Xbl: Johnny2Die
Someone proclaiming that they are in a minority group and being proud of it is never an open door for attacks, verbal or otherwise. If it annoys you then fine, then its you that should go do something else. The idea that these people should just give up and find something else to do is offensive. Its never ok to send hateful or disrespectful messages to someone based on a bias, no matter how much it annoys you.I think the problem is that there are 2 types of chicks. Gamer Girls, who like to play the vidya and are perfectly fine. And the GURRL Gamer who go onto servers and proclaim, "Hello lowly nerds, I am of female descent and have a vagina, I bet you never expected me to play video games!"
Shit gets annoying man. You don't see me going around proclaiming I am a guy gamer and that I don't want any silly girls hitting on me.
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