we get it, you're rich.all of the console vs masterrace childish argument aside, the gaming world we live in today forces one to get all the platforms
I have PC, XONE, PS4 and each one has its own exclusives or is the preferred platform for something
this announcement wont make me butthurt to the point of shouting that I'll never buy another of their product again
I fucking bet the art director, programmers, QA and up until to the last group of idiots that screwed up pc players would like to come over here and write a 5000 essay explaining why they're against this decision and how they'd hope to see their creature live and breathe across all their supporters
they simply can't.
and I can't even imagine how someone cannot see the beauty that is MKX on pc, shadows, textures, light, audio
so I am thinking about that guy who worked his ass to his deadline to give the world this product, a fucking beautiful one just to see it end like this
we are venting basically to no one, because it may not be entirely nrs or wb's decision nor from the whole of their teams
I'm sure there'll be a number of reasons beyond what we can come up with on a board
but in the end this is the reality, someone decided to proceed along this path and someone else will take the blame and speculation, we get the shaft as customers
Ultimately, you're correct. There isn't much that can be done. Only thing is voting with our wallets, which is what I'll do. I've been buying fgs on Steam for the past 5 years, and this was by far my worst experience with any dev.all of the console vs masterrace childish argument aside, the gaming world we live in today forces one to get all the platforms
I have PC, XONE, PS4 and each one has its own exclusives or is the preferred platform for something
this announcement wont make me butthurt to the point of shouting that I'll never buy another of their product again
I fucking bet the art director, programmers, QA and up until to the last group of idiots that screwed up pc players would like to come over here and write a 5000 essay explaining why they're against this decision and how they'd hope to see their creature live and breathe across all their supporters
they simply can't.
and I can't even imagine how someone cannot see the beauty that is MKX on pc, shadows, textures, light, audio
so I am thinking about that guy who worked his ass to his deadline to give the world this product, a fucking beautiful one just to see it end like this
we are venting basically to no one, because it may not be entirely nrs or wb's decision nor from the whole of their teams
I'm sure there'll be a number of reasons beyond what we can come up with on a board
but in the end this is the reality, someone decided to proceed along this path and someone else will take the blame and speculation, we get the shaft as customers
Falling back to the "how was I supposed to know it would suck" position doesn't work now that we have the internet. The entire planet knew day one (when you couldn't even fully download it) that MKX PC was a pile of shit.I'm "tagging" you because I'm responding to your post, I hope that's ok.
I didn't expect for this to happen. MK9 came out after the fact but it did come out on PC, as did Injustice. We were given broken promises ala the gif of Boon and angryjoe everyone keeps using but there really wasn't anything the consumer could do to forsee this. The only thing I can think of is the disaster port of arkham knight. But this sets a precedent as of now which is why I'm not buying any nrs or wb shit on pc
Hope you enjoy the game on ps4.
Yeahhhh I'll definitely agree to disagreeFalling back to the "how was I supposed to know it would suck" position doesn't work now that we have the internet. The entire planet knew day one (when you couldn't even fully download it) that MKX PC was a pile of shit.
WB definitely shit the bed, but you could've looked before you climbed in it.
so you HAD to buy MKX? WB forced you to buy it? You're just completely absolved of guilt?Yeahhhh I'll definitely agree to disagree
Obvs. the answer we expected, not the one we wanted. OR the one the PC players deserve. But at least you actually responded. Thanks.Mortal Kombat XL and Kombat Pack 2 will available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only.
Sorry PC guys
Mine is Necalli now... till the put Sagat on it... lolThink I'm going to change my main to Dhalsim...
Quoted for truth.To some of the peope that are saying 'well the 360 version was cut, no market, no product its simple business!'...
...shut the fuck up. And here's why you should shut the fuck up:
People with 360's or ps3's or whatever never received a product. That DOES suck and I feel for them being told one thing and in the end being shafted, but guess what? They didn't shell out 80$ + for the game and kp1 + possible skins or additional dlc.
I did. I bought MKX under the impression that I would receive a playable game with up to date standards of online functionality. I waited months for.the game to work at a playable level AT ALL on PC, then I waited afterwards for a functional online experience. I even went so far as to defend NRS and say 'ya know, the PC port was shit but NOW its great. So good on them for getting it working, even.if it took longer than it should have'. I even convinced myself that online was no big deal. I'll just build my own offline scene! Most games you can just play, but MKX requires me to drive my happy ass an hour and a half away to a whole different city and almost state, to get games against real people in an environment that's actually playable and enjoyably so.
Again , I made an excuse, I said well hell I'm being social and developing friendships and blah blah. I made pbone calls and did a ton of leg work trying to establish a local scene, but never could grow it.
All to play a game.. A game who's nearest competitors had no trouble providing the aforementioned playable experience right from the beginning, without the need to drive hours away or develop a local scene.
But after all that, all the waiting, posting, speculating, hoping and CONSTANTLY making excuses for MKX.. I am now told to go fuck myself. My copy of MKX will not be updated or provided with any improvements, while the console versions will. The game I have 80$+ invested in and hundreds of hours.of playtime, is dead.. Not due to natural entropy and attrition losses, but because the developer/publisher simply doesn't give a shit enough to provide me, an EQUALLY PAYING CUSTOMER with the same experience as other customers because its inconvenient.
If you think this is OK, or 'just how businesses work' then you are a pathetic, hyper-passive fool who's apathy is nothing more than fear and laziness in equal measure.
This is deeply and utterly unacceptable. No company should do this and no company should be allowed to get away with it without a MASSIVE backlash.
It's my genuine hope that mutiple online communities,broadcasters, YouTubers and other get together and plaster this nonsense over every inch of the internet.
Shame on NRS. Shame on WB and shame on anyone that thinks this is OK and we should just grab ankle and accept it.
Listen dickhead I've had it with you coming in here and trying to put this in a way that makes WB and NRS not the guilty party, I BOUGHT the game day 1 and so did 100.000 other players on PC because we like MK and just like day 1, PC is getting the shaft and the ONLY ones to blame are NRS and WB.so you HAD to buy MKX? WB forced you to buy it? You're just completely absolved of guilt?