the nerf is true. And Reo is a tier whore for that being the reason he is dropping batman. Batman is 100% screwed with this nerf. Wow. Screw you NRS.
Well that sucks the nerf is true. And Reo is a tier whore for that being the reason he is dropping batman. Batman is 100% screwed with this nerf. Wow. Screw you NRS.
its not 100% confirmed. but if it is true that his trait is getting nerfed, then it will hurt bad if they don't buff something else of his. it will HURT
It's going to happen. Kids in gamefaqs are the reason why FGC sucks now. Everyone complaining and casuals. There is nothing wrong with deathstroke either and everyone just complains.

Adam Todd

He is completely fine the way he is. No nerf is needed. atleast not right now. its too early
Agree with this 100%, people are too lazy to learn the matchups. At first as GL, I would get bodied by Aquaman but then I learned he can't do anything against GL's jumping rocket. lol Deathstroke is another character people just don't wanna play smart against by jumping all over the place, either walk and block, or block and dash til you get in.
yeah i mean they aren't a problem and he NEEDS them. if you hit batman with anything, he loses the bats, if you are ducking up close the bats will miss you, if you push block he loses the the bats, if you clash he loses the bats. the trait is fine, and its his most important tool. I'm just going to wait and see what happens

Adam Todd

So how good is ending combos with b2xxtrait
is B.2xxTrait better than B.23xxTrait? Whenever you trait with the two or three bats you can do grapple MB J.2 B.23 for more damage. I'm trying to see if I can do that ender with only one Bat, but it's hard.


is B.2xxTrait better than B.23xxTrait? Whenever you trait with the two or three bats you can do grapple MB J.2 B.23 for more damage. I'm trying to see if I can do that ender with only one Bat, but it's hard.
I meant as in calling them for more pressure, specifically maybe 1
Just curious DP, did you see somewhere that the nerf was confirmed? I still just see speculation, and although I do agree that the nerf is going to happen, i still have seen nothing but spec everywhere. Heres hoping they buff up one of his strings to compensate for the nerf if said nerf is indeed true. 223 being an ACTUAL BLOCKSTRING THAT YOU CANT DUCK OUT OFF would be really nice, lol.
Just curious DP, did you see somewhere that the nerf was confirmed? I still just see speculation, and although I do agree that the nerf is going to happen, i still have seen nothing but spec everywhere. Heres hoping they buff up one of his strings to compensate for the nerf if said nerf is indeed true. 223 being an ACTUAL BLOCKSTRING THAT YOU CANT DUCK OUT OFF would be really nice, lol.
22 is plus 8 so that wont happen. that string would be op. the nerf isn't confirmed but REO heard from a source that it could very well happen
12 has block advantage also, dont remember how much. However the first hit is a high so its crouch jabable. I try and stick with b113, b23, and f2 for the most part. The first 2 for pressure and the last for punish. b112 or 3 is great cause you can mix in an overhead or slide to make it a 50/50. Its also safe.
12 has block advantage also, dont remember how much. However the first hit is a high so its crouch jabable. I try and stick with b113, b23, and f2 for the most part. The first 2 for pressure and the last for punish. b112 or 3 is great cause you can mix in an overhead or slide to make it a 50/50. Its also safe.
as a cage main from mortal kombat cage could do f33 enhanced forceballs that gave him plus frames so he could keep his opponent in frame traps. batman has something similar with 112 enhanced batarangs that gives him a free jump in. its pretty cheap and i use it pretty often


This one's for you
On the Hall of Justice outside, if Batman has bats out he can send one of the moving stage robots and then release bats to catch the other person if they jump. It seems really tough to escape for any character that doesn't have good mobility.

On stages with an explosive in the corner, you can do 22~interactable~release bats and I think it's a guaranteed reset. Skynet from youtube is the guy who found this set up:

Adam Todd

On the Hall of Justice outside, if Batman has bats out he can send one of the moving stage robots and then release bats to catch the other person if they jump. It seems really tough to escape for any character that doesn't have good mobility.

On stages with an explosive in the corner, you can do 22~interactable~release bats and I think it's a guaranteed reset. Skynet from youtube is the guy who found this set up:
Holy crap that was dope. I haven't learned any stage combos because I feel like they'll eventually get banned from tourneys.

Adam Todd

Just downloaded the compatibility patch, not sure if this was the patch with Batman's nerfs but he can still do the trait trick. No having to wait for all three.


after a air grapple
-forward dash into jump 2/3 can only be avoided by wake up, it also stuffs a lot of wake ups
-double dash into grab is only avoidable with wake up
-if you have bats out you can stuff basically