It works the other way around dude. tap 3 then down back. If you hold it wont work.I think you can use negative edge in your favor for this, to reduce the second input of 3 no?
So, 3, D,B, let go of 3.
Hope this helps!![]()
This did it. I noticed I waould wait too long after hitting with jk and then try to tele super fast. Really all I needed to do was smoothen out the inputs. Thanks much guys!Dash forward halfway after NJP. When doing JK Tele I input it like this: 3, D, B, 3 Don't wait, just input it in one smooth motion.
D1b3 for d1 tele. You can set the practice dummy to jump and practice it that way. As for d1 into spear. It just takes practice.How the hell are people stringing that into spear/ tele?! It's so quick and I can't figure out how to buffer/ negedge it!
Adding to this, even though I dont play scorpion but d1b3 utilizes input bug so I would assume since d1, d+f1 and d+b1 all get you a d1, that d+b1b1 will get you d1 into spear (assuming bb1 is spear input)D1b3 for d1 tele. You can set the practice dummy to jump and practice it that way. As for d1 into spear. It just takes practice.
Another thing I wanna add, is to try not to use ex tele to get out of pressure. Its not armored. If you feel you need to burn meter to get out of pressure, ex takedown works well. But for ex tele Its pretty good though for getting out of the corner on wake up, cause on hit it grants a a full combo into vortex setup.(ex tele, 21, 21, 33xxspear) and on block its +10, so you get free 33 pressure to follow up. But you can get down poked out of it.
Sent from Somewhere to Somewhere Else
yes, I forgot to add that, If im trying to jump out of pressure, which is rare unless I read a cross up, Ill sometimes go for the jkxxairthrow as the safer option as opposed to taking an air-to-air into vortex setup. But if im applying pressure and I read a cross up, you bet im going for a vortex set upAdding to this, even though I dont play scorpion but d1b3 utilizes input bug so I would assume since d1, d+f1 and d+b1 all get you a d1, that d+b1b1 will get you d1 into spear (assuming bb1 is spear input)And just in general uppercut is a good option. Not sure whether scorp has a quick one or not but it is usually a good defensive option. Jump kicks are good too. And just mix up ways to escape pressure. Predictability = punishment!! That also reminds me, Vagrant talked about getting njp'd but you have an air throw that should shut that option out everytime and leads to a free hellfire, right?
Just to let everybody know, d3is not a good poke for scorpion its negative on hit and block, the pokes to go are d1 and d4. d4 should be used around the furthest possible distant imo and can linked to takedown if you want.I usually use d1 or d3 as my escape route from pressure. EX Takedown can also be effective, provided you have the meter on hand. It's somewhat safe on block, too.
Do NOT abuse that EX Teleport. Even if done as an instant-air like someone here suggested, it is still a two-part attack that can be interrupted and punished before the second strike lands. As it has no armor and is not a trustworthy Wake-Up, your use of this move must be very limited. I could condone it as an escape route from the corner, I suppose, but some players will be expecting that.
EX Spear can also work, but as you already's risky as it can be ducked at close-range. I wouldn't trust that move too much.
What controller do you use on PS3? It didn't look like you were using a regular PS3 pad in that last tournament.Most tournies are on PS3 which I don't have much practice on a PS3 pad for iatp. If it was on XBox I'd be more inclined to try.
I use a WWE fightpad lol.What controller do you use on PS3? It didn't look like you were using a regular PS3 pad in that last tournament.