Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
LOL> plays Kung Jin
> Complains about braindead
LOL> plays Kung Jin
> Complains about braindead
Because he has fast, safe, far reaching, 50/50 normals that can be confirmed into full combo.I wasn't complaining first, I was answering a question asked by someone on the thread. And he's not brain dead in the slightest. Remind me how he happens to be brain dead? I'd love to hear
First, his over head is easily reactable and at max range it's not a 50/50 because no low reaches just as far to a full combo. I play Shaolin so not a single armored launcher... Something Tanya would know nothing about... Oh wait she's down to one like the rest of the cast, oh wait some chars don't have any. Secondly Tanyas whole game plan is b1 rekka pressure and her low starter into rekka pressure. She has what may be the best mobility in the game. And lastly I have to ask why it matters who I play? Is that what this thread is about? Why is it that when I counter your argument about Tanya you bring up who I play and that they're brain dead?Because he has fast, safe, far reaching, 50/50 normals that can be confirmed into full combo.
His dive kick leads to full combo from anywhere on the screen and can be made safe for a bar.
He has at least one safe wakeup in every variation.
Kung Jin is super easy to flow chart. When I use him I can switch off my brain and just react to everything on screen. No need to think.
I was about to say the same thingWait people still think Tanya has the best mobility in the game? Uhhhhh okay then.
. I think it may be with all of her teleport capabilities. Kung Lao may rival it with iadk's and his teleport. But that's just from my experience between fighting them and seeing them be played at the highest level. I may be wrong that's just my opinion. But if you prove me wrong I would totally agree with you. Or rep maybe with his bf2 but I would love to hear other cases for other charactersWait people still think Tanya has the best mobility in the game? Uhhhhh okay then.
Wait people still think Tanya has the best mobility in the game? Uhhhhh okay then.
I was about to say the same thing
. I think it may be with all of her teleport capabilities. Kung Lao may rival it with iadk's and his teleport. But that's just from my experience between fighting them and seeing them be played at the highest level. I may be wrong that's just my opinion. But if you prove me wrong I would totally agree with you. Or rep maybe with his bf2 but I would love to hear other cases for other characters
Lol. You're talking to me as if I don't play Kung Jin. I play King Jin.First, his over head is easily reactable and at max range it's not a 50/50 because no low reaches just as far to a full combo. I play Shaolin so not a single armored launcher... Something Tanya would know nothing about... Oh wait she's down to one like the rest of the cast, oh wait some chars don't have any. Secondly Tanyas whole game plan is b1 rekka pressure and her low starter into rekka pressure. She has what may be the best mobility in the game. And lastly I have to ask why it matters who I play? Is that what this thread is about? Why is it that when I counter your argument about Tanya you bring up who I play and that they're brain dead?
I wasn't complaining. I get why she's brain dead. Because it fucking works the way she's designed lol. He asked why she's brain dead and I stated it. And his safety is what makes him so good. Sorry for that I guess? But Kung Jin isn't going to win a match by using b1 and rekka pressure alone. That's what Tanya does. It works and that's her game. Ive yet to see Kobu tanya played any other way. If we're going to talk about flow charts please break it down for me. Since I clearly don't know what I'm talking about...Lol. You're talking to me as if I don't play Kung Jin. I play King Jin.
Are you telling me that b1 isn't a far reaching normal?
Also, I didn't say armoured launcher, I said safe armour move lol.
Tanya's mobility is shitty. Her teleports have more landing frames than a whiffed jump and it's not like her walk and run speeds are anything to write home about.
My point in bringing up Kung Jin is you complaining about how brain dead Tanya is, when you play him lol. The hypocrisy is laughable.
Lol. That's yhe point we're making. It doesn't work anymore.I wasn't complaining. I get why she's brain dead. Because it fucking works the way she's designed lol. He asked why she's brain dead and I stated it. And his safety is what makes him so good. Sorry for that I guess? But Kung Jin isn't going to win a match by using b1 and rekka pressure alone. That's what Tanya does. It works and that's her game. Ive yet to see Kobu tanya played any other way. If we're going to talk about flow charts please break it down for me. Since I clearly don't know what I'm talking about...
And do you believe it should...?Lol. That's yhe point we're making. It doesn't work anymore.
Our charachter gets nerfed every single time.......It's annoying give us a break even nrs did by giving us Pyro back after killing kobu.And do you believe it should...?
How exactly was she "killed"? Her gameplay changed yes. But killed I don't see that as the case.Our charachter gets nerfed every single time.......It's annoying give us a break even nrs did by giving us Pyro back after killing kobu.
Her wrecker pressure is gone, her frame traps are gone, she has no mixups, she can fish for combos but they do very little so it's a losing strategy. What exactly is her plan? Get knocked down to abuse her "50/50" wake ups?How exactly was she "killed"? Her gameplay changed yes. But killed I don't see that as the case.
Exactly I stated why she was ruined on page 6 he can scroll up and read but you put it perfectly. He probably doesn't even play her to know.... But it's common sense Tanya has been nerfed every single patch. How can she not be killed by now???Her wrecker pressure is gone, her frame traps are gone, she has no mixups, she can fish for combos but they do very little so it's a losing strategy. What exactly is her plan? Get knocked down to abuse her "50/50" wake ups?
Or have good defense and punish? Also how is her pressure gone? Because b1 2+4 to rekkas has a gap? You mean she has no strings that don't have a gap? She can still enforce her game it'll just require more thought. You can delay rekkas and still be plus. That's what the rest of the cast calls risk vs reward and something you'll have to evaluate in match. I can't possibly believe that they nerfed her to the low level char you're claiming her to be. The ex toss being neutral on block just means you'll need to think about how you use it and not just throw it out at the end of an unsafe string. Quan got the same treatment with his ex rune. I've played Tanya and it's no fucking fun. I don't play her anymore because of it. I think she'll be just fine if you learn to play around the nerfs instead of just complaining about them killing her. The reason she keeps getting nerfed is simple. She was way to damn good at the beginning. Was still way above the cast and they brought her down to a more equal playing field. If that's killing a character than i must misunderstand balance.Her wrecker pressure is gone, her frame traps are gone, she has no mixups, she can fish for combos but they do very little so it's a losing strategy. What exactly is her plan? Get knocked down to abuse her "50/50" wake ups?
Because tanya didn't deserve what she got.All this drama...
I would've been happy with no armour on ex wreckers, b1 being slower and even b12+4 being -10. The rest seem like overkill and just a kick in the teeth.Tanya felt actually the same for me. Being honest for a minute I felt the same playing Tanya. Before I could be a nut and give up life or something because once I hit them I said I could take 30% chip to make up for it. These nerfs are still new, I haven't spent too much time with it, but u know if you are a good player you should do well with Tanya now without being referred to as a brain dead player with a brain dead character caring you in matches. Now she's about conditioning, and mind games. When I first picked up Tanya she was amazing and I did want her nerfed and I'm kinda happy she did so all those frauds will get exposed and now will be fleshed out (Me included). The only thing I can't get over really is the 34 split kick and damage Nerf. Everything else to me has KINDA felt fair.
Idk to me she feels like a new character. A bad character at that lol. I feel like nrs just wanted to get the Tanya heat off there back with so many people bitching she's OP, that's why she was nerfed every single patch. I have never picked a character on how "good" they are, I simply like Tanya's outfit, funky looking bob cut, and weapon/playstyle. In fact I only picked up mkx because I seen her in a video and previous to that I didn't really see any character I had an interest in, other than maybe Kitana, but not much. I'm currently playing trying to learn how to fight people with pyromancer........But to me kobu feels wrecked, it doesn't feel like it used to when I play her. Everybody has there own oppions but I really hate how they did Tanya. I don't want to be over dramatic but it's almost enough to ruin the game for me, as I'm what they call a character loyalist just never even touched a different character. I got the game bought Tanya and she is literally all I ever touched. Never even took a different character to training I picked Tanya and that was that.Tanya felt actually the same for me. Being honest for a minute I felt the same playing Tanya. Before I could be a nut and give up life or something because once I hit them I said I could take 30% chip to make up for it. These nerfs are still new, I haven't spent too much time with it, but u know if you are a good player you should do well with Tanya now without being referred to as a brain dead player with a brain dead character caring you in matches. Now she's about conditioning, and mind games. When I first picked up Tanya she was amazing and I did want her nerfed and I'm kinda happy she did so all those frauds will get exposed and now will be fleshed out (Me included). The only thing I can't get over really is the 34 split kick and damage Nerf. Everything else to me has KINDA felt fair.
I don't like this Tanya but I love Tanya and I'll love her however she ends up. I mean I MAINED Jacqui before Tanya and I can deal with her being so called "bad" or "Low" tier. She just need to commit and work for it like everyone had to before.Idk to me she feels like a new character. A bad character at that lol. I feel like nrs just wanted to get the Tanya heat off there back with so many people bitching she's OP, that's why she was nerfed every single patch. I have never picked a character on how "good" they are, I simply like Tanya's outfit, funky looking bob cut, and weapon/playstyle. In fact I only picked up mkx because I seen her in a video and previous to that I didn't really see any character I had an interest in, other than maybe Kitana, but not much. I'm currently playing trying to learn how to fight people with pyromancer........But to me kobu feels wrecked, it doesn't feel like it used to when I play her. Everybody has there own oppions but I really hate how they did Tanya. I don't want to be over dramatic but it's almost enough to ruin the game for me, as I'm what they call a character loyalist just never even touched a different character. I got the game bought Tanya and she is literally all I ever touched. Never even took a different character to training I picked Tanya and that was that.