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Hey guys! Did you miss me?!


Zaf! Are you coming down again this year?
of course, i will never miss an east coast tourney even if i do not compete.
i wanted to go to the injustice tourneys april 27th to hang out with every one, but $$

thank you shock thank you zaf..
i go to project wolf yes.. 3 hours away from my house.. why? cause I do it for the money? because i played in the tournament? no and no. I did it to help the scene and support my brothers in keeping it alive... thank you.
I appreciate all that you have done. but some people can not see past some things because the MKC is all they know.
its all stemming from ignorance, so you cant really blame the haters in the end. They will learn eventually.

i dont come from the MKC, i come from smash and Street fighter. I have been around a lil bit now in the fgc. So i sometimes look at the mkc looking in, rather then being in the community and i see a lot of retarded shit thats goes on, but it all comes back to ignorance of the fgc


Oh god hahaha. Were both really bad at french but we can try and help you out.
Je parle francais un petit peu. I dropped a little en francais on Kayane at MLG last year. Quelle surprise!

But yeah, I gotta reiterate, all the negativity is about not wanting Joe come back because they know he'll do well if he plays, and saying anything to marginalize him to a community who may or may not know exactly who is because he didn't like the game they play. He never said he doesn't like you, he's just like ME and he wants a BETTER game for you guys, cause you deserve it. If you can't see that, then stay in your bubbles.
MLG sucks, please don't make me bust their nuts on what they did to Gears and Halo...Lol.

MLG cares about the quick buck, FoTM/Y games, as soon as SC/Moba got big they jumped on it and left eveything in the dust, LoL was dropped than picked back up. MLG sucks, it's only good for cashcow if your game is lucky to make it.

It's even more scumbagish they never publicly acknowledge dropped games, they treat it, as if it never existed, even if you asked.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I don't want to keep harping on this, but I absolutely cannot believe someone would say "MK9 IS MK" and that it's the only MK game that matters. This sense of entitlement MK9 players seem to have really is irritating. You guys have been given everything on a silver platter, you didn't have to grind it out and work your ass off just to get a solid 32 man tournament. Most of you don't even run your own tournaments, the OG MK players run your tournaments. Instead of being grateful, you guys act like you're supposed to be treated like royalty and that your game is supposed to be given special treatment and attention. You know where the MK community would be if the guys like Shock had this type of attitude? The MKC wouldn't be HALF of where it is today if it wasn't for the foundation layed at the feet of MK9. And the foundation wasn't even taken over by MK9 players, the same guys are running tournaments for a game they don't even like, just to support the community.

The disrespect and sheer ignorance that you guys have is so retarded.


I'm a literal Sloth
I don't want to keep harping on this, but I absolutely cannot believe someone would say "MK9 IS MK" and that it's the only MK game that matters. This sense of entitlement MK9 players seem to have really is irritating. You guys have been given everything on a silver platter, you didn't have to grind it out and work your ass off just to get a solid 32 man tournament. Most of you don't even run your own tournaments, the OG MK players run your tournaments. Instead of being grateful, you guys act like you're supposed to be treated like royalty and that your game is supposed to be given special treatment and attention. You know where the MK community would be if the guys like Shock had this type of attitude? The MKC wouldn't be HALF of where it is today is it wasn't for the foundation layed at the feet of MK9. And the foundation wasn't even taken over by MK9 players, the same guys are running tournaments for a game they don't even like, just to support the community.

The disrespect and sheer ignorance that you guys have is so retarded.
I come from a 2003/4 smash scene, I know all about trying to get people to do shit. I've also ran tournaments for MK here in Montreal and trying to get a solid bracket is tough, I agree with everything you've written.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The other point I'd like to bring up is, why go to the MLG model? Does it necessarily work? What's being sacrificed in return? Why strive for eSports? Although I think that's a stupid term to begin with, we all play games competitively, so just call it competitive gaming and put an umbrella over it. James Chen has a great analogy for this very thing. You wouldn't ask the people who run Wimbledon to run the Stanley Cup. It's still sports, but it's completely different at the same time. Let them do what they do, while we do what we do.

There is also an incredible difference between us and the PC community. We come from arcades. Dirty, grimy, filthy arcades where shit talk happened face to face, not over ventrilo. We include EVERYONE in our tournaments, not just the top 32 or whatever. Every tournament is an open tournament. PC games are not like that on the big stage. Local events hardly happen because (and I sound like an old man saying this, but it's true) LAN parties never happen. The local level is near nonexistent. It's all online. There are separate brackets for newer players and pros. It's even like this in Quake, a game that I play every single day. Fighting game tournaments are not like PC tournaments. The communities are different, the rules are different. Would you be OK if I told you "hey since you haven't placed Top 8 in any open major, you can't enter The Fall Classic, but you can still pay $50 to be here"? It's not fair to the community to do that, and that's all we are looking out for. We're letting our events grow organically like we always have. Give it time and big things will come. In 5 short years, we've increased the attendance of ECT 700% from the first year. We reach for the stars, but stay grounded and realistic while sticking to our morals.
I hear you -- and I'm not advocating that events be run akin to MLG. I am saying that even without esports, there is a much bigger audience to be tapped into for the FGC. I personally love these games, and the tournaments are always exciting and full of their own storylines. I believe that far more people would watch if they knew these things existed; but many do not, and it's one of my goals to help with that this year.

To be fair, as a long time PC gamer, there are a lot of barcrafts and similar events taking place all around the world. Even in the top leagues, teams are allowed to play their way in, and slots are up for grabs to anyone who can make it far enough in the qualifiers (like team MRN did). There'd be even more of these if the netcode wasn't good enough to allow solid online play, but for RTS and MOBA, communitity events can happen online as well as off. But I was not suggesting to use the exact same model; my point is FGC events are already hugely entertaining and deserve a bigger spotlight than they currently have. So whatever we can do to extend the word about these tourneys to the outside world would be great.

To put it simply, we might not need esports, but we can at least come together and really promote what we have.

I agree about the egos, and it's a roadblock; but even if we can at least get people working together in smaller ways, it'd be better than having everyone pretend they're in separate worlds, while most of the people who purchased these games have no idea that some of the best gameplay they'll ever have a chance to see is taking place underneath their noses.

In any case, I'm committed to helping wherever I can.
I don't want to keep harping on this, but I absolutely cannot believe someone would say "MK9 IS MK" and that it's the only MK game that matters. This sense of entitlement MK9 players seem to have really is irritating. You guys have been given everything on a silver platter, you didn't have to grind it out and work your ass off just to get a solid 32 man tournament. Most of you don't even run your own tournaments, the OG MK players run your tournaments. Instead of being grateful, you guys act like you're supposed to be treated like royalty and that your game is supposed to be given special treatment and attention. You know where the MK community would be if the guys like Shock had this type of attitude? The MKC wouldn't be HALF of where it is today if it wasn't for the foundation layed at the feet of MK9. And the foundation wasn't even taken over by MK9 players, the same guys are running tournaments for a game they don't even like, just to support the community.

The disrespect and sheer ignorance that you guys have is so retarded.
That's definitely someething a lot of people forget. We were here, ready, for the new MK community members when MK9 dropped. We had the equipment (for the most part, sorry for 2am pools at ECT3) and the readyness to run these tournaments for you. New players didn't have to grind it out like Juggs said. Everything was here for you. I want to show you something. Here is where the Long Island community, and me and Joe's community, got started. Granted, this is 3rd Strike, but UMK3 was added at my tournaments during the same summer.

That is a FUCKING BACKYARD! We turned that, into this:

And UMK3 and MK9 has followed with us every step of the way. You're welcome.
I understand what you're saying. I know MK got low numbers, and that's the reason it was dropped. NRS/WB had a 1 season contract. I want you to watch something. There is a major FGC sponsor that is also involved in MLG right now that also has a 1 season contract. They are going to drop after this season. I won't say the name, but just watch it happen. I 100% guarantee you it's going to happen. More goes on behind the scenes than what Sundance is telling everyone. Do you know how many times I personally gave them the formula on how to get the FGC involved in a REAL manner that will benefit everyone? Three times since 2008. I know three people who worked there, asked me how to get it to work I wrote it out, gave it to them, and it was rejected at the meetings. MLG's problem is that they look for quick solutions to big problems. They put the right people in the wrong places. Why was Arturo simply a stream manager? Why wasn't he the FGC liason? Carlos was the FGC liason. I know Carlos personally. I've known him since Tekken 5 was in arcades. He lives 20 minutes away from me. We're friends. Everyone knows Arturo from every community, Carlos was better off behind the scenes. His resources were much better put elsewhere, but MLG doesn't look that far in advance. Look at how Capcom handles it. They had Seth Killian as their community lead. Why? Because everyone knew him from back in the day as a great player. He was heavily involved in Evo until 2007 when he was hired by Capcom on the SF4 project. Look who the community lead is now. Combofiend. Peter has been around for YEARS in the Capcom community and everyone knows him. MLG makes backwards decisions on things that don't matter to them. The FGC didn't matter to them. It was doomed from the start.


I'm totally blown away.

The lack of respect here is beyond unconscionable.

Before most of you even had thoughts of going to a tournament, LI Joe was already OG. Before most of you thought you could contribute to the MKC, Joe was already paving the road for you to even consider doing that!

In it for the money? This man goes to more tournaments than just about anyone I know. He travels the world and does it on his own dime.

SweetJohnnyCage and thisisiloveu were THE FIRST tournament to put MK on stream... a DEFINING MOMENT for MK. Not only did they put it on stream, they DEMANDED that it be on stream... including telling off Seb (and for those of you who don't know who Seb is, that just goes to show that you don't know a damn thing about your FGC history, Streaming history or the MKC History) and that he better sit down and check his ass while we prepped for the game going on stream.

John and Joe were on the front lines fighting for MK respect before most of you even considered MK as a viable game.

So many people ask that non-MK communities give our beloved franchise a try... some like it, some don't... but it seems that every person who is a perceived outsider (see: Chris G) who does well in our game gets lambasted... and Joe was good till he dropped it.

It's time to stop thinking you can have it both ways. Either you want members of all communities to feel welcome playing MK and NRS games and watch our scene flourish or you want to spew nothing but hate and venom at them and watch our scene die.

Never, though, should you question the sheer dedication that John and Joe have shown our scene and our community.

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
I came in here to just say one thing.

Lately, as everyone is aware, I have contacted countless sites, community leaders and top players about trying to organize events, video segments and streams that promote unity within the Injustice community. I cannot count how many people have simply ignored me and wouldn't give me the time of day for whatever reason.

Joe responded to me immediately and agreed to help me with something that didn't benefit him whatsoever. Way back before Winter Brawl, when I initially came to him about the Mortal Kombat Legends vs Capcom Legends Injustice 5v5 he was really enthusiastic about the idea and I've been talking to him about it since then. I was, and still am, a nobody. Joe was willing to listen, toss ideas around and help develop something that a lot of people merely ignored. He had no reason to do this; I didn't have any money to offer him, I didn't really have any way to compensate him and early on I barely had any details and he still agreed to do it and work with me. Someone taking the time out of their day on multiple occasions to work with a nobody from the MK community on a 5v5 are not the actions of a person who doesn't care about this community.

Since the initial talks they've agreed to host the 5v5 at ECT and I have to say that a lot of its progress is because of Joe and SJC. These guys are awesome and I can't wait to see them at future events.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Lately, as everyone is aware, I have contacted countless sites, community leaders and top players about trying to organize events, video segments and streams that promote unity within the Injustice community. I cannot count how many people have simply ignored me and wouldn't give me the time of day for whatever reason.
Exactly. This is the stuff that baffles me. You'd think everyone would be down to give the tiniest bit to help something that ultimately benefits the entire community. If we want to move forward as a whole, the separatist/elitist mentality has to change.


My blades will find your heart
This is my last time acknowledged this thread. First thank you for the warm welcome some of you. Which, I might add, i did not ask for anyone to kiss my ass that I am coming back. I just said hey guys im back whats up lets play injustice. AANNNNNDDD the only reason I came here is because I can answer everyone's questions about injustice. I have the ability to right this very second.. I came here to heeelllpppp the community. The MK community. Since INJ is clearly falling in the MK umbrella.

Now., Yes MK9 is not a good game to me. Which i stated why earlier and most of you guys can understand my reasoning for not liking it. I don't like the game but I support it.. Do i like BB, nope. Do i like SF4, no. I have talked more shit about sf4 then I ever have mk9 thats for sure. You can ask anyone outside of the MK community shell how much shit i talk about sf4... For someone reason you guys act like im killing you children. Its a game everyone. Please relax.. I always support the scene as a whole no matter what game or who wins or how broken, big or small the numbers are. ECT2 was the biggest viewing of MK ever until mk9. I understand you dont want to credit me for supporting umk3 and or playing it. The thing is, facts are facts my G. Most of the well respected OGs do not like MK9. so whats the big deal? who cares man..

I heard few "hes a TO he does it for the money". Dont ASSume you know me or why I do things. If I was in it for the money, why do I not run ads on my stream? Why do I not make money off my stream raffling n selling stuff? Because I do not do it for the money. I do it because I want to give you guys something. The FGC. Not this scene or that scene. THE FGC. I work for my money homeslice. This is not work. This is pride, passion and love.

Like me, love me, hate me, respect me or disrespect me. I've done my all with the community as a whole and no matter what anyone says or how they see it., I know I left my mark here.

I could also go on and on about the mlg thing. That gets into heavy politics which Ill leave sjc to do.. if he hasn't already.

One more thing. I might say innjustice is butt too. Time will tell. But i respect the game and the steps nrs has taken to improve it over mk9. If anyone has any questions about it hit the stream up. I got you!
You most likely have no idea who I am but let me just say:

Thank you for putting these stupid fanboys in there place. I love the MKC but some of it's members are beyond assholes. Welcome back and thank you for offering our community more than those losers ever could.
Anyone realize how quick Astro Gaming got dropped as official headset sponsors now they got Turtle Beach?

Lol, MLG fishes for sponsors. Why don't they have any consistency...


Exactly. This is the stuff that baffles me. You'd think everyone would be down to give the tiniest bit to help something that ultimately benefits the entire community. If we want to move forward as a whole, the separatist/elitist mentality has to change.
what also has to change is the MKC thinking injustice belongs to them. its from NRS but its not built for MK players.
I was happy when all the threads like "what dont you like about this game" " not buying this game" came about
because it shows you that injustice is not like mk at all. Even the combo system, its dial a combo. MK is not the only game with dial combos....
injustice will be for every gamer and no one in specific.

all the people who do not like sf4, will not like injustice for the same reasons.


what also has to change is the MKC thinking injustice belongs to them. its from NRS but its not built for MK players.
At the same time, MK players "defending their game", seems to be one of the fires that was lit under the MKC; so that part isn't all bad, but everyone keep in mind that it's all for the love of the game.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Exactly. This is the stuff that baffles me. You'd think everyone would be down to give the tiniest bit to help something that ultimately benefits the entire community. If we want to move forward as a whole, the separatist/elitist mentality has to change.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Its been called many things, but its called a brotherhood.

It started with Shock, met peeps, who became brothers, like 9.95 summoning SweetJohnnyCage thisisiloveu then later with Dark_Rob then eventually crossing paths with STORMS & Krayzie Also the TO's who LOVED & supported MK unconditionally along with Joey & John like BigE Ghaleon fugee don & now with ShinBlanka & CEO Jebailey

People like ZAQ & Konqrr are apart of this too, from running or maintaining forums to being involved face to face in the tourney scene. Im sure im leaving out someone, but I just don't think people don't realize how special this group of people are not only to me, but to this scene.


Joker waiting room
I say ignorant people shouldn't be speaking.

Especially when one can't speak about helping the community when he tried to screw it over and then shit hit the fan ( ;) ).