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Match-up Discussion Harley Quinn Matchup Discussion


Too old for this Shit
Anywhere i can read on Sinestro matchup?
One of my hardest as well.. Key to him is getting close and hurting him..Trouble is "getting in close"

Only keys I can share about my experiences are:
- most Sinestro's block high a majority of the time (constantly backing up to get themselves space) so really he is only eating chip damage from afar.
- he has no real options from crouch... So getting him to crouch is key... That opens up over heads and jump ins plus stops his backward momentum.
- if you trap h in the corner, beware of axe combo and throws.
- if you get close and his D is eating up all your O, don't be afraid to throw.
-Silly slide Boulders, block fear balls.


Also, check on Sinestro MU board.. See what gives him trouble and try to re-enact it Quinn style :)


Always Bet On Black
Post it here as well for the specific match-up thread.

Today's featured videos are against the most infamous character to complain about online, Slade aka Deathstroke.

Deathstroke is a hard matchup for Harley if you dont know how to play it, you'll come across some really scrubby ones and maybe a few good ones, but my counter picking opponents in these matches will be about 80% of the amateur/counter picking DS's that will try to spam guns fullscreen and use sword spin on wakeup. Dont look too much into the combos because it's online, but what you want to look at is the movement and spacing in this matchup.

Some main points:

-Never jump when full screen (Unless DS's Unblockable Trait is active)

-Dash to "crouch" block when DS is fullscreen gun spamming. (Why? Because you want to close the space between you and DS as much as possible, if you dash and just hold back, and he does not shoot, you'll start walking back, and you dont want that, so crouch block)

-Always block rifle high, (Why? Because you dont want to get hit by MB overhead and get knocked back fullscreen) also when your crouch blocking you have enough time to stand before DS's MB comes out.

-When mid to close range, dont let him breathe, keep the pressure on.

-Back. 2 2 xx TS to punish sword spin every time.

-If DS uses trait, you have 2 large windows to get in:
1) when he activates it, he has a ton of recovery frames before he can move (85 to be exact) silly slide in and punish if you can. Worse case scenario, your fullscreen and he has trait active, its time to play dodgeball. You will probably get hit, but mix up your jumps and movement (Jumping and using late jumping pistol shot works well to keep you in the air longer and making you a bit harder to hit.

2)When his unblockable shots end, he cannot shoot you for about 5 seconds, watch his trait bar, and as soon as you see it go out, try to get in.

-And the most important tip, PLAY PATIENT!!!

This match is really easy to get frustrated in, and can have a rolling snowball effect if you get pissed and just try to go in. At times you may lose 20% or more before you get in, but you would rather lose 20% and be in then lose 50% and still be fullscreen because you weren't blocking. Hopefully this helps you more in the slade matchup.

Lots of of other matches on my channel as well, so be sure to check them out:


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Aquaman is undoubtedly Harley's worst matchup.
Harley is completely crippled by Aquaman's trait, as her combos don't begin juggling until several hits in, after the TS cartwheel. Aquaman can always use his trait, then out-poke Harley, and have his trait again 6-7 seconds later. He also beats her zoning in most cases.
Noserfatu and I are thinking 7-3, maybe 8-2......
i still find shazam to be a worse match-up than aquaman

it literally feels like a big f-u in the match-up, he doesn't care about anything harley does


Too old for this Shit
i still find shazam to be a worse match-up than aquaman

it literally feels like a big f-u in the match-up, he doesn't care about anything harley does
Keep the man-child as far as possible. Lightning bolts can be ducked (except MB), then what does he have to get at you? His teleport? If you are already in a zoning war, the start and end of the teleport are punishable.. His torpedo? Does not go full screen, even if you are in range, block it high, depending on how close he is.. The further away the chances are he will stop in front of you.

His mid range game to sweep distance is dangerous and better than yours (especially when he is on the offensive).. Watch what he prefers to do (more than likely command grab) and act accordingly.. Not so terrible the more experience you get with it.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Will we ever to be able to edit the original post with all of the character icons, to have the spoilers display match-up numbers and information?


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Will we ever to be able to edit the original post with all of the character icons, to have the spoilers display match-up numbers and information?
So far, only mods and such can edit the OP. ill be happy to update the post....but I'll do that later today. I just got home from vindication and haven't ate anything in over 20 hours ;_;


Like Father, Like Daughter
I think it's 7-3 for Aquaman, just because of his trait and the nature of Harley's combos taking a moment before she launches the opponent (trait cannot be activated airbourne) so even if Harley manages to open him up, he can just nullify that.

And it's awkward to zone him, because his water seismo beats her pop-pop and cupcake in speed so you have to rely on gunshots but he can duck that anyway or use anti-projectile counter. My housemate plays Aquaman so I've a decent amount of exp in this matchup and it's really rough for her.
>vs Black Adam
I don't have much to start as I have only won this matchup twice against decent BAs. If you block his dive kick standing you can at least get a D3 hit in.


>vs Black Adam
I don't have much experience either, even the bad ones give me a ton of trouble, but I do know you can MB b3 to punish a divekick. Of course you do that once then the BA can just neutral jump and do nothing trying to get you to burn meter. The match feels like he has better options at all ranges.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
After you
I think it's 7-3 for Aquaman, just because of his trait and the nature of Harley's combos taking a moment before she launches the opponent (trait cannot be activated airbourne) so even if Harley manages to open him up, he can just nullify that.

And it's awkward to zone him, because his water seismo beats her pop-pop and cupcake in speed so you have to rely on gunshots but he can duck that anyway or use anti-projectile counter. My housemate plays Aquaman so I've a decent amount of exp in this matchup and it's really rough for her.
What keeps it from being 8-2?
Harley's aerial gunshots?
Harley's only chance at combo-ing Aquaman into a setup is off of an aerial interception, but even then, Aquaman has far longer ranged aerials- and usually Harley eats the combo.


After you

What keeps it from being 8-2?
Harley's aerial gunshots?
Harley's only chance at combo-ing Aquaman into a setup is off of an aerial interception, but even then, Aquaman has far longer ranged aerials- and usually Harley eats the combo.
The best way for me to explain it is by example. Blazblue CT Carl vs. Tager was an 8-2 match-up. Tager was a super slow, gigantic hitbox character with no real mix-ups (only gimmicks and command throw). Carl was a small pixie that could combo him into an infinite off of every hitconfirm. Harley vs. Aquaman is not that bad.
i actually think harley's air shot is what keeps most of her match-ups from being completely unwinnable

it's literally block low unless she jumps, who cares if you eat a gun shot...it's only doing 4% (seriously NRS...4%, don't some moves do more than that on block?)


Vs aquaman I've resulted to using 2 u1 I have an easier time comboing him with that.
Its a rough matchup, but if your blocking is strong its not terrible. Tantrum stance is one combo he nullifies but she has other combos also..he just happens to null her bnb.
I say 6-4 at most. Seismo is annoying but not unmanageable. Lots of slow normals so just mb b3 when needed and play outside midscreen


After you

What keeps it from being 8-2?
Harley's aerial gunshots?
Harley's only chance at combo-ing Aquaman into a setup is off of an aerial interception, but even then, Aquaman has far longer ranged aerials- and usually Harley eats the combo.
If you set your spacing right, cupcake bomb is solid enough angle to discourage aquaman from jumping.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Do tell me why the man with the best anti-airs and anti-zoning in the entire DC universe would ever jump.
Because sometimes AM will get a case of restless leg syndrome and decide jumping is fun...

JK, AM is a pain to face as Harley, she can't zone him really and she has to get in way close. This guy has been pain for me for a good while and I found some ways to deal with him using CW & KF and some of the same tactics might work for HQ as well. The key to him is WATCH YOUR SPACING, bait him into throwing out a combo and then strike back fast and do your best to keep him occupied. Its harder with Harley above all, but CW and KF have some great ways to get in on him.