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I Am Gotham's Reckoning -- Bane General Discussion Thread


It seems like the way to go, or what i've been doing recently is double punch with 1 and 2 venom and when you get up to 3 venom you should f.2d instead


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Superman got nerfed too? :D
Technically everyone except us did, since we didn't rely on OTG set-ups before per se. We relied on force stands, which weren't touched, and meaty set-ups which have benefitted from what it looks like honestly.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Also our double punch is neutral on guard (A.K.A. everyone but supes are unable to punish it) and +23 frames of on-hit advantage, with what looks like a better upwards reach (hits about f.3 distance above our heads instead of just at head level)


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Technically everyone except us did, since we didn't rely on OTG set-ups before per se. We relied on force stands, which weren't touched, and meaty set-ups which have benefitted from what it looks like honestly.
Wait, so I don't understand their wake-up on frame 1 change means. Does that mean it is EASIER to do wake-up attacks now? Doesn't that make a lot of our throw setups weaker? I don't see how this doesn't hurt Bane unless the change only applies to wake-up off a tech roll.


Vertebral Subluxationist
Everything should still work the same functionally. The CPU has always been able to wake up correctly, so any setup you created/tested in training mode on the dummy should still work on actual people.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
So to summarize this patch:
Double punch is neutral on block
Wake-up attacks are NOT easier to do and we should just ignore the frame 1 wake-up change they made because it means nothing?


Vertebral Subluxationist
Double punch was probably always neutral on block. They just fixed the frame data. And unless you developed meaty setups with a friend and never tested them and confirmed that they also work on the CPU in training mode, then yea, you can pretty much ignore that change too.


You're going to shoot guns at me?
Wait, so I don't understand their wake-up on frame 1 change means. Does that mean it is EASIER to do wake-up attacks now? Doesn't that make a lot of our throw setups weaker? I don't see how this doesn't hurt Bane unless the change only applies to wake-up off a tech roll.
There was a frame where you technically do a wakeup attack but wasn't considered invincible to lows, so low meaties could stuff all wakeups.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
There was a frame where you technically do a wakeup attack but wasn't considered invincible to lows, so low meaties could stuff all wakeups.
Oh no... no more meaty low setups! To be fair, it was a bug, and it should be fixed. I'll live through it.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Also our double punch is neutral on guard (A.K.A. everyone but supes are unable to punish it) and +23 frames of on-hit advantage, with what looks like a better upwards reach (hits about f.3 distance above our heads instead of just at head level)
Is this confirmed? I can't seem to gauge the hitbox change. I can't tell are you being sarcastic about saying neutral on block, only to then say punishable by Superman.


Vertebral Subluxationist
I dunno about the hitbox change, but the frame data says very clearly that DP is 0 on block. However, it is very possible for Superman to super it. So either the data is wrong and DP is -2 or more or Superman's super is 0 frames lol.


I dunno about the hitbox change, but the frame data says very clearly that DP is 0 on block. However, it is very possible for Superman to super it. So either the data is wrong and DP is -2 or more or Superman's super is 0 frames lol.
Superman´s Super starts before the player even think to do it . It´s -5 on startup


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Is this confirmed? I can't seem to gauge the hitbox change. I can't tell are you being sarcastic about saying neutral on block, only to then say punishable by Superman.
It's neutral on block but CPU superman can punish almost everything with super
If they just rewrote some of the numbers in the in-game frame data I wouldn't be surprised. I've thought that some of Bane's data seemed miswritten anyway, it always seemed kinda fishy to me. After double punch is blocked, I've mashed down+1 and beaten normal attacks from the opponent. That shouldn't happen if double punch is -5 and down+1 has 11 startup frames even if the opponent hesitates to press a button for a few frames.