The point of "too little to late" is a relevant one though. This by the looks of it might be the last patch, content drop/update. Also we still dont have rooms, practice while matchmaking, customization slots etc etc."A year and half" is relative considering Capcom and Namco took a lot longer to fix Street Fighter 5 and Tekken 7, respectively.
Nonetheless, I understand that people have different standards, so your talking point is not necessarily wrong.
However, you have been moving the goal post for a year and half (and counting).
NRS has addressed many of the issues that you and I complained about for a year (i.e., Sub Zero's nerfs, low power levels, lack of character variety, etc.)
When the correction of these issues is mentioned, you resort to the predictable year-one arguments (i.e., the game was bad on release, the kameo system is flawed, the offline tournament numbers are low, etc.), which no rational person is denying.
More importantly, for a guy who has made a prominent name for himself playing Mortal Kombat for over three decades, you consistently disparage the franchise as well as the NRS (and fighting game) community on Mike's YouTube channel. You come across as condescending and resentful. For two months, you fabricated and discussed a nonissue.
Why would anyone associate you with positivity or give you the benefit of the doubt?
I would like to believe that I am consistent. When the game was legitimately bad, I said so. Now that NRS is improving the game, I say so.
I still heavily criticize the game but in productive and meaningful ways that will hopefully result in a superior game.
We dont know if we will get any of it in this patch either. These type of features should have been there at launch mind you.
As great as the strides made in improving the games system within its limitations, releasing deeper and more archtyep defined characters, fleshing out the kameos and their identities is, it will all kinda fall a bit flat if the support ends.
That fact that we are on the fence arguing if the current state of the game is what should have been acceptable at launch 1 year and a half later speaks volumes.
This is the seconde game in a row that ed boon claimed many many many years of support, and this one might actually be dropped sooner then any nrs title if term 1000 and madam bo are final piece of content(and it currentlly looks to be the most likely scenario).
We will see what happens, but if support ends then "too little too late" becomes this games permanent identity.