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Question - Sub-Zero Got the game early, q&a about Subzero moveset etc(no story spoilers)

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As an overall, would you say the combos, strings, cancels etc are easier/harder/same as mk9 as far as execution? Sometimes when I see strings they appear more jerky and quick and less natural looking than mk9. Scorpions 111 for example is super smooth in mk9 but his 11? strings in mkx look a tad off to me for some reason. Maybe im making stuff up.
Like Qwark said, super easy and they feel like MK9.

One thing that i dont like(again) with the alt controls option. The bf moves, you still need to do a half circle motion to perform :S


Kotal Kahn

Nobody has seen the parry(MACE PARRY) in action...is universal?or only for certain moves? amount of damage? Can cambo afterwards or just damage? I know it has a MB version,how is it?



Joker waiting room

F2 is an EWGF, -9, 17 startup, crazy reach but cant cancel

slow ass 9f standing jab

D1 fastest in the game at 5f so far, -4 and one more active i think than most ive seen
D2 I think most damaing uppercust, VERY fast at 6f, 14% dmg and -16 on lock, -40 on whiff
D3 6F, -5
D4 19 -1 +33


Joker waiting room
blood offering increases his damage at 10% life toll, throw did 18% and lasted unsually long, i think this is to balance out his buff timing, throws fuscreen

average f dash, kinda long

fast medium distance backdash, tons of recovery


We've been seeing Sub combo f4,2 into ice ball in these pre release videos, so I guess that changed. That really sucks.


Joker waiting room
god ray is a distance controllable a la mmh orbs beam of light a la nightwoof, medium startup and recovery

0.50 life every half second, ex does double that.

air throw is 7f, ex gives a combo

his saw blade move has 25f startup, 37 recover frame but reaches jump distance and is -4 on block, ex increases le damage


it would be op, him having f42 is already a huge deal considering what other chars have

he can still hit confirm into ex iceball or hammer prefferably in cryo
Yeah it would be good (maybe too good), but now what's his best combo without meter? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seems his combos are really meter reliant.


Soul Kollector
Once your done w the Kano & Raiden questions, could you que up Jax? Interested in his movesets in Wrestler/Pumped Up, strings, frame dat, and your highest damage combo (time restrictions understood).

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag

choke, even ex ,is blockable
block animation possibly the best thing i have ever seen, he legit looks like his fist'd go right through your neck if you didnt block

rib strike throw is always unblockable, ex does more dmg

dash/backdash an exact copy of flash but even better

upball extremely bad on whiff

D3 - 7START -2 BLK
D1 - 8 START -8 BLK 25 HIT
D4 - 7 START -6F BLK +18 HIT
thank you very much , the whole blockable/unblockable command grabs has been bugging me for a long time. its nice to finally have some closure on the subject you even went through his frame data as an extra :D
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