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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Guys I think Tanya is still good


They added recovery frames on 2up4. You can easily, even delay jump into your x ray... completely pointless to use x ray though lol. But with this new thing and the horrible demeaning universal Nerf to 34 I'll be using the 2up4 way more because it was practically useless pre Nerf to tanya. Though I use Pyro now and that got a well needed buff.... but still only 1 variation specific string for Pyro they could of atleast gave us 1 more string.


They added recovery frames on 2up4. You can easily, even delay jump into your x ray... completely pointless to use x ray though lol. But with this new thing and the horrible demeaning universal Nerf to 34 I'll be using the 2up4 way more because it was practically useless pre Nerf to tanya. Though I use Pyro now and that got a well needed buff.... but still only 1 variation specific string for Pyro they could of atleast gave us 1 more string.
I suggest a mid with a fireball to make up for the lost damage( continuing combos) And universally take frames off of F3. Along with two new strings for mix ups