as a “boomer” I have to add SF3 is patient zero for this. Capcom really cooked (as the kids say) with the “next gen” roster but it took near a decade for it to be really appreciated in the USA. It’s the wind waker of street fighter games. Now we are mostly stuck with sf2 reps.Soul Calibur V tried a new story where they brought in like half the cast being new and a bunch of changes, and it was so ill received that the game literally never recovered lol
edit: just to bring this back to mk1 I think people downplay the inventiveness of bringing new gameplay archetypes to the series. I can’t comment on this but there seems to be a KI influence as well! Maybe with time people will acknowledge this, but this MK1 imagining of the cast (gameplay wise) is more than sufficient to keep me interested in the next game. I have a feeling they’re going to more closely iterate this time for the next game though I don’t have any evidence.
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