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Final Patch before Evo2k13?


The Netherrealm beckons
No more patches. I'd rather just wait for for UMK9/MK10. There's too many things wrong with this game that can't be fixed with a patch anyway.


These threads are cleary a waste of time, half of the crying about nerfs and buffs are hilarious, some don't even fully understand the tool of some character that cleary doesn't need either buff or nerf and are crying for stupid nerfs.
Others are crying because of meter drain, and so others bullshits that doesn't even makes sense.
Now i understand why REO, Maxter and some players, just stopped bothering with this shit, its a completely waste of time, its because of ppl with this altitude that some characters on this game that were excellent and had everything to fight characters like Kabal or Kenshi ended up being Garbage and have real big issues (Sub-Zero and Kano, Jade are one of the examples).

I really hope there is no patch coming, the game will look even worse if NRS listen half of the ppl who have posted on this thread.
It is sad brother, but also a lot of top players promote these things and base everything on matchups and Cry for patchespatches, this game was perfectly fine and was messed up little by little, All chars or most of them had something nasty to add to the table, gravity in the game changed, dash Nerf was a mistake of the programming when patching, Raiden, Kano, Jade and other were fucked up the ass, lol i remember even cd Jr compete with jade on my cyrax, thanks that dmg scaling wasnt that bad, that universal dmg nerf wasnt neccesary on a game that you have characters building metter like crazy this affected a lot of characters, This community is full of wheiners and crybabies, and i won't participate anymore about matchups because they also labeled me downplayer, Lol ignored these fools eddy, don't let this get to your head, i came into this thread because you tagged me, but seriously nothing is interesting here like it used to


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Translation, "I play Cyrax please don't change anything." ;D

Seriously though... It's incredible that the things being asked for don't include a cyrax nerf. Every measure was tried to remove bomb traps from the game TWICE. Both times it failed. It wouldn't make sense for any patch not to incude another shot at removing bullshit resets.

Best thing that happened to this game was PL winning Evo last year without using some broken frame trap or bullshit reset.

My ideal pach would include everything Forever King listed, but would also include a shortened frame advantage post Cyrax command grab. Even if it can be read and teched, almost every other safe jump in the game was removed and the loop is bullshit any way you look at it.

Remove bomb trap resets (don't cry cyrax players, he still has a 84% non reset anyway).

Kabal is fine.

Buff the bottom tier players by giving them more armor. Bottom tier is bottom tier because of terrible tools for escaping frame traps.

EX Rune should knock you down. frame traps are stupid in a game with chip on normals and stupid teching. You shouldn't eat that much damage regardless if you block a normal or not.

Same goes for JC.

There's a huge number of things that exist in this game that are applied in a way they were never intended to be. Lost of them make the game hugely imbalanced and embarrassing.
what are u talking about 84% non-reset?

jc needs his frame traps, its what makes him good....in fact its all that makes him good, u take away the best part of his rushdown....and u now have a shit character who no one will fear upclose.


Too little, too late...
I think there is a possibility of this happening, MK Legacy is coming, and a new film of MK, companies usually do this before making important announcements in relation to their next game, maybe NRS has something prepared for MK scene, maybe even a patch with more characters ..


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
also if kabal got nerfed then Kung lao would be no.1 :p. His extended armor does NOT need to be nerfed he needs it be cause its an option that makes simply dashing under and away a fullproof way to get around his teleport. u actually have to think and be ready.

If NRS does go ahead with this patch.....all i ask is that they be sensible and don't do anything stupid that would wreck a character in the game.

Kabal should have the advantage on 2ndc reduced and thats really about it for him.

cyrax and smoke resets removed and something also needs to be done about cyrax's command grab as well.

buff the lower tiers.

undo the dash nerf.


No, what's NOT FAIR is what happened to Sub Zero, Jade, and Kano players lol. Those characters were wrongly nerfed. Kabal would be rightfully nerfed and still top 5 wouldn't be bad. 99% of the Kabal mains picked him only and solely because he is the best character in the game, so I wouldn't feel bad for those people if their character got nerfed. They would just go on to the next best anyways lmao
you just won this thread. FLAWLESS VICTORY


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Lol what's the matter afraid you won't be able to iagb your way to victory?
I could care less if they were to nerf kabal. He's not the only char I know to play. It's just stupid for ppl to keep wishful thinking on a patch coming. Just deal with what the game has.


Absolutely no chance of getting one and even if there was, I wouldn't want it. Look at it this way: NRS had no way of knowing we'd three-peat EVO so if they did want to patch it, by the time the patch came out it would either be too close to EVO to be used or wouldn't make it in time.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
If we're doing a patch here. Nerf the damage Jax does on his reset, but make f413 0 frames on block and remove random advantage on it. They also make it a true launcher.


UMK9 or MK10 would be best. Keep the current roster, add onto it, refine the balance that way, keep character consistency across sequels and things of that nature.

Starting from scratch every new game practically makes balancing harder too.
I could care less if they were to nerf kabal. He's not the only char I know to play. It's just stupid for ppl to keep wishful thinking on a patch coming. Just deal with what the game has.
dude UMK9 would be insane and you know it


Positive Poster!
Hell yes. Fix all those broken mechanics and bugs. Every other game worth mentioning is getting patched constantly.
Naw, people that want it open are mostly just speaking in hypotheticals and understand that there are fixable things. Hypotheticals because it's unrealistic to expect a patch, and because a patch at this point would be a bandaid that is incapable of correcting everything.


All in on Johnny Football
Going in to Evo completely knowing your character(s) and the mus is better then a patch that could change the game to much. I agree this thread is dumb.
Why? There are obvious flaws in the game.

You like broken trash? Go play marvel. It's encouraged there.

Last thing I will say is that bomb trap resets are obviously busted. They exist for one reason only.. They have ALWAYS existed for this reason and no other. The only reason they exist is because when a combo is ended with a bomb, the damage resets before that bomb explodes.

There are two ways to fix them. One of them is possible with a patch, the other is not. Preferably, if the damage didn't reset before the bomb exploded, there would be no chance to find bomb trap resets and they'd be gone forever. That's impossible though for reasons I've mentioned several times already.

People were using the buzzsaw reset before, and as a consequence the game was patched to make the buzzsaw wiff. What can be changed to get rid of bomb trap resets is simple. The 2nd net thrown in a combo needs to wiff. That could be put in with a patch and would have no impact on anything else in the game. The small amount of stun from the 2nd net is currently allowing bomb resets due to the reset timing compare to the bomb explosion. No stun from the 2nd net = no bomb trap resets.

No one would have to re-learn anything, you'd just have to hit someone more than once to win with Cyrax.


Cock Master!!
I'd love a patch if it buffed Kanos knifes and gave sindel a armor move.

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Well, regarding armor, certain characters have zero ways of escaping frame traps because they don't have armor. Sindel isn't the only one who needs something like that.

I always thought it was hilarious that people say things like, "yea but if they patched the game then I'd have to relearn how to play."

Am I the only one who figured out that this clearly says "I only play by exploiting what's currently broken." ?