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I Am Gotham's Reckoning -- Bane General Discussion Thread


David is an Low Tier Hero, he plays Dan in SSF4. But on to bane, do you guys think it's viable to use a string such as B2, 3 into charge as a frame trap in some match ups? I feel like it would be good against people who would normally backdash out of our pressure such as Black Adam or Flash.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
David is an Low Tier Hero, he plays Dan in SSF4. But on to bane, do you guys think it's viable to use a string such as B2, 3 into charge as a frame trap in some match ups? I feel like it would be good against people who would normally backdash out of our pressure such as Black Adam or Flash.
David is an Low Tier Hero, he plays Dan in SSF4. But on to bane, do you guys think it's viable to use a string such as B2, 3 into charge as a frame trap in some match ups? I feel like it would be good against people who would normally backdash out of our pressure such as Black Adam or Flash.
Most people will try and poke you out of a blocked b23 and you can just hit them with an armored double punch. Using charge at close range isn't a bad idea, but you might get hit twice because of it's start up if you're using it after a blocked b23.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Most people will try and poke you out of a blocked b23 and you can just hit them with an armored double punch. Using charge at close range isn't a bad idea, but you might get hit twice because of it's start up if you're using it after a blocked b23.
With the advantage double punch gives, its not a bad idea what with it being mostly neutral. Another option is normal grab being it'll come out at about 5 frames, faster than any counter poke can come out barring the obvious superman super.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
With the advantage double punch gives, its not a bad idea what with it being mostly neutral. Another option is normal grab being it'll come out at about 5 frames, faster than any counter poke can come out barring the obvious superman super.
Isn't B2>3 +4 on block? If that's the case, isn't not canceling it to maintain the +4 the better choice?
David is an Low Tier Hero, he plays Dan in SSF4.
Iirc the only character I've picked and stuck with who is low tier in the sense of not being competitively viable is Q in Third Strike. I used to play Zangief in Super Turbo, but that was in combination with Honda to address each others' bad matchups (Honda gets killed by shotos and DeeJay but Zangief beats shotos and does ok against DeeJay; Zangief gets killed by, well, half the cast, but Honda beats or goes even with that half). In any case I dropped Gief for Dictator, who I think is high-mid. In SF4 I played high-mid tier Zangief, high tier Hakan, and low tier Dan, but being low tier in that game means Dan still beats some important characters and can mostly compete. In MK9 I played Cyrax, in MvC3 I played Shehulk/Spencer/Doom, in UMvC3 I play Hulk/Haggar/Thor, in Tekken I played Jack, etc. All of those characters are mid tier or better!

In this game it's too early to know who will be low tier, both because characters and matchups are still largely unexplored and because we don't know how NRS will end up patching things. Imo Bane's ultimate tier position is totally up for grabs.

In any case, I haven't had time to play since the patch. So the frame data on double punch was changed, right? Has the data on anything else changed? I can't wait to get home tonight to see.
Iirc the only character I've picked and stuck with who is low tier in the sense of not being competitively viable is Q in Third Strike. I used to play Zangief in Super Turbo, but that was in combination with Honda to address each others' bad matchups (Honda gets killed by shotos and DeeJay but Zangief beats shotos and does ok against DeeJay; Zangief gets killed by, well, half the cast, but Honda beats or goes even with that half). In any case I dropped Gief for Dictator, who I think is high-mid. In SF4 I played high-mid tier Zangief, high tier Hakan, and low tier Dan, but being low tier in that game means Dan still beats some important characters and can mostly compete. In MK9 I played Cyrax, in MvC3 I played Shehulk/Spencer/Doom, in UMvC3 I play Hulk/Haggar/Thor, in Tekken I played Jack, etc. All of those characters are mid tier or better!

In this game it's too early to know who will be low tier, both because characters and matchups are still largely unexplored and because we don't know how NRS will end up patching things. Imo Bane's ultimate tier position is totally up for grabs.

In any case, I haven't had time to play since the patch. So the frame data on double punch was changed, right? Has the data on anything else changed? I can't wait to get home tonight to see.
The frame data wasn't changed. It was corrected. Double Punch was always neutral on block.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Does Bane have any inescapable setups with his super? I was playing a Bane last night and he knocked me down and cancelled (I think) into super, I felt as if I couldn't escape.


I like to play bad characters
Does Bane have any inescapable setups with his super? I was playing a Bane last night and he knocked me down and cancelled (I think) into super, I felt as if I couldn't escape.
Based off your experience what do you think?

Every Character does in some way, usually in Combos. But there are some other instances that work as well. Bane has a couple, sometimes they're situational or based of player habits.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Hm? What's all this now? Oh, lol. I mean honestly if you guys wanna read over the same stuff that's in the topics already out (barring the stuff from this morning) and mindless Bane banter you are welcome to go ahead and do so. We aren't likely to excommunicate Ultradavid since we will still want him to assist us in trimming the fat from the techs before releasing them so you guys can get nothing but the best.

I think Aug was making a Bane joke, being Bane was "excommunicated" from the league of shadows and etc etc.


Hm? What's all this now? Oh, lol. I mean honestly if you guys wanna read over the same stuff that's in the topics already out (barring the stuff from this morning) and mindless Bane banter you are welcome to go ahead and do so. We aren't likely to excommunicate Ultradavid since we will still want him to assist us in trimming the fat from the techs before releasing them so you guys can get nothing but the best.

I think Aug was making a Bane joke, being Bane was "excommunicated" from the league of shadows and etc etc.

Well, just based on his reaction so far on twitter, I'm not sure he thinks it was a "joke".