1) She doesn't have them to start with. You literally block low and only react to B2 which leads into slow-ass overhead that is -35 on block. Her d1 into anything can be interupted, her F3 is ridiculiously slow.
2) You dont even need to visualy react to her TP as you get sound clue before the animation even starts. You dont have to block it, duck and free punish. Overhead is free punish aswell.
3) Did I said she unsafe on pretty much EVERYTHING?
4) You can interupt pretty much EVERYTHING.
Yeah, she totally needs nerfs. Kappa.
Let me start by saying that I don't have audio on my console so the audio might actually be a thing, however:
Her b2 mixup is a thing, just don't spam it.
Her f3 might be slow, but it's a safe mixup by itself.
Her air dashes combined with her forever active jump ins and teleports are also extremely annoying.
She has pretty good crossups gimmicks in the corner.
You might say that none of this stuff is strong enough, and I agree with you. Personally I hate unsafe play and would suck with this character. However, when you put it all toghether and add her crazy good space control with lasers and teleport, and her ability to stay in the air, you get an extremely oppressive, chaotic and annoying to deal with character.
All I'm saying, and I'm saying this as someone that likes the character and would play it if she was safer, that you can't have BOTH safe play and all in crazyness.