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Final Kombat Discussion Thread! - The $200,000 Mortal Kombat Pro Kompetition Finale 6/14-6/16


At the Mortal Kombat 1 Final Kombat World Championship 19 Invited players from the Pro Kompetition Global Leaderboard and one final kontender from the Last Chance Qualifier will compete in Toronto, Canada for their share of $200,000 and the title of MK1 first ever world champion." From the Final Kombat Startgg Page

Here are the Final Kombatants and group stages


NOTE: Illuminati has been replaced with Mikelou for Mexico in Group D due to travel issues

Top 2 of each group advance to the Top 8


Day 1 Last Chance Qualifiers - Sheldon & Tracy Levy Student Learning Centre: 341 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 1S1 (8th Floor)

Day 2 & 3 - Group Stage and Final Bracket - Toronto Metropolitan University: 43 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M5G 2A7


From the airport YYZ. UP Express Station to Union Station downtown will save on one hellova rideshare


June 14 - LCQ
10AM: Venue Opens
12PM: Pools Block 1
2PM: Pools Block 2
4PM: Top 24
7PM: Top 8
10PM: Venue Closes

June 15 - Group Stage
10AM: Venue Opens
11AM: Group 1
1:30 PM: Group 2
4 PM: Group 3
6:30 PM: Group 4
10 PM: Venue Closes

June 16 - Finals
11AM: Venue Opens
12PM: Top 8 Begins
7PM: Venue Closes




1st $70,000
2nd $36,000
3rd $24,000
4th $16,000
5th (each) $10,000
7th (each) $5,000
9th (each) $3,000
13th (each) $2,000
17th (each) $1,000

Who do you think will win LCQ? Who do you think will win it all!? Drop thoughts below



How often are top 8s homogenized? I think in old games such as MVC2, those games are “solved”, so during top 8 there’s low character variety, but for new games the last I can think of is when Leroy was released in a broken powerful state in tekken 7 just before evo Japan. It’s not a great look that MK1 is already veering close to what smashers called 20XX - the hypothetical future where only Fox dittos on final destination are played
How often are top 8s homogenized?
It depends on a number of factors.
Sometimes it's randomness of which players make it to top 8. If 3 Ken players make a Street Fighter top 8, and one of them goes on to win it all, you're gonna see a lot of Ken.

Sometimes it's how new or early in the life of the game the game is. Early on in a game's life people tend to gravitate towards the simpler characters, like Atrocitus in Injustice 2 or Sonya in MK11. Ryu when SFV first came out. Characters with very simple Low/Overhead gameplans, or with very easy fundamentals to pick up and play at a high level.

Balance, obviously, plays a pretty big factor. A new character that comes out that's a little too OP out of the box, before they choose to patch, can make a big difference.

One thing I wonder is how much community size and community culture contributes to character variety in top 8, as well as the amount of prize money for a tournament/competitive scene affects things. A large diverse community with a deeper talent pool would theoretically lead to a wider spread of character usage.
I also like this one from Nickopz...

Yea this cat really isn't all that articulate. I'll stick with Lord Brady as the number 1 source for NRS gospel. I just hope nobody calls him for a two hour pow wow. We need good guy Tom as much as we need Peacemaker full screen eagly combos. We need fire breathing Nomad Dash Canceling Brady spitting against villainous hairy browed foreheads who took us to the cleaners for 120 a pop.

Brady Bless