@Fraud Blank
Covering a few different posts here.
First, OP said nothing. It was politician speak at best. It sounded pretty and was ultimately hollow. It did try to make some points... sure, but ultimately reading between those lines was nothing more than a part of the unfounded conspiracy theory that NRS listens to the whining of TYM.
Second, Reptile's SFB can be used to get in. I've used it to get in. I've seen better players than myself (and ostensibly you) use it to get in. I've had it used against me to get in. Run is a thing in this game. From some distances not only can you get a SFB in, you can run up and 2B before it even hits. Hell, even in cases that you can't... it does cause some blockstun during which you are free to move.
Third, no one in this game has zoning. It is a legit criticism of MKX as a whole, but to hold it against Reptile is crazy since he can hold his own in zoning wars with all but a handful of characters.