Bro omg it’s not the same lmao what is this “jacqui has it too” she HAS it. We are talking about iconic moves not a watered down derivative of it. Go pop in mk9, mk3 whatever look at those dash punches, now compare to the “dash punches” he has now. At this point Im convinced you’re trolling. Multiple people have been agreeing with me and chiming in I don’t know how you can think what he has compares to his og dash punch or can even suffice. It whiffing is HUGE, you get d2 kb’d for attempting the string version. Why do you think it’s never used ever? And please please for the last time a move you can only do on low health and once after it hits is not the same as a move you could do whenever you wanted! Not as part of a string, not when your health was low, whenever you wanted!! If you’re trolling me you got me cuz jax has been my favorite character for years, put some respek on his name!!! I ain’t gonna tell you no mo!!!!Yes you're right, Jacqui does have it too. But how many times do I have to say it? Jax still has his dash punch. He has dash punches. So what if 4 in f3,4 whiffs over crouching opponents, that doesn't disqualify it from being a dash punch. His super also whiffs over crouching opponents and it's still a dash punch. It's the same move. He moves forward with his back hand doing the punching. The only thing they did was not classify it as a special move. I'd consider that a good thing. That means they can't take it away with a variation.
I'm not going to argue him no longer having the downward dash punch. That's definitely not in the game.
I'm not sure who else they could make that kind of change to. They kinda did it to other characters. They did change Kano's command grab from mk3 to just his forward grab. Baraka's throat slash move from mk2 is now a normal...2 I think? But that was like f+HP in the old games. So baraka is probably the closest thing I can think of to what they did to Jax.