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Girl Gamer's and the stuff you put up with online:


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I think the problem is that there are 2 types of chicks. Gamer Girls, who like to play the vidya and are perfectly fine. And the GURRL Gamer who go onto servers and proclaim, "Hello lowly nerds, I am of female descent and have a vagina, I bet you never expected me to play video games!"
Shit gets annoying man. You don't see me going around proclaiming I am a guy gamer and that I don't want any silly girls hitting on me.
Someone proclaiming that they are in a minority group and being proud of it is never an open door for attacks, verbal or otherwise. If it annoys you then fine, then its you that should go do something else. The idea that these people should just give up and find something else to do is offensive. Its never ok to send hateful or disrespectful messages to someone based on a bias, no matter how much it annoys you.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


YOu ever watch a MLG event that had KayaneFR who plays Soul Calibur. Everytime she walked onto the set up to play the entire stream chat turned like a high school hallway. Shes hot I won't front but OMG I can only imagine what women have to deal with all the time playing games hehe etc...@KayaneFR
Funny story about this, at CEO last year, she was almost always with a group of guys talking to her, the only time they'd leave her alone is if she was playing. She seems like a kickass person, and all that but sounds like that would get annoying real fast.

Also, JPGalvatron, are you gonna do a paternity test on someone? :p


The Netherrealm beckons
My original post had zero to do with white knighting or attention seeking, but thanks for calling my girlfriend an attention seeking tool and displaying the reading comprehension skills of a small child who got his pudding taken away!
Good job disregarding the rest of my post because you got butt hurt by the truth. Also, what? I never said that your original post was about white knighting or attention seeking besides that of your girlfriend's gamer tag. Now who's got the childish reading comprehension? Stop wasting my time.
Good job disregarding the rest of my post because you got butt hurt by the truth. Go cry somewhere else.
Not particularly butt hurt, just exemplifies completely how badly misconstrued my original post was by some of the people replying, and all of these tangential points keep coming up, which is fine, discussion ought to be sparked. And I disregarded the rest of your post because again, it was a tangential "counter-point" that had zero to do with what I was trying to communicate. It is what it is though, text is so easily misread.


In an effort to get this thread back on track, I think women @ tournaments (possibly gaming in general) is similar to women in the military. In the beginning, it's strange and weird because it's not a part of the accepted norm. But once more women like Goldfish and others start coming out and showing that "girl gamers" are no different from "boy gamers", I think the novelty and the discomfort will dissipate and women won't have to hide their hobbies similar to a teenage boy sneaking his dad's porn collection.

From what I've read about the preparations Goldfish makes when she goes to tournaments is spot on I think. She is not afraid to show her love for her game, but she is smart about it. She doesn't go alone, has a clear-cut idea of what is and isn't acceptable behaviour, always has a back-up plan in case things go sour and (from what I've read on the forums since I've never met her) is a really kool person. She's not one of those "Lookit what you'll never get to touch" or man-hating mega-beeyatches that want to "castrate" men by beating them at their own game. She's just fun to sit and play games with and I think that supercedes any gender lines.

And for the record, I think that @KayaneFR gets treated like that everywhere she goes. I don't know anything about her, but I can see her not being able to go to too many places without an "entourage"....


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Funny story about this, at CEO last year, she was almost always with a group of guys talking to her, the only time they'd leave her alone is if she was playing. She seems like a kickass person, and all that but sounds like that would get annoying real fast.

Also, JPGalvatron, are you gonna do a paternity test on someone? :p
i was chatting with her for a bit, it was awesome


work hard, play harder Ò_Ó
ll great topic
eveyone speaks the truth with there own valid point some harsher then others
free to speak free to ignore free to mute the dumb-ass then kick his-ass lol
but yea when it comes to playing online trash-talk creepy messages theres always the the mute button block player or delete the message play on n ignore them or..... report them
u have the choice
just saying....