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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
fuck this asshole, isn't this guy that, came up when MKX or Injustice (cannot remember) came out and tried to mock and said bullshit about the NRS FGC being trash, low level, losers, whatever, and so, he was to destroy every pro player of NRS games ? if so, fuck off this dude piece of shit, go rot in hell, haha :D
To your first point, even if that were true, how would this stop anybody who's convinced they're doing the right thing? I'm a nobody dude, I don't have any fame or clout. My posts can be ignored like the thousands of others on any social media platform. Remember, my original point before this thread devolved into what it is now, is that people are too busy being Twitter-angry. This also speaks to point 3 btw; as a practical example, somebody here in Belgium who goes around checking if landlords aren't discriminating based on skin colour/ethnicity before renting out a property, don't have time to get upset about a watermelon on twitter.

To your second point; I would agree if this was a sincere conversation to begin with. Capcom banning FChamp for racism allegations is kind of ironic to me, considering Capcom is still a Japanese company. Are you aware of how rampant racism in Japan is? This is virtue signaling so sincerity is arguable here.

To your fourth point, we've been over this. BLM was dormant at the time (and I wonder why, black people were still getting shot, and not just by white police officers) and I was just really hoping to see Shang Tsung in the game instead of having him discarded yet again. I don't live my life in a constant state of seriousness, and I can promise you with 100% guarantee that not a single person got hurt over my hashtag. Promise.

To your final point, it seems that every time I bring up my own experiences, the person I'm discussing with changes the definition of white privilege. I could mention I've had 150 euros to my name at my lowest point, and they'll say "at least you're white so you found a job quicker". I point out I've been passed over for basic jobs in the past due to my foreign sounding name, and then they make it about something else, and so on and so on. I'm being invalidated every step of the way, but even that seems okay to you, so really, what's the point of talking about this? You clearly think this is one-sided.
1. I'm a nobody as well. I have like 6 followers on twitter but i'm still putting it out there. A lot of small voices together make for a big noise. That's how change works.

I don't really understand how someone checking on landlords in Belgium and not caring about twitter somehow invalidates the impact of said tweet. If you care to expand.

2. Capcoms motives and sincerity very well may be questionable (certainly inconsistent) but that doesn't take away from what he did being wrong.

4. You are absolutely correct, but you said you never made light of racism. Co-opting a racially charged hashtag certainly seems like you are making light of it whether anyone was offended or not.

Final point. I can't account for you interactions with others and how they define white privilege. I'm quite confident you've run into people who abuse it (like anything else) and that sucks.

The people who are trying to invalidate your struggles and experiences are shitty to say the least.

You're struggles are indeed valid, but that's not the topic at hand.

It's like if you accidentally cut off your finger and ran to someone for help bleeding profusely and they said, "I cut my hand pretty bad a while back too..."

I'm sure that persons experience was quite traumatic but they're not the one currently bleeding.


Administrator and Community Engineer
A Twitter watermelon goes away when you close Twitter. A scumbag not willing to take you as a tenant purely because of your skin colour could be a direct route to homelessness.
The mentality behind posting racist imagery to mock a movement of people trying to fight for equality and address police brutality doesn't go away when you close Twitter.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I'm starting to think my English must be abysmal.

The point I was trying to make is that it's a matter of priorities, or impact if you will.

A Twitter watermelon goes away when you close Twitter. A scumbag not willing to take you as a tenant purely because of your skin colour could be a direct route to homelessness.
A Twitter watermelon from one of the most well known players in the history of the FGC, followed quickly by the I Have Black Friends So I Can't Be Racist argument, wouldn't go away at this point if you fucking deleted Twitter itself. This is going to be a thing that follows Marvel all the way to their next title, and I'm guessing a thing from which more heads will likely eventually roll when other start getting thrown under the bus to satisfy the mob wanting to see all the other guilty parties go down.

And the whole nihilistic approach of "I don't give a fuck about anyone" just sounds like a free pass to enjoy people cannibalizing each other and pissing people off. People with enough hate and disdain to root for everyone to be miserable are their own special kind of fucked up.

I cannot wait to see how this all plays out when there are tournaments again.
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It has begun
1. I'm a nobody as well. I have like 6 followers on twitter but i'm still putting it out there. A lot of small voices together make for a big noise. That's how change works.

I don't really understand how someone checking on landlords in Belgium and not caring about twitter somehow invalidates the impact of said tweet. If you care to expand.
The comparison I made was more about priorities, and how at the end of the day a tweet shouldn't be the thing to end your momentum if you believe in something. Not so much that one invalidates the other, but you can ignore a twitter post since it has barely (if any) tangible effect, whereas for example selectively renting out property is a real, tangible and heavy issue. To add @CrimsonShadow, I understand that the mentality doesn't go away, as you said, but what is the NET setback here? Especially since Ryan already got punished for it.


It has begun
A Twitter watermelon from one of the most well known players in the history of the FGC, followed quickly by the I Have Black Friends So I Can't Be Racist argument, wouldn't go away at this point if you fucking deleted Twitter itself. This is going to be a thing that follows Marvel all the way to their next title, and from which more heads are eventually going to roll when other start getting thrown under the bus to satisfy the mob.

And the whole nihilistic approach of "I don't give a fuck about anyone" just sounds like a free pass to enjoy people cannibalizing each other and pissing people off.
I don't really see it as a free pass. I don't mean to come off as an edge lord or anything like that, but I feel that a lot of the hate for how I'm thinking here comes from the assumption that I intend to live my life the exact way you all do, which just isn't the case.

Additionally, as I have discussed with other people outside of TYM, I have a big problem with the fact that this entire thing is going to create extremism on both sides. Do you WANT to the alt-right to fight back? Because I sure don't want to give them any more breathing room, and believe me that I say that these maniacs can be bolder than just cowardly sucker punching people or hitting them with bike locks when they're not looking.
The comparison I made was more about priorities, and how at the end of the day a tweet shouldn't be the thing to end your momentum if you believe in something. Not so much that one invalidates the other, but you can ignore a twitter post since it has barely (if any) tangible effect, whereas for example selectively renting out property is a real, tangible and heavy issue. To add @CrimsonShadow, I understand that the mentality doesn't go away, as you said, but what is the NET setback here? Especially since Ryan already got punished for it.
The tangible effect is what i mentioned early about a death by a thousand cuts, while it may not be immediately evident, it contributes to overall pervassiveness of systematic racism. Just like how many voices can make positive change they can also make negative change, that's why it's important to call it out whenever you encounter it.

In regards to priorities, there's no reason why you'd have to prioritize calling out someones online bs and fighting housing inequality. You could and should do both. Fight it on all front when possible.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I don't really see it as a free pass. I don't mean to come off as an edge lord or anything like that, but I feel that a lot of the hate for how I'm thinking here comes from the assumption that I intend to live my life the exact way you all do, which just isn't the case.

Additionally, as I have discussed with other people outside of TYM, I have a big problem with the fact that this entire thing is going to create extremism on both sides. Do you WANT to the alt-right to fight back? Because I sure don't want to give them any more breathing room, and believe me that I say that these maniacs can be bolder than just cowardly sucker punching people or hitting them with bike locks when they're not looking.
That's fine. Clarification is good.
But at this point, it's better than sitting back and taking it. Punch Nazis and shame bigots whenever the opportunity arises. For every one willing to swing a bike lock, there are ten more keyboard warriors who wouldn't dream of standing up for the shit they talk. If my choice is stay silent over shit like this, from Champ or anyone else with similar fuckin stupid ideas, or bury them under racist idiocy jail and risk some misfortune, I take the shovel and start digging, because the lock-swingers don't give a shit which one you are.

We are at a point in the FGC much like every other niche community in the world where there is nearly no more room to just let things like and act like the elephant in the room doesn't wreak of bigotry and creepy desperation. Social media has brought it all together into an unavoidable bubble that shouldn't be looked away from.
Also, my daughter is second-generation FGC, was raised on Steven Universe, Lyanna Mormont, and Injustice, and is even more adamant about erasing this shitstain mentality than I am. Examples must be set for everyone who comes after, and this stupid fucking watermelon is the perfect example of why this kind of crap shouldn't be tolerated or looked away from anymore.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Let's be real here, I fully support all anti-racist protests but if all the respective communities won't work on making themselves better from within, things will probably never change.
This. This exactly.
There will never stop being shit like this until the communities themselves come together and deal with the ones at the source of the problems themselves. But that's never going to happen until the outrage is big enough to force their hand.

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
This. This exactly.
There will never stop being shit like this until the communities themselves come together and deal with the ones at the source of the problems themselves. But that's never going to happen until the outrage is big enough to force their hand.
But don't misunderstand my point, this also goes out to the black community. You can support BLM but there are biggots and violent pricks in every race or religion and they should all be called out.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Honestly, I feel a lot of you here have gone off the deep end. I literally only said that I'm not making decisions based on skin colour. Which is the entire definition of a non-racist. Yet people here think that makes me racist. Am I missing something? Is my English that bad?
I'm going to chalk this up to cultural differences, lack of knowledge of the overall topics that are affecting US and attacks on your character that you feel you need to defend without fully understanding the issues at hand.

Heed my advice and quit while your ahead.

Also educate yourself on these issues and understand that in this modern day age what you say/do carry consequences at will affect you if you say/do such things.

Especially on social media where your words are taken at face value, and the actions you might otherwise say or do won't save you.

It's about owning your responsibility in a public forum. Like this idiot did with a watermelon joke it now has cost him what he most dearly worked hard for. For a laugh.

It's inexcusable now and going forward. In reality it should've never been tolerated from jump.

So understand that.
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Zoning Master
I think you missed Sonic's point entirely. He was very clear in how he explained it, and you can disagree with it, but ignoring it altogether is kind of disingenous.

Sonic's point was that he's not judging either person on one statement or one moment alone. His decisions are based on looking at that person's personality, years worth of their actions, and the apparent sincerity of their apology.

This is called "benefit of the doubt" and it's a perfectly normal concept. It means that if someone has a history of being an asshole, a solitary asshole comment is not out of place for them, and is keeping in character. Whereas if somebody has a history of being kind and helpful/constructive, and they make a genuine mistake or have an idiotic moment, it's easier to see it as being out of place.

Obviously there are exceptions and every case is different, but let's not pretend that we don't understand this concept. You in particular have forgiven some of your buddies (like P2W) for some particularly questionable behavior because they're your friends.
If you intend to have a conversation about genuineness, you may want to mention the fact that Mike Z included Sonic Fox as a non-playable character in Skullgirls.

I am using Sonic Fox as an example for obvious reasons, but other users on Twitter defended Mike Z too, which includes individuals who have attacked me on a couple of occasions. I think it is very strange that a group of people, presumably consisting of mostly white guys, are actively searching for and examining the level of racism and judging other people based on each controversial circumstance that occurs in the fighting game community, albeit the community is known to be very diverse and overwhelmingly accepting.


To me, this is a pretty simple one. If I emailed my whole company with what he blasted to the world, I'd lose my corporate network access within the hour.

I know a lot of the resistance comes from criticisms of cancel culture and all that, but that argument is predicated on people punishing other people's potentially-offensive-but-good-faith missteps, or digging up things people said years ago in a different social climate and roasting them for social "style points". This isn't that. What this guy posted was obviously meant to piss people off, and he only wanted to "be better" when the kitchen got too hot. This isn't like the coming of some brand new social media cancer that's ruining people's lives through PC. It's an example of someone losing their job because they said a fucked up thing in a public forum. It's a tale as old as time.


I'm just not somebody who fights for strangers.
dunno if u ever heard this quote of a tombstone from the holocaust-
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Anyway, it is a pretty heavy punishment indeed but at this point in time posting shit like that on Twitter is obviously not advised.

side note anyone at tym work with cryogenic freezing? 2020 is ass pls hibernate me ty.
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Thrill Kill
6:00 here

0:45 here

See ya.

Astonishing, some of the first comments on this thread. Why would anyone feel sympathy for a dude that has been calling people "[ban incoming]s", "[ban incoming]s", etc. for years is beyond me.
Now in the midst of massive protests against racism and police brutality this guy thinks it's 'clever' to make a BLM joke with a watermelon. I'm not even American and I understand the racist implication of such a joke.
Have you seen Mike Z's outrageous comment on stream? Something to the extent of "This rush down is crazy! I would even dare say that... he cannot breathe!"

Yet he was defended by Sonic Fox and other social justice warriors.
The difference is that Mike was actually sorry and not trying to be a malicious asshole who has a history of being racist and shitty. Sonic explained it pretty clearly in their tweet. Kinda weird to leave the details out and then slap a big LOL on it, Dave.
Astonishing, some of the first comments on this thread. Why would anyone feel sympathy for a dude that has been calling people "[ban incoming]s", "[ban incoming]s", etc. for years is beyond me.
Now in the midst of massive protests against racism and police brutality this guy thinks it's 'clever' to make a BLM joke with a watermelon. I'm not even American and I understand the racist implication of such a joke.
this is way worst than his bad joke about watermelon and the Banned sentence.

a lot of people in this community wouldn't survive a single day in other community like CS or Dota. Im not defending FC btw im just saying.


As someone who’s been around longer in the FGC than almost anyone on TYM this point I wanna elaborate on something. I’ve known both Mike & Champ fairly well over then years, ain’t gonna day I’ve been friends or close with either but definitely hung out & spoke to em both a good bit.

Mike has a habit of being someone who says something before entirely thinking it through & being entirely to blunt. Typically it ain’t something close to bigotry or making light of the struggles people like me face but it happens. Mike is also someone who never wants to promote bigotry & has a long history of being extremely supportive of marginalized people in & out of the scene for years & is always looking to grow as a person.

Champ not so much. And I’m gonna mention hear when it comes to my personal interactions with Champ he’s been nothing but great while With Mike uuuuh I’ve had some issues in the past. Champ has been someone who was EXTREMELY supportive of a personal friend of mine who was making the transition to being the women she always was No it ain’t Ricki & defending her & dressing down dumbasses in the NorCal scene that wanted to disparage her. He’s also someone that’s made plenty of extremely racist, homophobic, & transphobic shit about people he doesn’t fuck with. Crossing personal lines & showing no remorse & when he’s been caught he deflects. Should Mike see some ban time? Prolly, he definitely wouldn’t fight it & see it as his penance to make up for saying something that hurt close friends of his & a community. Are the two situations between Mike & Champ even close? Nah.


this is way worst than his bad joke about watermelon and the Banned sentence.

a lot of people in this community wouldn't survive a single day in other community like CS or Dota. Im not defending FC btw im just saying.
Nah it’s just about as bad, seeing shit like that that constantly makes light of the plight & the fight my people go through is fucking dehumanizing because it’s constant. It’s a micro Aggression & that shit weighs down on you just as much as the overt shit. Making light of that really shows a complete lack of understanding of what it’s like to be Black practically anywhere for the last couple hundred years. And yeah shit in DOTA & FPS communities tend to be worse which is part of the reason I’m only really casually in those communities.


He has always been arrogant, loud, and obnoxious, but I have heard from people who are close to him that he enjoys playing the "villain" in the fighting game community.

The cancel culture is as inconsistent as Kitana's razors. LOL.

Have you seen Mike Z's outrageous comment on stream? Something to the extent of "This rush down is crazy! I would even dare say that... he cannot breathe!"

Yet he was defended by Sonic Fox and other social justice warriors.
Honestly majority of people were not defending him it was really only sonic fox, mike z should be getting dragged worse than fchamp

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Fair point, after speaking to some other users it seems best to just let these things rest.
Thank you. And I do not at all mean that in a snide way, I mean thank you with appreciation for actually acknowledging the point and all that.

this is way worst than his bad joke about watermelon and the Banned sentence.

a lot of people in this community wouldn't survive a single day in other community like CS or Dota. Im not defending FC btw im just saying.
That's exactly what the respective communities wrought with shit like this should be policing themselves not to turn into; ones that are so toxic that their reputations precede them.

Honestly majority of people were not defending him it was really only sonic fox, mike z should be getting dragged worse than fchamp
Can you tell me or link me to what that was all about? I do not know nearly enough of the story.
Thank you. And I do not at all mean that in a snide way, I mean thank you with appreciation for actually acknowledging the point and all that.

That's exactly what the respective communities wrought with shit like this should be policing themselves not to turn into; ones that are so toxic that their reputations precede them.

Can you tell me or link me to what that was all about? I do not know nearly enough of the story.
toxic shit happens everywhere in sports and gaming and at work. sometimes it goes to far and needs to be corrected but sometimes you just need to grow a thicker skin and move on. Im not gonna go to court everytime someone insults me or offend me which is pretty hard to do. I guess cause im white my opinion doesn't matter on anything related to race. To me there always been only 1 race humans. hopefully this will get resolve soon but i feel like people will move to the next shit to cancel people and it wont ever end.