It's just kobu... Pyro and DN aren't brain dead. Fighting pyro and DN are actually more difficult I find simply because the game plan isn't B1 EX rekkas and the same four or five moves over and over. But because they aren't as simple of a plan it's harder to impose especially without a move like the EX rekka. But I believe she will still be disliked due to her still being Tanya but I will respect those who play her much more now that she's been somewhat normalized. She'll still be a great char it's just up to those who play her to revamp her game plan and to not just abandon her because Kobu isn't god tier anymore...It kind of sucks that everyone hates Tanya just because of kobu jutsu..... I get hate online sometimes even though I don't pick kobulol although I do remember one guy told me finally a Tanya player with skill (due to me use Dragon Naginata)
. So now I wonder, will she still be hated as a character? Or will it just be Kobu jutsu that is hated?
Kobu was brain dead because even if you didn't open up your opponent they still just ate chip to death and once it was your turn another b1 and your armor is broke and it's her turn again. A vast majority of the KJ Tanyas I faced on and offline would play exactly the same way and if us playing against her make one mistake it's almost game over. These nerfs will just place her level with the top tier and not in a class of her ownOMG YES! Draginata does require patience but that's why I use it. I think it's one of the few variations in the game that really requires patience and good space control. And the disjointed hitbox/hurt box on staff stance!That comes in handy a lot.
One thing I don't understand is when people say she's brain dead in kobu. What do they mean? I get that a lot of people use b1 out the ass, but how exactly is she brain dead?
Kobu was brain dead because even if you didn't open up your opponent they still just ate chip to death and once it was your turn another b1 and your armor is broke and it's her turn again. A vast majority of the KJ Tanyas I faced on and offline would play exactly the same way and if us playing against her make one mistake it's almost game over. These nerfs will just place her level with the top tier and not in a class of her own
No problem! I understand how hard it is to not see if a char you play is brain dead unless you hear it from another player. I know as a Kung Jin main I get a lot of shit for throwing more than my fair share of njps but that's why Tanya throws out b1 so much... It's a good tool in her arsenal but comparable to KJ's njp it leads to way more chip and plus frames in the right hands. Also I didn't see that I replied to you twice on the same topic so sorry about! But if you're on xb1 we should play some sets sometime I can always use more Tanya MU experienceThat makes a lot of sense. Thanks!!!!
I'd love to but im on ps4No problem! I understand how hard it is to not see if a char you play is brain dead unless you hear it from another player. I know as a Kung Jin main I get a lot of shit for throwing more than my fair share of njps but that's why Tanya throws out b1 so much... It's a good tool in her arsenal but comparable to KJ's njp it leads to way more chip and plus frames in the right hands. Also I didn't see that I replied to you twice on the same topic so sorry about! But if you're on xb1 we should play some sets sometime I can always use more Tanya MU experience
Damn lol but yes I think pyro will be her new dirty variation once she's fleshed outI'd love to but im on ps4.
But on that note....Draginata Rules!!!![]()
No, you can use it for damage- oh wait. NRS flicked us over again.There's no reason to use b12+4 now unless you know your opponent isn't going to block it or to use it at the end of a combo into db4.
Dude Tanya is still arguably top 5 even with the changes she received. You keep stating she needs a damage buff but for what..? Her chip damage pre patch was second to none and the chip change is universal. She still has insane pressure even if you don't take half their health in chip alone. She was normalized and will still be top tier. What justifications do you have for buffing her damage...?No, you can use it for damage- oh wait. NRS flicked us over again.
Yes. The nerfs to Kobu were a lot harder than thought and the pyro buffs are underwhelming.So, should I change my title and OP? Lol
They nerfed her damage for no reason and what reason was there for her flip kick and drill kick nerf? She never did that much damage anyway. She doesn't have a sharpen tool like Kitana anyway....Dude Tanya is still arguably top 5 even with the changes she received. You keep stating she needs a damage buff but for what..? Her chip damage pre patch was second to none and the chip change is universal. She still has insane pressure even if you don't take half their health in chip alone. She was normalized and will still be top tier. What justifications do you have for buffing her damage...?
How the fuck did you say everything I wanted to say??? Lol.Her boomerang move was also changed she cannot cross up combo into air punch or she can't juggle with neutral punch no more. She lost tons of chip dmg. Her ex rekka I used all the time to wake up is gone. I find myself trapped in corner easy losing to characters I never had problems with. Her X X O chain can no longer be combod after a long chain combo. The dmg reduction is terrible, considering she has no damage without using a bar that was totally unnecessary. She's basically a new charachter and she gets nerfed every single patch...... I thought that with mk ruining her other variations kobu was fine but nope now they ruined her character entirely. I have never ever switched from my favorite character but I had enough of her nerfs and this one turned her into a garbage character from what I seen by playing people. Shame they ruined her, I'm moving on to Kitana since they changed my favorite character. Even thinking about quitting this game goingredients back to streetfighter 5, just waiting for injustice 2. But kitana looks like a fun character I'll try her first.
What does kitana have to do with any of this...? They nerfed her damage because of all the free chip she gets. She does around or near 40% for a bar. Which is on par with the rest of the cast... But she also does much more chip damage and is plus with her rekka pressure... No longer being god tier does not make a need for a damage buff. She still has an armored OH and an armored low wakeup/reversal. Sorry if she doesn't do Quans pre-patch damage and have an armored move that hits twice and blows up almost all armor in the game so she's now only slightly above the majority of the cast. Why don't we bring back her invincible ex teleport (major sarcasm) so she's viable... She will be just fine and will just require more thought to play.They nerfed her damage for no reason and what reason was there for her flip kick and drill kick nerf? She never did that much damage anyway. She doesn't have a sharpen tool like Kitana anyway....
I hardly use Tonya and that is way to much for even me to take in.So nerfs to Kobu:
- damage reduction (seems like~6% per combo)
- b12+4 is slower
- b12+4 is -10 on block
- there is a gap between b12+4 and wreckers
- ex wreckers no longer have armour
- some change to 34 that makes combo-ing into db4 awkward
- ex tonfa toss is now 0 on block
- less advantage on ex tonfa toss (on hit)
- wreckers build little meter and do little chip (universal nerf)
They took her best string and made it a gimmick, crippled her damage, took away her best armoured move and got rid of ex tonfa toss block strings. They also nerfed her chip damage which considering her lack of 50/50s was her way of threatening the opponent not to block.
She's now getting 30% for using one bar of meter midscreen. Cause that's fair lol.
In all honesty, if you thought she deserved all that, all power to you I guess.
> plays Kung JinBest string, not the only string, but you wouldn't know that from watching her matches. And there are still characters and variations that would kill to have all the tools she does have. Also, a universal nerf is not something that should be brought up. It's applied to every character across the board to make the game reward good defense. Her ex rekkas were too good with armor. They destroyed every armor but goros and led to either insane chip or a full combo. She will be just fine not being leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else.
Thank you for saying it. Everyone complains about her normalizations. Like no one saw this coming... Just like every other char that received nerfs, you just have to change the way you play her instead of gripe and whine.I kind of want to take up kobu in this state and see how playable she still is. I think she's fine, you'll just have to work around her problems like we Tanya players always have. We got through the teleport nerf. We got through the the tele-cancel nerf. That pyro nerf....not so much. But I'm pretty sure someone's still going to be a badass kobu jutsu master even after all this.
I wasn't complaining first, I was answering a question asked by someone on the thread. And he's not brain dead in the slightest. Remind me how he happens to be brain dead? I'd love to hear> plays Kung Jin
> Complains about braindead