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Question How do/did you learn your mus? or how do you get better/lvl up like some players say


LIn Kuei Champion
I leveled up by playing mostly online. I only know of two people in my area who are decent; One is a Kang player and the other a Sub-Zero player. We use to play a lot, but they've gotten bored of the game.
I wish everybody who didn't have scene offline could move to vegas that would be tight aha.


LIn Kuei Champion
I play PLENTY of competant members from TYM that incorporate excellent spacing and footsies with no lag. Jumping IS NOT difficult to punish online. That's why I always scoff at the people crying "Ewwww online...I can't do shit". Umm no...get off the wireless and onto a wired and stop making excuses for your neandrathal reflexes and reactions. That is all. ;)
yeah if everybody used wired less lag simple concept

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
I have 3 high level friends all within a 5 minute car ride of me that between all of us at least one of us is pretty good with each character. When injustice comes out we are extending our training team to 6 instead of 4 so it's going to be insane the amount of offline practice we will get.


LIn Kuei Champion
Playing my local scene online only got me so far as they know only a few characters. To help my local scene and myself, I took it upon myself to learn and play multiple characters like MIT does. This helps me as well.

I have always hated online, but it is the single greatest resource for learning matchups that we have if we do not have a large local scene. This is where I get experience fighting the Skarlets, the Rains, the Sektors, etc.
yeah learning lots of chars does help alot. sometimes me and my bro play lots of random select fight because we know so much of the cast its pretty fun when you know lots of chars. learn other chars does help alot when learning mus.


LIn Kuei Champion
I have 3 high level friends all within a 5 minute car ride of me that between all of us at least one of us is pretty good with each character. When injustice comes out we are extending our training team to 6 instead of 4 so it's going to be insane the amount of offline practice we will get.
nice hopefully more vegas players will come out so our scene can get bigger. but our 4 is good right now for mk


LIn Kuei Champion
Well some sf and other big game players will probably pick up injustice so that will help
yeah because sf and especially marvel are big out here and all the other games. our scene might grow alot when injustice comes out we'll see. Can't wait to learn that game.


Cage ban wagon?
I used to play online like a crackhead too lol. Still kinda do but don't get so down on myself when I lose to BS online tactics. I used to have a character master of basically every character on my friendslist so I was always good in most MU's. Also watching streams and tournaments encouraged me to get better and to strive to be the best. Watching tournaments tought me how/when to counterpoke and play certain MU's at the highest level. Also the europeans helped me level up ALOT. I wouldn't have been half the skill I was now if I didn't play the europeans. They tought me how to play more patient and how to anti air and play better footsies.

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
yeah because sf and especially marvel are big out here and all the other games. our scene might grow alot when injustice comes out we'll see. Can't wait to learn that game.
They'll be like "these mortal kombat players have no idea how much we are about to body them in this back to block fighter" 5 minutes lates ... "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THEY KNOW LIKE EVERY CHARACTER!!!"
I would have to say online and getting out of that w/l ratio mindset because that doesn't matter at the end of the day.Sometimes I just get online just so that I can test something out on human opponents.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Unfortunately I only have 1 friend who I play with offline and he mains Ermac, but has a few decent secondaries. Also TYM and XBL.


Yung Kneecaps
The training dummy, online to some extent, EGP especially, and because of my bro I can and will body any kitana that tries to get in my way without any lamborghini mercy.


LIn Kuei Champion
I used to play online like a crackhead too lol. Still kinda do but don't get so down on myself when I lose to BS online tactics. I used to have a character master of basically every character on my friendslist so I was always good in most MU's. Also watching streams and tournaments encouraged me to get better and to strive to be the best. Watching tournaments tought me how/when to counterpoke and play certain MU's at the highest level. Also the europeans helped me level up ALOT. I wouldn't have been half the skill I was now if I didn't play the europeans. They tought me how to play more patient and how to anti air and play better footsies.
nice european players with those fundamentals footsies. they're good. i was wondering why they were cheering for you at evo. I was like WTF? I forgot you played online with them alot. interesting so you were good and got better playing the european players? yeah with online i still play it every once in a while and If i lose to online tactics I just laugh. I know what works offline. I don't think there is anybody in the community who has never played mk online besides maybe chris g? interesting to see how people learned etc. most the answers will be online.