ETC AdmiralAugustus
Grabble Frazzled
BlackBryan goin' hard in da paint
I got 10 people on xbl that will vouch for me king lmao don't try to lie ur way out of this. After calling her a dog he tried giving her my number and i denied it.No, Curbolicous has the story all wrong and is trying to turn it on me lol. He is the one that has her picture, obviously he is the one talking to her not me. She likes Curbo, she asked me for his number last summer and I said no because I'm tryna help a brotha out. She looks hella bad lmao. But I didn't know Curbo was still talking to her, that's cute
Hey CURBOLICOUS, maybe you and Jencork can come with me and your mom on a double date
It just goes to show how immature ppl are online.
cant even begin to express the severity of this burnNo, Curbolicous has the story all wrong and is trying to turn it on me lol. He is the one that has her picture, obviously he is the one talking to her not me. She likes Curbo, she asked me for his number last summer and I said no because I'm tryna help a brotha out. She looks hella bad lmao. But I didn't know Curbo was still talking to her, that's cute
Hey CURBOLICOUS, maybe you and Jencork can come with me and your mom on a double date
I edited your post to remove the racial terms. Not trying to anger you with that, just didn't want to see you get in trouble by anyone else for it, because your post was good, otherwise.
Carry on, lovelies!
Do you have a facebook? Maybe we can play mk sometime!I'm a guy and a gamer. Please don't hit on me girls.
You play MK too!? Do you play Mario Kart Wii? We already have so much in common!Do you have a facebook? Maybe we can play mk sometime!
Your pic along with this line has me cracking up lolAt Insuperable that doesn't have to do anything what this article is about. And plus it says how girls are treated lol. I treat every girl the same. as a beautiful flower
Because that face looks high as a kite, and I thought of hippies.Haha why? Zoidberg747
YOu ever watch a MLG event that had KayaneFR who plays Soul Calibur. Everytime she walked onto the set up to play the entire stream chat turned like a high school hallway. Shes hot I won't front but OMG I can only imagine what women have to deal with all the time playing games hehe etc...'ll admit, I've been borderline mysogynist before with my attitude scoffing at what I perceived to be "fake assed" girl gamers, but I kept that shit to myself and basically just rolled my eyes at the attention a person would get for playing a game and being female, but this shit was eye opening.
Was playing MK online at my GF's this past weekend, and her gamer tag identifies her as female. Anyone reading this probably already knows where this is going but I seriously had no idea shit could get that bad.
After every single match almost, win or lose, I was told to slurp cocks, gargle cum, etc. I'm used to hate mail, but this was downright creepy.
One person sent me GG's and some nice messages, but it immediately seemed to go into creeper status and like dude was trying to touch my non-existent lady parts.
TLDR: Ladies who play games, I feel horrible for all of the retarded shit you have to put up with on what I imagine is a daily basis. Had no clue it was this out of control.
It all makes senseZoidberg747 I was high when i took that pic haha!
To be fair, Kayane is smoking hot.YOu ever watch a MLG event that had KayaneFR who plays Soul Calibur. Everytime she walked onto the set up to play the entire stream chat turned like a high school hallway. Shes hot I won't front but OMG I can only imagine what women have to deal with all the time playing games hehe etc...@KayaneFR
I so agree.To be fair, Kayane is smoking hot.
But that doesnt justify people hitting on her all the time. Just because someone is attractive does not mean you have to freak out when yo see them.
I think the problem is that there are 2 types of chicks. Gamer Girls, who like to play the vidya and are perfectly fine. And the GURRL Gamer who go onto servers and proclaim, "Hello lowly nerds, I am of female descent and have a vagina, I bet you never expected me to play video games!"Why should a girl try to hide that she is a girl by picking an ambiguous gamer tag? Some people in here have said that if a girl isnt ok with the shit talking she should consider doing something else. Since when does playing a video game mean you have to be ok with bigotry? If a person has to hide the fact that they are in a minority group in order to participate without hatemail, then the system is broken. And no, they arent attention seeking for letting on to gender, race, or even sexual orientation. People can call themselves whatever they want just like people can wear whatever they want, their choices dont make it acceptable for others to attack them, even verbal attacks. Saying that people are attention seeking for allowing others to know they are a minority is incredibly shallow. The defense of 'well this is just the internet' doesnt fly. Treating people with disrespect because of a bias based on gender, sexual orientation, income, region of the world, any bias, is flat out WRONG and this behavior never gets a pass.
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