Bonafide Jax scrub
The EX Clone does not work properly! LOOK AT THAT KNEEIce Klone
Air Ice Klone
Klone Toss
Klone Shatter

The EX Clone does not work properly! LOOK AT THAT KNEEIce Klone
Air Ice Klone
Klone Toss
Klone Shatter
And more combos!!Jade's boomerang razor. Would be a fantastic variation special for pressuring.
SAME....i just figured with how this game plays that would never even be in the realm of possibilities not that any of these other ideas will ever happen anyways but.....Omg I actually take my answer back I want Kitana’s fans from any other mk game that allow aerial combos without amplifying
Fixedthe string is Johnny f43 levels trash and it's UNSINN that Jax who's had dash punch as a special since MK3 gets to lose it just so his generic boring and unlikeable daughter is more appealling.
Agreed there, just like with Scorpions harpoon. Actually thought of that after I’d made my post and left for work this morning.Nutpunch that allows followup. JC is strong and probably doesn’t need it but when I booted up mk11 and realized u can only really d1 after nutpunch I was like whut is this...
It actually exists as an ability, it's called upwards fan throw...but it's an ability...Omg I actually take my answer back I want Kitana’s fans from any other mk game that allow aerial combos without amplifying
Never played MK9 beyond going to the lab, but I would also like Skarlet's dash back. That was such a good special that it should be an iconic part of her kit.sonya leg grab
scorps hellfire
sub ice klone
skarlet dash
kung lao windmill kicks
I don’t understand why you are comparing his og dash punch to those two things. The one in the string doesn’t travel as far at all and can only be done from a string. The fatal blow can only be used when you have low health and once you use it up thats it. How can you compare a special move you can use on demand to a move you can only use situationally? And even when done from the string if opponent crouches the whole thing whiffs. THEN to add salt to the wound as my other comrades have said they gave it to his daughter......imagine if they gave sonyas Arc kick thing to Cassie and gave her a watered down version. Rant over #jaxislove #jaxislife #makejaxgreat again #jaxlivesmatter #whydidyougivehismosticonicmovetohisdaughter #NRSyoubetternotletherkeepityoubastardsI don't understand, just because his dash punch in a string is garbage means it doesn't count? He still dash punches for his fatal blow, or does that not count either? I get it, it's not a "special move" but it's definately in his fatal blow.
Ya I agree. Imagine if they removed nutpunch and just made johnny do a split when he does d1.I don’t understand why you are comparing his og dash punch to those two things. The one in the string doesn’t travel as far at all and can only be done from a string. The fatal blow can only be used when you have low health and once you use it up thats it. How can you compare a special move you can use on demand to a move you can only use situationally? And even when done from the string if opponent crouches the whole thing whiffs. THEN to add salt to the wound as my other comrades have said they gave it to his daughter......imagine if they gave sonyas Arc kick thing to Cassie and gave her a watered down version. Rant over #jaxislove #jaxislife #makejaxgreat again #jaxlivesmatter #whydidyougivehismosticonicmovetohisdaughter #NRSyoubetternotletherkeepityoubastards
That actually sounds kinda dope, haha. It'd be hillarious to see him doing splits all the timeYa I agree. Imagine if they removed nutpunch and just made johnny do a split when he does d1.
I would prefer the straight fan to cause the combos though, it fits my playstyle more and makes it more threatening to throw them full screenIt actually exists as an ability, it's called upwards fan throw...but it's an ability...
I bet you MK12 Jax won't even be black anymore.I don’t understand why you are comparing his og dash punch to those two things. The one in the string doesn’t travel as far at all and can only be done from a string. The fatal blow can only be used when you have low health and once you use it up thats it. How can you compare a special move you can use on demand to a move you can only use situationally? And even when done from the string if opponent crouches the whole thing whiffs. THEN to add salt to the wound as my other comrades have said they gave it to his daughter......imagine if they gave sonyas Arc kick thing to Cassie and gave her a watered down version. Rant over #jaxislove #jaxislife #makejaxgreat again #jaxlivesmatter #whydidyougivehismosticonicmovetohisdaughter #NRSyoubetternotletherkeepityoubastards