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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Guys I think Tanya is still good


PS4/EU Ermac main
The thing about Tanya...the problematic shit, IMO, wasn't even fixed other than EX rekka nerf.
Exactly, I proposed nerfed rekka frames and universal Tonfa Toss punish possibility. This won't stop her dirt by much..

These changes just suck out the fun in playing her imo, a slower b1 up close wasn't her problem, basically people will be getting away in situations where they shouldn't (don't even bother with telecancels anymore). I highly disagree with no armored EX rekka, I feel she deserves having the threat of having a low damage, multi-hitting armored move and if meter gain and chip is globally nerfed it's not gonna be as beneficial on block anymore, in combination with more negative frame situations for Tanya opponents can finally (and fairly) punish it on a reaction/read. But no.. just take away all her specials instead, slowly, one by one.. -.-
(I know many people are a fan of this change, but it really doesn't help anyone)


The Ignore Button Is Free
I feel she deserves having the threat of having a low damage, multi-hitting armored move
But she has the threat of a high damage OH that causes a HKD and great positioning OR the threat of a low that leads into good damage, corner carry and a HKD. Both have armor.

And she has b2 to break armor


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Exactly, I proposed nerfed rekka frames and universal Tonfa Toss punish possibility, this won't stop her dirt by much..

These changes just suck out the fun in playing her imo, a slower b1 up close wasn't her problem, basically people will be getting away in situations where they shouldn't (don't even bother with telecancels anymore). I highly disagree with no armored EX rekka, I feel she deserves having the threat of having a low damage, multi-hitting armored move and if meter gain and chip is globally nerfed it's not gonna be as beneficial on block anymore, in combination with more negative frame situations for Tanya opponents can finally (and fairly) punish it on a reaction/read. But no.. just take away all her specials instead, slowly, one by one.. -.-
(I know many people are a fan of this change, but it really doesn't help anyone)
The problem with EX rekka, though, is it's an armor breaking armor move that lays on the chip, and is safe, and on hit puts you in a dumb ass blender game. It's should not have been given armor, period.

The changes I'm talking about that would have meant anything is EX tonfa toss disappearing when she's hit. She has an air dash for mobility and doesn't need to straight up be able to trade projectiles to deal with characters that can keep her out. I've always said this is the most bullshit aspect of the character right now because it eliminates some bad matchups.


PS4/EU Ermac main
But she has the threat of a high damage OH that causes a HKD and great positioning OR the threat of a low that leads into good damage, corner carry and a HKD. Both have armor.

And she has b2 to break armor
True, she still has options and no doubt it will help opponents deal with her better, but the move is completely useless now and honestly, I've had no problems baiting that move for a full punish, I know it's the best armor option for her but my point still stands; it won't be such a huge threat next patch (even with armor) while her real issue hasn't been addressed.
B2 breaking armor is pretty character specific, lots of armored moves don't have to worry about it.

The problem with EX rekka, though, is it's an armor breaking armor move that lays on the chip, and is safe, and on hit puts you in a dumb ass blender game. It's should not have been given armor, period.

The changes I'm talking about that would have meant anything is EX tonfa toss disappearing when she's hit. She has an air dash for mobility and doesn't need to straight up be able to trade projectiles to deal with characters that can keep her out. I've always said this is the most bullshit aspect of the character right now because it eliminates some bad matchups.
I'd argue it shouldn't be safe on block (unless fully delayed until the last rekka) and keep the armor.
A dumbass blender game thats only dumb if people let her get away with staggers (they're all minus), she doesn't have real mixups instantly or during her strings but she does destroy fuzzyguards at the cost of a bar. I know it's a pain to deal with.. but this is something a lot of characters have and some can just hitconfirm safely (like a Jax), she's still risking something.
That Tonfa Toss situation is tricky though, seems like she spent a bar to win a projectile battle while you could've neutral ducked (or maybe even a jump in for a full punish), so again, she risked something (in a specific MU no less, Liu Kang or Mileena don't care about her mid/fullscreen Tonfa Toss).

I realize I say "risking something" when she spends a bar, when in reality her pressure gives her so much meter-gain that's it's hardly considered a risk. That's where the next patch nerfs come in and my proposed ones. If she's more unsafe and even punishable through reactions (EX Tonfa toss and Rekkas) and gains less chip%/meter that appeals to me more as a Tanya player and opponent than it would to press delete on 2 of her most defining variation moves. But that's just me.


It's too soon to get cocky.
OMG YES! Draginata does require patience but that's why I use it. I think it's one of the few variations in the game that really requires patience and good space control. And the disjointed hitbox/hurt box on staff stance!:eek::D That comes in handy a lot.

One thing I don't understand is when people say she's brain dead in kobu. What do they mean? I get that a lot of people use b1 out the ass, but how exactly is she brain dead?
They say kobu is brain dead because all you really have to do to win is b1 constantly due to the insane meter build and chip damage if blocked. Throw in a few ex rekkas and maybe teleport cancels to maintain constant pressure and you'll get chipped out. I've easily won just by doing b1+24, df2, df1, repeat. Some folks always block wrong on the first string due to the overhead so they always get opened up.

I think even when the patch notes drop and folks lab her changes, she'll still be good and viable against other pressure characters like jax, Liu and Johnny. You'll have to actually use her like any other now instead of just mindless b1, but I'm sure that won't change lol.

pyro going to be godlike. they got ex shroud...... its too bad she dont got a mid
Yeah it's weird ex shroud has armor lol but I'll take it. If they block normal shroud I use ex and just laugh once it hits them, cuz then you can go in with pressure. If they get opened up by her low, BAM, a good high 20ish% combo for 3 hits lol.

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
They say kobu is brain dead because all you really have to do to win is b1 constantly due to the insane meter build and chip damage if blocked. Throw in a few ex rekkas and maybe teleport cancels to maintain constant pressure and you'll get chipped out. I've easily won just by doing b1+24, df2, df1, repeat. Some folks always block wrong on the first string due to the overhead so they always get opened up.

I think even when the patch notes drop and folks lab her changes, she'll still be good and viable against other pressure characters like jax, Liu and Johnny. You'll have to actually use her like any other now instead of just mindless b1, but I'm sure that won't change lol.

Yeah it's weird ex shroud has armor lol but I'll take it. If they block normal shroud I use ex and just laugh once it hits them, cuz then you can go in with pressure. If they get opened up by her low, BAM, a good high 20ish% combo for 3 hits lol.

Thank you!!! I think I get the brain dead thing now. I've only fought 3 other Tanya's online and two were kobu. ....B1 was pretty much all they did......:cool:. Now that pyro I met. I love facing him. Lol it's just something fun about dodging fireballs in Draginata that just makes me laugh. Plus it looks cool.:p


Bags of mostly water
And MIT said Scorpion was still strong post +20 block advantage on 2,1,4 xx FBC. He never used Scorpion at a tournament ever again. He picked Tanya and never looked back.

By the end of next week, half of the top players will be abusing the new DLC characters.

That is true, it will be interesting to see who still decides to use tanya after her changes. I just feel the best tanya player probably has the best say in the state of their character.

As far as everyone abusing the new DLC characters I completely agree.


They say kobu is brain dead because all you really have to do to win is b1 constantly due to the insane meter build and chip damage if blocked. Throw in a few ex rekkas and maybe teleport cancels to maintain constant pressure and you'll get chipped out. I've easily won just by doing b1+24, df2, df1, repeat. Some folks always block wrong on the first string due to the overhead so they always get opened up.

I think even when the patch notes drop and folks lab her changes, she'll still be good and viable against other pressure characters like jax, Liu and Johnny. You'll have to actually use her like any other now instead of just mindless b1, but I'm sure that won't change lol.

Yeah it's weird ex shroud has armor lol but I'll take it. If they block normal shroud I use ex and just laugh once it hits them, cuz then you can go in with pressure. If they get opened up by her low, BAM, a good high 20ish% combo for 3 hits lol.
And if you land a fully charged F3 on a shrouded victim? High 30% It's my fav combo. Mark my words, Pyromancer is coming back hard a with a vengeance.


That is true, it will be interesting to see who still decides to use tanya after her changes. I just feel the best tanya player probably has the best say in the state of their character.

As far as everyone abusing the new DLC characters I completely agree.
Dab is by far the best Tanya player. Hands down.


It's too soon to get cocky.
Dab said in a tweet to me during ESL finals that he likely wouldn't use kobu if it got nerfed, so we'll see. I really would like to see more pyro and DN from him. They're both good variations that are slept on because of kobu, and I believe NRS would like to see more as well from what they said on their kombat kast.


Dab said in a tweet to me during ESL finals that he likely wouldn't use kobu if it got nerfed, so we'll see. I really would like to see more pyro and DN from him. They're both good variations that are slept on because of kobu, and I believe NRS would like to see more as well from what they said on their kombat kast.
I hate DN
I hop i hop....
Get 45% from my pole...
I hop i hop...
Mix you up from the air....
I hop i hop....
Eat 50s in corner
I hop i hop....

then ur pole snaps because the monopoly money people be tippin u wit cant support a proper pole and you wind up wit a broken hip