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Question How do/did you learn your mus? or how do you get better/lvl up like some players say


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Practicing. Getting my ass kicked by player better than me.

The whooping that GGA gave me in august really leveled me up.


LIn Kuei Champion
Yeah we live about 45 minutes out of Philadelphia.
EDIT lol flash beat me to it. We should play online sometime. I just picked up Sonya though so I am a little bit free
yeah that would be cool I wish I had xbox too because lots of the good players are on xbox too.


LIn Kuei Champion
Practicing. Getting my ass kicked by player better than me.

The whooping that GGA gave me in august really leveled me up.
Yeah me and my bro learned how to fight kitana, mileena, and jade because mr. mileena. He would mess us up first online alot then we figured out how to fight against them.


Ayy Lmao
I play every MU the same, which is why I'm so free. Don't rush down JC they say? Pshh, I'll rush him and down with Stryker. And I end up getting destroyed.


Mostly online but against good players like the people here at TYM. I usually host a TYM room or join one of the streams that are up. I got better at anti-airing playing against noobs who jump a lot so I guess that helped. I learned a lot offline too with the STL crew. Hopefully I can play with them again soon. :)


Ayy Lmao
Mostly online but against good players like the people here at TYM. I usually host a TYM room or join one of the streams that are up. I got better at anti-airing playing against noobs who jump a lot so I guess that helped. I learned a lot offline too with the STL crew. Hopefully I can play with them again soon. :)
I was one of those Noobs :cool:
I recreated the game in my head by memorizing the frame data of all the moves, and now i know how to punish everything and can wiff punish and react to anything based on 1 start up frame.


Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I don't think there is anybody in the community who has never played mk online besides maybe chris g? interesting to see how people learned etc. most the answers will be online.
I don't play online.. I tried it a few times but I'd do so horrible with Sektor I'd switch to a character that wasn't so kombo dependant like Jax.. Needless to say, that doesn't help me out with match ups. I never learned a match up through online and I'm sure there's more people than just me that kan honestly say that.

Luckily I have Krayzie and Wonder_Chef to practice with who know the whole kast and the rest of EGP whenever we meet up.


LIn Kuei Champion
Mostly online but against good players like the people here at TYM. I usually host a TYM room or join one of the streams that are up. I got better at anti-airing playing against noobs who jump a lot so I guess that helped. I learned a lot offline too with the STL crew. Hopefully I can play with them again soon. :)
nice tym has helped lots of player lvl up


LIn Kuei Champion
I don't play online.. I tried it a few times but I'd do so horrible with Sektor I'd switch to a character that wasn't so kombo dependant like Jax.. Needless to say, that doesn't help me out with match ups. I never learned a match up through online and I'm sure there's more people than just me that kan honestly say that.

Luckily I have Krayzie and Wonder_Chef to practice with who know the whole kast and the rest of EGP whenever we meet up.
interesting there still very few mk players who don't use online for mus


LIn Kuei Champion
If you ever find yourself in Chicago, you have to stop by - you'd love the place. And you're right, we're all pretty cool except Wafflez - gotta watch out for that guy.
lol wafflez and them resets. its crazy but me and my bro are from the southside of chicago. Are parents lived there for most their lives. Me and my bro only lived there for like a few years then we moved to vegas. We lived in vegas most our lives. just born and chicago. Only thing I prolly wouldn't like about chicago is how cold it gets aha like subzero aha

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
yeah that would be cool I wish I had xbox too because lots of the good players are on xbox too.
O i thought you said you were on xbox earlier in thethread. O well. Hopefully sometime HGTV can play you guys when we get to go to some more tournaments, its hard when you are in high school haha.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
interesting which offline kabal did you play?
Streetsweep, SquirtMcGirt, and for the short time that he was over, Michaelangelo.

Realistically though, the only way I learn matchups now is online, which really makes me salty when I go an for anti-air jab only to get full comboed.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Everything is online. I have an offline scene but we really just get together to play tournaments not grind out any matchups...


Do not touch me again.
  • online helps to a certain extent. If you're playing a high level player online, it's definitely helpful.

  • I play arcade ladder on the Vita a lot to kill time, but the one beneficial thing about it is that the AI will complete strings, so you can sort of see all of the tools each character has (no matter how crappy they are, lol).

  • Learning how to play the characters I'm free to. I used to have a lot of trouble with Stryker, so I picked him up for a few days just to see what his shenanigans were all about.