Learn from this.I BOUGHT the game day 1 and so did 100.000 other players on PC because we like MK and just like day 1
I'm trying to figure out if you're just dumb or trying to troll, probably a bit of bothLearn from this.
You bought the PC port and I'm the dumb one! Ha!I'm trying to figure out if you're just dumb or trying to troll, probably a bit of both
There's a way they'll never forget: Keep pestering them and reminding them and particularly, WB of what they did.Not even an apology to the PC gamers? Shocking by NRS but they know everyone will forget by the time Injustice 2 is ready.
I was already thinking of buying a PS4, so I guess now I have to. Still, don't like that this is how the decicion is made. If I wasn't already registered for 2 tournaments, I'd quit the game and move on to SFV.@Braindead @Immortal @Jupe
Man this ruined my day and I don't even play on PC.
This do shit for you guys![]()
let us know what you discover, i and many of my friends want to refund if possible.I'm trying to think of a way to open up a dialogue with steam about mass refunds. If NRS/WB are taking a piss this big, lets damn well be sure they're publicly outed in some way, and the failing studios are forced to answer to lord gaben for forsaking his disciples. Steam charging the same price as PS4/XB1 and getting a fraction of the quality that the other platforms received resembles class action lawsuit territory in my observation. There needs to be a movement from the consumers, and we need to continue to hold NRS/WB accountable for taking our money.
s f v b o y s
Except it is in pretty much every other way apart FGC?PC master race? ..............nah.![]()
Absolved of Guilt? Ok now I know for sure your head isn't screwed on all the way. A company's poor business choices of who is doing a port and subsequent drop of all players due to that poor decision and your saying I'm guilty because I bought a game I thought was going to actually be a good game? Ok, captain hindsight, I can see you have no idea what you're talking about and you have affirmed my previous post of your rampant dickriding, thank you for being the first person on my ignore list.so you HAD to buy MKX? WB forced you to buy it? You're just completely absolved of guilt?
Damn straight.I'm trying to think of a way to open up a dialogue with steam about mass refunds. If NRS/WB are taking a piss this big, lets damn well be sure they're publicly outed in some way, and the failing studios are forced to answer to lord gaben for forsaking his disciples. Steam charging the same price as PS4/XB1 and getting a fraction of the quality that the other platforms received resembles class action lawsuit territory in my observation. There needs to be a movement from the consumers, and we need to continue to hold NRS/WB accountable for taking our money.
s f v b o y s
I think the fact that MK has sizable pot bonus every major along with the entry pot would make MK "worth" playing. To me KI is the filler game while people where waiting for MK/T7 to come out. Depending which kind of game your into.Killer Instinct: Released in 2013, still has a vast playerbase after 3 years, initial 9 characters and roster expanded threefold. Excellent online play from the start, no bad characters. Out on PC three years later. Player base feels satisfied.
MKX: Released in 2015, losing more players than it is gaining, initial umpteen characters with three variations each, gaining irrelevant dlc. Online play admittedly needed to be re-developed. A minority of the roster are considered good characters (aka top tier). Dropped PC version one year in. Player base conflicted.
Guess which game is worth playing.
FGC forum bruh.Except it is in pretty much every other way apart FGC?
well excuse me mr.hotshit cuz I'm not willing to buy a damn console for ONE game but don't worry you keep on pretending that everything is fine with this crap.You bought the PC port and I'm the dumb one! Ha!
Yea i think MKX will still be around 3rd place viewership like it has been last year with UMVC3 and SF, but everything else is done. (ggxrd, KI ect.) Side tournament stats. I feel like if people could drop 500 on a Xbone One for KI they could have done the same for MKX. I feel like anyone that didnt get the game on PS4 or Xbone or was waiting for the game to come to Last gen didnt or wasnt planing on taking the game seriously anyways. So all the woe, is me talk about it not coming to PC is irreverent.In the meantime, Street Fighter V is less than a month away from release, with free DLC characters, good netcode, and crossplatform support for PS4 + PC. See you guys there!
Lol I couldn't care less. I was right anywaydamm tth got bodied on that other page lmao
MKX has it's issues, but it's a very fun game. It kinda hurts to say it, but after what NRS has done, I'll be glad to see this game die.Yea i think MKX will still be around 3rd place viewership like it has been last year with UMVC3 and SF, but everything else is done. (ggxrd, KI ect.) Side tournament stats
WB employee confirmed here, or perhaps applying for a job in the future, it would suit you very well, you already have a spot on mentality for their top worker.Yea i think MKX will still be around 3rd place viewership like it has been last year with UMVC3 and SF, but everything else is done. (ggxrd, KI ect.) Side tournament stats