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Hey guys! Did you miss me?!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Injustice belonging to everyone.
THIS right here is the most important part of this entire thread.

The amount of heads from all walks of FGC life being united under one banner, LI Joe included.

Let's stop the damn arguing and take inventory of the badass amount of people we have in line for IGAU.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I don't want to keep harping on this, but I absolutely cannot believe someone would say "MK9 IS MK" and that it's the only MK game that matters. This sense of entitlement MK9 players seem to have really is irritating. You guys have been given everything on a silver platter, you didn't have to grind it out and work your ass off just to get a solid 32 man tournament. Most of you don't even run your own tournaments, the OG MK players run your tournaments. Instead of being grateful, you guys act like you're supposed to be treated like royalty and that your game is supposed to be given special treatment and attention. You know where the MK community would be if the guys like Shock had this type of attitude? The MKC wouldn't be HALF of where it is today if it wasn't for the foundation layed at the feet of MK9. And the foundation wasn't even taken over by MK9 players, the same guys are running tournaments for a game they don't even like, just to support the community.

The disrespect and sheer ignorance that you guys have is so retarded.
I fucking love you, Juggy-san.

It's guys like Joe and the long-standing vets, the people who stick around when all sane perspectives tell them to run, the people who support their titles against all odds or logic, that make me hope I can do this for 20+ years like the vets of right now have done, so I can be there to watch the padawans tun to Jedi and see my own "Should we welcome or shun LI Joe?" debates catch fire.
You welcome the man. You always welcome a veteran, because he's a veteran for a reason. Opinions of this mess of a game of oura aside, I don't know why you would want to dismiss the statements and wants of someone who's done as much for the FGC, MK specifically, as Joe has. I didn't even know what a fucking LI Joe was until I dove into to not just this game but the scene itself, and if its one thing its taught me, its have some respect for those who have come before you, especially when for whatever indecipherable reason, they really want you to succeed. Joe could've easily done his seductive Brazzers dance on SRK, but instead he came here, to seek us out and wish us his support. He talked shit because he'e been around long enough to earn the right. I can live with that. IGAU is gonna be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, and we need all the friends we can get.