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Girl Gamer's and the stuff you put up with online:

I'll admit, I've been borderline mysogynist before with my attitude scoffing at what I perceived to be "fake assed" girl gamers, but I kept that shit to myself and basically just rolled my eyes at the attention a person would get for playing a game and being female, but this shit was eye opening.

Was playing MK online at my GF's this past weekend, and her gamer tag identifies her as female. Anyone reading this probably already knows where this is going but I seriously had no idea shit could get that bad.

After every single match almost, win or lose, I was told to slurp cocks, gargle cum, etc. I'm used to hate mail, but this was downright creepy.

One person sent me GG's and some nice messages, but it immediately seemed to go into creeper status and like dude was trying to touch my non-existent lady parts.

TLDR: Ladies who play games, I feel horrible for all of the retarded shit you have to put up with on what I imagine is a daily basis. Had no clue it was this out of control.


Shadow Priest
Idiots will be idiots, Man. I'm a male and had randoms tell me that or something similar. Gender has little to do with it.

This is what I called the freedom of the internet. >_>


A prop on the stage of life.
I played on my gf's account and got some voice messages asking to friend them...as well as a gg's message. None of that stuff you mentioned though, as I was only playing mk as well.


Gotta say "lol Internet " and move on I guess. But it is hard when it hits close to home, isn't it? If the gender comments really upset her, change tag to like YN 1476 or something impersonal and nondescript like that for playing with randoms.

I'm pretty numb and apathetic to the misogyny in the gaming community at this point lol.


Skarlet who ?
I once ran with my Nightwolf into some girl's Sonya, who had more wins than losses, and when I almost perfected her she said "OK, I get it" and quit. As for your example, are you sure that was a girl and not a trap ?


Gotta say "lol Internet " and move on I guess. But it is hard when it hits close to home, isn't it? If the gender comments really upset her, change tag to like YN 1476 or something impersonal and nondescript like that for playing with randoms.

I'm pretty numb and apathetic to the misogyny in the gaming community at this point lol.
Like Goldfish? ;)

Females have it rough on the internet with people feeling safe enough to be douches while they hide behind their keyboards and controllers. One example is one of my older female friends. She's a youngish grandmother and loves to play games like Left 4 Dead online. When she posted the truth about herself in her bio, noone would play with her for a variety of reasons (female, old so they can't talk dirty, old so must be a lousy player, etc.). When she changed her profile to a 22 yr old female gamer, suddenly people wanted to play with her. I wonder why. Then she started kicking their asses and now people really want to play with/against her....


Cold day in hell...
It's pretty annoying that some guy gamers do this. As a male gamer myself it would be nice if some of us didn't think it was a really good idea to chase away females with similiar interests to our own. I've never been able to follow that logic. For the majority of them (Barring the type Insuperable mentioned) I'm sure they're playing for the same reason I am, to kill time and amuse myself as much as possible. However for some guys the logic seems to be "Holy shit a girls in the clubhouse... didn't she see the no girls allowed sign?? Doesn't she know games are for dudes? Seeing that I'm still hovering at the maturity level of a pre-pubescent 4th grade boy I must make sure she feels as unwelcome as possible." or something along those lines.


Yeah i get this almost everytime i play online. I'm not a girl, but i play along with it only to blow them up for it later lol. My gamertag is Plopalina, so it's easy to get the wrong end of the stick. But it's like my mother always used to say: "Never assume anything, it makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'!" lol.

They're not ALL pricks though. Some of them are absolute gentlemen even after i come clean and i still speak with them/play games with them now. Some of them are even on my facebook now!...
But LBSH, they wouldn't have sent that first message if my gamertag was BruceTheBrickShithouse69


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Yeah i get this almost everytime i play online. I'm not a girl, but i play along with it only to blow them up for it later lol. My gamertag is Plopalina, so it's easy to get the wrong end of the stick. But it's like my mother always used to say: "Never assume anything, it makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'!" lol.

They're not ALL pricks though. Some of them are absolute gentlemen even after i come clean and i still speak with them/play games with them now. Some of them are even on my facebook now!...
But LBSH, they wouldn't have sent that first message if my gamertag was BruceTheBrickShithouse69
i should make an alt with that name....or maybe CptShitFaceKilgore.....yeeeah :D


I just feel sorry for the poor idiots that post me that shit, really they must feel pretty bad about themselves. But I'm used to getting these kinds of messages... (and that's kinda sad) I don't read most of them but when I do I laugh and feel so much better as a human being than some people;)

But that's just me.

But if the messaging and the bullying would stop I would be happy as fuck, because I don't see the point of it. We female gamers are persons too, and got the same right as everybody else does, so keep the cum gargling messages to yourselves will you!?


The Netherrealm beckons
Who cares, everyone catches dumb shit online, especially in fighting games. Conversely, women are put on a pedestal and get free shit in WoW guilds from desperate losers. Each sex has their pros and cons to online gaming.

Also, identifying your gender, race, sexuality or whatever through your gamertag generally means you're an attention seeking tool anyway. I completely ignore these people.

It's like that whole thing about 343 Industries vehemently banning people for sexism in Halo 4 multiplayer. I think women can take trash talk online like big girls, they don't need protection from some mic spamming idiot 500 miles away while the mute and block functions still exist. Those women who are so sensitive that they can't deal with it should probably be doing something else, like praying for Anita Sarkeesian to finally release her videos.
Who cares, everyone catches dumb shit online, especially in fighting games. Conversely, women are put on a pedestal and get free shit in WoW guilds from desperate losers. Each sex has their pros and cons to online gaming.

Also, identifying your gender, race, sexuality or whatever through your gamertag generally means you're an attention seeking tool anyway. I completely ignore these people.

It's like that whole thing about 343 Industries vehemently banning people for sexism in Halo 4 multiplayer. I think women can take trash talk online like big girls, they don't need protection from some mic spamming idiot 500 miles away while the mute and block functions still exist. Those women who are so sensitive that they can't deal with it should probably be doing something else, like praying for Anita Sarkeesian to finally release her videos.
My original post had zero to do with white knighting or attention seeking, but thanks for calling my girlfriend an attention seeking tool and displaying the reading comprehension skills of a small child who got his pudding taken away!


It's psychology of the human mind on the internet. The further away someone is to their identity the greater the chance of hostile behavior.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
LOL this is eye opening, there are some girls on PSN who are always talking smack, I always thought that maybe they were guys pretending to be girls so I just avoided them