Lol no its just fun. If someone is taking their losing so seriously that they get "PTSD" or even rage out in the first place that's a good sign that they need a different hobby and beyond that a look inside to figure out why they rage out so hard on such a trivial thing. If someone cant enjoy a game unless they are winning they shouldn't be playing it.
If someone is taking their losing so seriously that they get "PTSD" or even rage out in the first place that's a good sign that they need a different hobby
Unfortunately I came to the same conclusion after today's session on PC. I played a guy who pulled the plug during a brutality. I saw the red wire sign for a moment then the game paused for a second then went through with the brutal. Who the fluck does that? I had a match earlier where my opponent hit random select then he decided to mirror me instead. I handed his ass to him in Round 1 so he started jumping around then he was just standing still aaand... Game session is not available. I didn't even get the points for that so screw him!
Hey I would never - ever- ever ever ever........use the FB during the fatal screen with an opponent that shows class when they win. Even if they fatal me on the first match of a set. But...... you tbag me and then lose the set...... I'm gonna give ya the longest wait I can and then....... bam shrapnel blast to the chest lmao