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I Want Check For The MK Team!

Do you want CHECK as an Official MK Tester?


    Votes: 31 81.6%
  • It's clear that his time is coming!

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters


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I told him that we would use every ounce of strength that this site has and from its resources to push him and push him hard.

We all know who this man is and we all know that the ONLY reason he's not aboard yet is because you doesn't have a piece of paper saying that he graduated from somewhere... regardless, without further ado... Please take a moment of your time, and no matter what site you're a part of... vote for him in support of the game we are all extremely anxious to play.

The MK Team's shout-out to Check (YouTube ID: CHECK4900) @ 4:20

You can now "Follow" Check on Twitter: www.twitter.com/check_4900
You can also be a fan of his Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Check-King-of-Combos/112861142112909

With Check's permission I made the Twitter and I told him about the fan page created for him. He has complete control over both and I will also assist Check with managing/updating them when needed.

Be sure to follow/ Like his pages and show your support.
Storms... I owe you for this one... I wanted to make a somewhat similar thread mentioning the same thing i did in my last post in the MKast thread. Could they possibly be hinting at a "on the fly" testing job for a couple of days? I mean, we already know they are bringing in NON MK players. So whats to say they wont hit us up next? Im almost 100% sure this is going to happen.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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Sure, I'd want a lot of users on the competitive MK sites (TYM, CMK and UMK) to be testers. Impossible to do worse than whoever has tested the past few games.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
There is a poll for this? Implying somebody would say no. :p More testers the better


Premium Supporter
There is a poll for this? Implying somebody would say no. :p More testers the better
This is in respect of Check's work over the past many years. Sure, he's not necessarily the only one to deserve it but he is definitely one of them.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
This is in respect of Check's work over the past many years. Sure, he's not necessarily the only one to deserve it but he is definitely one of them.
Ofcourse, I think Check defientely deserves to be in that room. Nobody would vote no to that. Hell get Shock and more people who know what they're doing as well.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, Check being apart of the MK team would be cool. Then I would tell Check to give me the good word for voices and fatality and storyline ideas :) lol Plus I could play MK early lol hehe


Premium Supporter
Ofcourse, I think Check defientely deserves to be in that room. Nobody would vote no to that. Hell get Shock and more people who know what they're doing as well.
I completely agree and I want to make one thing very clear here...

Us pushing Check like this is NO disrespect to MK Veterans like Shock, ded_ or NinjaGrinder.... the main reason we're pushing Check is due to that fact that he was mentioned on the MKast.

Shock, especially... knows I have much love for that man... his dedication, his heart for UMK3 especially, his willingness to teach and get more and more people involved with MK, his continuous efforts to support the offline scene in which I don;t know of anyone else who has traveled that road like Shock. So please let it be known that this thread, this push we're giving Check is NO disrespect to the other very qualified players.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Anyone who would vote NO to someone like CHECK, who has taken so much time to discover all there is to find in God knows how many MK games on this planet, would be a complete and utter FOOL. Without a doubt he's earned his place among the team.

100% yes from me!
sticky!! :)

ok, well, maybe not, but the more people who keep this thread active the better. I know GreatKL is doing the same at kamidogu.com. A little surprised that MKO never mentioned me, but oh well.

But please, try to keep this thread active. I know theres plenty of people here who havent posted yet that i know will.

And its great to see Bossette, Blake and Shazeem all posting here. Thanks guys !!!

Bossette - You already know how much i love ya girl! Thanks so much!! Enjoy Black Ops tomorrow lol.

Blake - I appreciate it, man. I hope posting in here makes you feel good. Good karma, man. Thank you!

Shazeem - Much love dude!! You already know how much i like you man! Much respect!

GreatKL - What is there really to say about this guy? I met him 2 days ago!!! And look what he is doing! Unbelievable!

Juggernaut - They most certainly would! I appreciate you even putting my name next to them. As far as 2d games are concerned, THEY ARE THE FIRST CHOICE, regardless of what i have done.

AC - Im still a little surprised because im not used to UMK guys showing me love like you have. You are one of a kind, sir. Very much looking forward to chilling with you!

Bone - God damn, dude. lol. Impale :)

Hood - Hope one day to meet you, man! You're a person id love to chill with! Thanks so much for showing me the amount of respect you have since joining the site. Thank you!

5Ermacs -Thanks man! Like i said to Juggs, those guys would be the first choice since this game is 2d. I could still help a great deal though!

MKF - Pete!!!! Hope to meet you someday, dude. We known each other for SO LONG and talked about meeting up when i moved back to NJ. Well, here i am!! Lets make it happen.

please, please, please, keep this thread active!! get everyone you know to post here. the longer the mk team sees this thread = the better

Needless to say, these past few days have just been amazing. I have to stay focused on school though. Im trying to get to each and every one of you as best as i could. Just understand im working harder in school then ever.

Speaking of school, dont forget im doing that also for the game, and its the most dedicating thing ive EVER done for MK, and i think thats why i got mentioned the other day in the MKast. Its a lot of money too and i dont have a lot of it (Its unfortunate that i have to go through all this to get the job, but im willing to dedicate myself as long as i have to). I can only take a few classes each semester. Thankfully, now that its been a year of me living in NJ i can get financial aid and afford more classes. All im saying is im doing a lot! So please, post in this thread. It would make me so happy, you have no idea.

Thanks again to everyone, especially Storms. ;)


Cock Master!!
im kinda lazy ATM so i just edited one of my older pics lol. ill do a better one maybe some time this week end..

maybe ill do a video later lol
True. That youtube only accounts for the last few years though. I go back about 10 years doing just as much dedication you see on that channel. My first couple years of work was posted on another persons channel named NukesGoBoom. Im sure a few folks from here could vouch for me on that. I'm actually going to add those videos to my channel in the near future.

Regardless of all that, thank you graveyard. Its been... well.. I'm pretty much exhausted from all of it at this point. No idea how im going to find the energy to keep going once MK9 comes out, but im glad i got time to rest up before it happens.

@ DanCock - Saw that before i went to bed last night. Thanks a lot, dude. I hope to see a video. You were a big inspiration to me 10 years ago before i decided to join in the ranks of you guys and all you do for the community.

To anyone that cares, ive actually been a part of the MK Community since The Realm of Mortal Kombat. I believe i was in the 6th Grade when i signed up for that site (I'm 27 years old).


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?

I'm gonna create a topic over on MKO for you CHECK I'll place it in overall MK discussion and I'll link back to this thread so we can get some more votes for ya.

EDIT: Here is the thread honoring CHECK on the MKO boards


Premium Supporter
Keep the votes coming, spread the word, NO one has to register to vote! Make it happen!
That's odd that they told him he needs to be a graduate in order to test games. I know a few dudes who have tested and their no graduates.

Check it would be cool if you were in LA, you basically have all the devs located here. SCEA, Activision, THQ, RockStar, EA, Naughty Dog, Ubisoft etc. Knowing you, you'll prolly land something.

But i'll vote Yes.
Wow Death.. That MKO post was unbelievable.. Pretty shocked after reading that. Good to see pred still supporting. Hes a good guy.

Im a little under the weather right now, but i just wanted to acknowledge your efforts here (nice pictures) and MKO. It truly means a lot. Thank you so much for going out of your way to do all that. It wont be forgotten.

@ Demon - Thank you. Different companies have different policies on testing. Last time i talked to Paulo about their policies he was unsure of them yet because of the whole merger with WB. Ill keep this short... Im going to be testing for MK9 unofficially (hopefully), but one day im going to be working for NetherRealm Studios.