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Final Patch before Evo2k13?


Everyone who wants this thread closed= top 10 char main

everyone who wants this thread open= bottom 10 char main

bring it bitches
I main Kung Lao, and I still want this thread open and enjoy having conversations about balancing the game. Honestly if Kung Lao was nerfed tomorrow and was only top 15, I would still use him. Everytime Kung Lao was patched I continued using him, even his "big nerf" when his low hat was made -12 on block. After the last most recent patch, a tier list was made a day later in which Kung Lao was said to be not even top 10 anymore, and 99% of the Kung Lao players dropped him. Not me. I kept using him because I liked this character, I don't use him only and solely because he is a good character. Everyone just started using Kung Lao again recently because they found out he was still top 5. Honestly I would kind of like Kung Lao to be nerfed because the same thing would happen again, 99% of the Kung Lao players today would drop him and would be one of the only Kung Lao players left standing. I don't like when other people use my character :p


Joker waiting room
I main Kung Lao, and I still want this thread open and enjoy having conversations about balancing the game. Honestly if Kung Lao was nerfed tomorrow and was only top 15, I would still use him. Everytime Kung Lao was patched I continued using him, even his "big nerf" when his low hat was made -12 on block. After the last most recent patch, a tier list was made a day later in which Kung Lao was said to be not even top 10 anymore, and 99% of the Kung Lao players dropped him. Not me. I kept using him because I liked this character, I don't use him only and solely because he is a good character. Everyone just started using Kung Lao again recently because they found out he was top 5 again. Honestly I would kind of like Kung Lao to be nerfed because the same thing would happen again, 99% of the Kung Lao players today would drop Kung Lao and would be one of the only ones left standing. I don't like when other people use my character :p
it was a generalisation, some like you actually love the char and dont whine in this thread just for their mains to stay stop


I main Kung Lao, and I still want this thread open and enjoy having conversations about balancing the game. Honestly if Kung Lao was nerfed tomorrow and was only top 15, I would still use him. Everytime Kung Lao was patched I continued using him, even his "big nerf" when his low hat was made -12 on block. After the last most recent patch, a tier list was made a day later in which Kung Lao was said to be not even top 10 anymore, and 99% of the Kung Lao players dropped him. Not me. I kept using him because I liked this character, I don't use him only and solely because he is a good character. Everyone just started using Kung Lao again recently because they found out he was still top 5. Honestly I would kind of like Kung Lao to be nerfed because the same thing would happen again, 99% of the Kung Lao players today would drop him and would be one of the only Kung Lao players left standing. I don't like when other people use my character :p
i really like this post. 1. it IS fun to talk about patches/balancing/changes. i have read some members calling the thread dumb, stupid, and wanting it closed. it makes no sense to me. the reason so many threads of this nature exist is obviously because many of us enjoy the subject. we all know there is almost no chance of future patches happening, and dealing in hypotheticals can be quite entertaining. i see no harm in it.

2. i really understand your feelings about kung lao. you clearly love this character and would probably do so no matter where he wound up on the tier list. i feel the same about my mains, the difference is that there was never a mass dropping of them because they never had a huge following to begin with :( but if in the next game, sheeva and sindel wind up top tier, watch the fans suddenly come out of the woodwork. and remember who their TRUE fans have always been!

3. while i wish my characters were more popular, i again understand you not liking others playing your character. i want my girls for only myself!! sadly, it seems that's pretty much how it's gonna stay :/


Man of Tomorrow
Buffing a few things from a character, even a low tier character, can make them top tier if the new stuff is exploited correctly. For example, my simple suggestion of "Make it so Stryker can hold/cancel out of his second gunshot" can be used to a ridiculous degree for a person that uses it right.


Buffing a few things from a character, even a low tier character, can make them top tier if the new stuff is exploited correctly. For example, my simple suggestion of "Make it so Stryker can hold/cancel out of his second gunshot" can be used to a ridiculous degree for a person that uses it right.
Stryker needs his F+3 to have the same advantage on hit as Kabal's F+4


I miss you
Kabal should stay powerful, but some stuff needs to go for sure. Flash parry and 2NDC's frame advantage need to go. Maybe lower damage on iaGB. But that's it.

He should stay number 1. Any extra changes would be stupid.
This x10000000000000000000

Buff Ermac also pl0x

Who are we kidding... there's no patch coming :(