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Final Kombat Discussion Thread! - The $200,000 Mortal Kombat Pro Kompetition Finale 6/14-6/16


At the Mortal Kombat 1 Final Kombat World Championship 19 Invited players from the Pro Kompetition Global Leaderboard and one final kontender from the Last Chance Qualifier will compete in Toronto, Canada for their share of $200,000 and the title of MK1 first ever world champion." From the Final Kombat Startgg Page

Here are the Final Kombatants and group stages


NOTE: Illuminati has been replaced with Mikelou for Mexico in Group D due to travel issues

Top 2 of each group advance to the Top 8


Day 1 Last Chance Qualifiers - Sheldon & Tracy Levy Student Learning Centre: 341 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 1S1 (8th Floor)

Day 2 & 3 - Group Stage and Final Bracket - Toronto Metropolitan University: 43 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M5G 2A7


From the airport YYZ. UP Express Station to Union Station downtown will save on one hellova rideshare


June 14 - LCQ
10AM: Venue Opens
12PM: Pools Block 1
2PM: Pools Block 2
4PM: Top 24
7PM: Top 8
10PM: Venue Closes

June 15 - Group Stage
10AM: Venue Opens
11AM: Group 1
1:30 PM: Group 2
4 PM: Group 3
6:30 PM: Group 4
10 PM: Venue Closes

June 16 - Finals
11AM: Venue Opens
12PM: Top 8 Begins
7PM: Venue Closes




1st $70,000
2nd $36,000
3rd $24,000
4th $16,000
5th (each) $10,000
7th (each) $5,000
9th (each) $3,000
13th (each) $2,000
17th (each) $1,000

Who do you think will win LCQ? Who do you think will win it all!? Drop thoughts below



How can you watch Sonic win MULTIPLE rounds with absolutely ridiculous whiff punishes and call it "an elaborate guessing game." Yeah yeah you're not disparaging Sonic but its pretty clear the game is way more than that.
It's the least interesting MK I've ever experienced. The bloom came off the rose for me on this one a long time ago. However, I'm not saying it isn't an Olympian feat of mind and physics for Sonic to be this good; I'm saying that, for me, this game doesn't seem to do much else. Them busting out the Brazil t-shirt and getting that big pop was more interesting than 90% of the gameplay. Talent is talent, but a boring game is a boring game, and every friggin' time I turned this tournament on, it was either Cena, Cage, Khameleon, or Sonic doing Sonic stuff. Nothing interesting has happened in the MK1 gene pool since Ermac coming out and Quan Chi getting buffed. NRS feels more concerned with making casual material than they are producing an even slightly interesting meta, and the low viewership numbers + reviews from across the web being way more negative than positive are telling of how the competitive base feels about that.
I'm not trying to deny the heavy usage. I think it's heavier representation than what is ideal, I just find it less of a concern. Again, most top 8's for competitive fighting games are pretty top tier heavy. Which makes sense, these are professional players playing for big money, they're going to find any edge they can.

Game is only 9 months old, they'll add characters/balance patches and we'll start to see a wider representation of the roster.
Again, most top 8's for competitive fighting games are pretty top tier heavy.
The use of top tier characters was not the issue. The issue was that 90% of the matches included Johnny Cage, Peacemaker, or both. No matter how much people like you and Crimson try to justify what happened, what people watched yesterday was not normal, especially not when compared to Street Fighter and Tekken. For those who still care about facts, there was a tournament for Tekken over the weekend. The results and statistics can be viewed here and here.
The use of top tier characters was not the issue. The issue was that 90% of the matches included Johnny Cage, Peacemaker, or both. No matter how much people like you and Crimson try to justify what happened, what people watched yesterday was not normal, especially not when compared to Street Fighter and Tekken.
I didn't comment on the character diversity, so I'm not sure what you mean here. To have 2 characters comprise most of the top 8 is unusual.
Yes Peacemaker, Johnny and Khameleon need nerfs. I don't believe in the buff everything idea because there is a zenith it will hit where every character becomes homogenized and endup doing the same ridiculous stuff.

If I were to be in charge of balance, I'd reallocate some of Johnny's power budget to the star power buff, so it makes you give up some oki and pressure to buff later. Maybe star power in addition to the special cancels, it adds +2 to all of his advancing normals. That way his immense pressure actually has a condition to get it.

Khameleon, maybe increase mileena roll start up, have Kitana armor start up few frames later so you can call it out.
Yes Peacemaker, Johnny and Khameleon need nerfs. I don't believe in the buff everything idea because there is a zenith it will hit where every character becomes homogenized and endup doing the same ridiculous stuff.
It would actually be the opposite. Every character being viable because they all have their own dirt. If you just continually neuter what makes the good characters good, eventually you WILL be left with characters that all do similar things. That is true homogeny. Besides that, no one is really advocating for only buffing. Most of those like myself advocating for “buffing everything” also realize that the top characters do need slight nerfs. But the discussion is futile because NRS is probably never going to go with this approach. It’s far too much work that doesn’t really benefit them at all. ¯\(ツ)
as I said before step 1 is giving a vector to interact more with assists.

In almost every other assist game you can punish a reckless call, often for serious gain. The pieces of this are there with major damage being possible if you catch the assist and it turning off breaker.

The tools to do it aren’t. It’s way way way too easy to make assists safe from virtually anything while making your own pressure safe.
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It would actually be the opposite. Every character being viable because they all have their own dirt. If you just continually neuter what makes the good characters good, eventually you WILL be left with characters that all do similar things. That is true homogeny. Besides that, no one is really advocating for only buffing. Most of those like myself advocating for “buffing everything” also realize that the top characters do need slight nerfs. But the discussion is futile because NRS is probably never going to go with this approach. It’s far too much work that doesn’t really benefit them at all. ¯\(ツ)
buff everything isn’t in direct contrast with “only nerfs”. that’s not what I said nor meant at all
Not sure if it’s the Covid fever I have or if this was a typo. But it hurts my brain trying to figure it out
More than first than the second but yeah fixed.

Short version, you don't have the fullscren supers/beams/whatever of the marvel series to go through the point character and punish the assist in the back. There's very few moves that do this, and even fewer that are on an assist call, and I don't think any are on an ambush, so yeah all pressure is trivial to make safe.
Hi, this is Rude. I lost my account info awhile back and said fuck it and made this. This will be my last post.

So, if you watched Final Kombat and think the game is only string+special+kameo, you are a fool.

You do not make it to that level doing that and nothing else.

The people saying this would NEVER call out Fox or Xombat or any of them on Twitter for a set. Especially no one on this site for two reasons:

1) They are cowards

2) They would get absolutely destroyed.

Simple as.

If you watched Final Kombat and saw no neutral, no high level movement, no whiff punishing, no reads, no decision making, no match up knowledge, you are a fool.

Saying anything else is very disrespectful to the players that have put well over a thousand hours into this game, something no one on this site has done.

Give these guys their flowers.

Stop being salty little bitches.

And if any of you disagree?

My PSN is jshipp39.

Disagree with me on the sticks.

Rude, Out!
Hi, this is Rude. I lost my account info awhile back and said fuck it and made this. This will be my last post.

So, if you watched Final Kombat and think the game is only string+special+kameo, you are a fool.

You do not make it to that level doing that and nothing else.

The people saying this would NEVER call out Fox or Xombat or any of them on Twitter for a set. Especially no one on this site for two reasons:

1) They are cowards

2) They would get absolutely destroyed.

Simple as.

If you watched Final Kombat and saw no neutral, no high level movement, no whiff punishing, no reads, no decision making, no match up knowledge, you are a fool.

Saying anything else is very disrespectful to the players that have put well over a thousand hours into this game, something no one on this site has done.

Give these guys their flowers.

Stop being salty little bitches.

And if any of you disagree?

My PSN is jshipp39.

Disagree with me on the sticks.

Rude, Out!
Glad to see that you are okay. I was worried something had happened to you when you stopped posting and no one knew where you were.
If you watched Final Kombat and saw no neutral, no high level movement, no whiff punishing, no reads, no decision making, no match up knowledge, you are a fool.
Watching people try to say a tournament was objectively boring when the stream chat looks like this is amusing:


We're all entitled to our opinions, and not everyone will like every game or meta. But clearly the majority of people who tuned in and can appreciate high-level play did not agree.
Watching people try to say a tournament was objectively boring when the stream chat looks like this is amusing:

View attachment 21730

We're all entitled to our opinions, and not everyone will like every game or meta. But clearly the majority of people who tuned in and can appreciate high-level play did not agree.
You can take any random screenshot and make it appear anyway you want it to in order to fit your narrative. There being hype moments doesn’t mean the majority of it was hype. I could screenshot tons of times where the majority of the chat was being extremely negative.

What evidence do you have that “the majority” of people who tuned in found the entire top 8 hype and/or not mostly boring? Firstly most of the viewers aren’t even typing in the chat, so the argument would have to be “the majority of the chatters didn’t find it boring”. Which, I don’t think you can even demonstrate that.

Clearly there were super tense and hype moments. But to suggest that most people that watched were hyped about constantly seeing Cage and Peacemaker (and subsequently the same Kameos) AND that they were hyped for the majority of the top 8 is an absurd claim imo.

I completely understand if certain viewers enjoyed most of the matches and were hyped for most of them, that’s undeniably the case. And I’m glad that there are those like yourself that did thoroughly enjoy the top 8 like you always seem to do no matter what. But at some point you gotta be honest about the reality of the situation and acknowledge that there’s a lot of people who found the Finals for the biggest tournament for MK1’s history to be far more lackluster than exciting.
Did you take that picture the five minutes of stream time when Johnny and Peacemaker were not on the screen? :p
They were both on the screen :cool:

I think it's possible to be hyped over the level of play, but disappointed about constantly seeing Cage and Peacemaker. That's basically where I landed.
Same here. No need to down the event or competitors when it was clearly exciting to most. And there's definitely balancing work to be done.