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For Honor


It's all so very confusing.
Does he have a good point, is he full of it, or anything in between?

Here's some post-patch gameplay...

I cant speak for the balance of the game prior to the patch, cause I started right as it hit, but his opinions on the gamers and such in general, and the whining and such are pretty spot on.

Sounds to me like he wants people to level up before screaming about nerfs and auto finding the easiest way into and out of a situation... he somewhat undermines that by then screaming about how awful Valk is, lol, then mentioned ganking as a bad thing, while doing it in the BG.. but.. shrug. All in all, entertaining and interesting.
Reactions: GAV

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
new patch came out

V1.03 – live update 1

  • All Heroes: Simultaneous guard break attempts will push back both players. Subsequent simultaneous guard break attempts will not connect.
  • Warlord: Full block stance was not intended to be a reactive tool to replace all other defence methods. The full block stance has been delayed from instantaneous activation to a 200ms delay after the input. This will also fix some replication bugs.
  • Valkyrie: Shield tackle full block property was not intended to be a reactive tool to replace all other defence methods. The shield tackle full block property has been delayed from instantaneous on activation to a 200ms delay after the input. This will also fix some replication bugs.
  • Conqueror: To fix some replication bugs, the heavy attack interrupt block animation has been delayed from immediate to a 100ms delay after the input.
  • Kensei: Fixed a bug that caused unblockable Top Heavy to cancel back into itself. This was never intended to work like that.
  • Shugoki: Fixed a bug on Charged Heavy Attack hitting twice and being un-parry able when releasing lock during the attack. This was never intended to work like that.
On PC, the game will receive a small hotfix at the same time as the live update. The patch includes some quality of live improvements, a fix for a memory leak, and more.

V1.03 – PC hotfix 1

  • Players with Intel Integrated Graphics below the minimum specification can now proceed past the warning message rather than having the game exit to desktop.
  • As requested by the community, the post-match screen ‘Quit to Desktop’ option has been removed.
  • A memory leak happening under specific circumstances with UPnP has been fixed.
  • Improved AFK detection.


It's all so very confusing.

So.. wait.

They made a QoL change because.. because the community requested it? They listened to the people who play the game and spent time and resources to change something for them?

I'm sorry, I just had to wipe a tear from my eye.. as an SFV player I'm not used to a developer treating me like I exist.
Reactions: GAV


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
On all the "fixes"...

Couldn't give a shit less. Fix the disconnects!!!!!!

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
So are the kara cancels a real thing if so how come i never see top tournament players using them i hope its a bug seams like a bug
Reactions: GAV