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"I Will Destroy You All!" Doomsday General Discussion Thread


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
DD is a beast literally...

He's not a combo heavy guy but doesn't need to be although he does have some nice combos, between his trait armor move, his tracking ex teleport(that's unblockable), love his AA Venom and normal Venom has so much range it's nuts..

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
DD is a beast literally...

He's not a combo heavy guy but doesn't need to be although he does have some nice combos, between his trait armor move, his tracking ex teleport(that's unblockable), love his AA Venom and normal Venom has so much range it's nuts..
Well yeah. Some players may have 35-40% combos with 1 bar.

But we DD users have 25%-30% without bars and a simple Tackle EX of 18%. Sum that up and....

The thing people seem to fail at understanding is that the low combo output in doomsday is actually a good thing in his case. There is a lot less chance for the enemy to wager on it since the damage is so low people might not think its worth the bars. On the other side if they do you just loose mere damage and took away bars from the enemy.
DD is about pressure. Working on combos that end on hard Knockdowns (a little less damage) , then trait and then more pressure. Its working wonders....


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well yeah. Some players may have 35-40% combos with 1 bar.

But we DD users have 25%-30% without bars and a simple Tackle EX of 18%. Sum that up and....

The thing people seem to fail at understanding is that the low combo output in doomsday is actually a good thing in his case. There is a lot less chance for the enemy to wager on it since the damage is so low people might not think its worth the bars. On the other side if they do you just loose mere damage and took away bars from the enemy.
DD is about pressure. Working on combos that end on hard Knockdowns (a little less damage) , then trait and then more pressure. Its working wonders....
Yeah, I don't even resort to "fancy combos" especially if the character does not need them(like DD) he can just rush you down, his teleport smash makes anyone nervous to zone him. I especially love DD's pressure in the corner lol


So I started out he game maining deathstroke and doomsday as a sub. According to all the players I played online and offline my Doomsday is better than my deathstroke BY A MILE. So ill be maining doomsday and ill be lurking for tech as well as posting stuff myself.


How do you guys deal with low hit box characters? I tried to JD3 a ducking wonder women and u could connected. This happened multiple times. Is it something ill need to do real low?

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
Yup , what Doomsday dude said. Plus remember even if the J d 3 body splash is a great crossover tool its definitely not the only tool you can use. make THEM jump so you can air grab their asses. Happened to me with FLASH. Missed a couple of jd3's and i stayed on ground just spamming his safe strings and his mixup ones until he fed up and started jumping... XD
(Pressure strings:22df2,22 1+3,and the occational 22df2MB for combos. Safe strings:122,b231,f23,23d1)
Doomsday has plenty to do on ground....
The new option select makes doomsday a huge threat. When you stance, throw, hold down, you're teching throws, and blocking low automatically, this also lets you do an AA Tackle if they jump on you... Welp.... Abuse it while you can.... Coming from a UMK3 player, this is just like the old days of run jab~block


Come and Get it!
The thing people seem to fail at understanding is that the low combo output in doomsday is actually a good thing in his case.

There is a lot less chance for the enemy to wager on it since the damage is so low people might not think its worth the bars.
On the other side if they do you just loose mere damage and took away bars from the enemy.


Come and Get it!
Does air venom have any invincibility on start up?
I'm having trouble finding a legitimate use for this special seeing as how consistent his anti-air throw is working for me.
Besides as an anti-air how has this move served you guys so far
anything interesting?


Your Tears My Strength
For me I stopped using air venom as an anti air a long time ago for the air grab.
Now if I ever use it its going to be for cross up gimmicks when I EX it.


Does air venom have any invincibility on start up?
I'm having trouble finding a legitimate use for this special seeing as how consistent his anti-air throw is working for me.
Besides as an anti-air how has this move served you guys so far
anything interesting?

the hitbox on air venom is absurd. Almost half screen, so you can catch people trying to air fireball you, or just being stupid while they jump (or fly/dash like Hawkgirl/Supes/etc). And MB footdive is pretty godly lol. Can you combo off the footdive though, or is the recovery non sufficient?

I love DD ragequit hatemail:

my reply was "deal with it"

his next reply was something like "frog splash charge air dive"

My reply was "learn to block and dash"

his reply was "noobs use dd"

my reply was "no, noobs ragequit....go back to barbie dolls, little girl"

God I hope this clown posts here or on SRK...


Air venom is DD's best wake-up, It seems like it is completely invincible or at least invincible enough to knock someone the fuck out.

the MB dive portion of the kick can be comboed into if the first part of air venom didn't hit, It's a ghetto dive kick that costs meter.


Your Tears My Strength
Every time I try that the move just trades with their j3. So I just stuck with his air grab, really great at flipping sides too when it connects


I've had his air grab beaten out by various jump ins which always fills me with rage. His air venom seems to beat almost everything I've used it against. But as a wakeup, it can get stuffed. I find I sometimes have to swap with Supernova on wakeup depending on what's going on as I stand up.

What's the consensus for what I should be doing after a wall bounce? I've been experimenting with various attacks (trying to find something fun to do involving a dash, d2 to start). I tried j2 into combos, but he seems to knock people too far back when he j2 or j3 after a wall bounce. Just curious to see what some of you guys have come up with.
air venom is like a wake up shoryuken, if they're jumping on you, use it.... also air venom has weird cross up properties on their wake up... I wasn't able to get it working too well last night at my friends house, but I got it a couple times, he said he was blocking (holding back) and the air venom was hitting him, what I was doing was getting a knock down, dashing in, and doing air venom while I was ontop of their body, if it hit it was usually a cross up, so they'd have to block forward to block it, and it would make punishing the move a little trick because of the frames of having to have the character turn around.
Wallbounce follow up depends on their height when bounces and current gravity proration.

...j3, Air Snatch
...j3, 2, 3, Venom

Best two options I've found. I find myself using the latter more myself.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
From messing around with him I learned.....

2,2,1+3 is godlike
air to air combos are where it's at.
Bounce cancels are useful for him.
Popping trait when you score knockdown is good.
Stages with lots of intechables are highly suggested.
Based on labbing, 2> 3> ES vs 2>3>d+1 seems like a legit 50/50. d+1 hits overhead much slow than ES would... so slowly that it hits at the same time that the low hit of ES would. So if you're playing against an opponent who is able to block the full ES, mixing up the two will still give Doomsday strong pressure on block.

2>2> 1+3 vs 2> 2> ES is also a fifty-fifty (they need to press buttons to counter 1+3, but they need to block/backdash to counter the ES)... but the fact that 1+3 makes you lose all positional advantage on hit makes it a lot worse, imo. I think the only time that its worth going for 2,2> 1+3 is if you just splashed yourself INTO the corner and want to switch side.