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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


Yeah I'll stay in the middle cause I have actual real life shit to worry about and not about what some nobody says to me on the internet. Take your "with me or against me" bullshit somewhere else. I literally couldn't give a shit anymore. Don't talk to me about racism as if I as a white person never experienced it.

And no, I'm not giving black people my money just because they're black. What is this fucking insanity? Why would I??
Nah, you'll stay in the middle because you don't give a fuck about the VERY REAL racism that black people go through everyday around the world (it's not just a US problem, let's not kid ourselves). You may as well come out and directly say it.

So, you as a white person have experienced racism? Can you agree that that experience was bad? Can I put you down as a supporter of Black Lives Matter then, considering that black people experience worse racist shit every single day?

Loving the straw man arguments from you though.


It has begun
Nah, you'll stay in the middle because you don't give a fuck about the VERY REAL racism that black people go through everyday around the world (it's not just a US problem, let's not kid ourselves). You may as well come out and directly say it.

So, you as a white person have experienced racism? Can you agree that that experience was bad? Can I put you down as a supporter of Black Lives Matter then, considering that black people experience worse racist shit every single day?

Loving the straw man arguments from you though.
Was the experience bad? Yes. Am I angrily yelling at other people to fix it for me? No. I chalked it up to what it was: shitty interpersonal events with people who didn't know better.

That's what I mean when I say that I don't owe you anything. When it happened to me, I wasn't expecting others to somehow save me or make me feel better.

I'm not big on collectivism in general, which also why I dislike the term "ally". It implies expectations, which I don't believe I owe to live up to. Maybe it's a personal thing, if you've spent a large part of your life relying on yourself to get things done and grow, then that's the perspective you'll get stuck in. I'll admit that. But hey, can we agree that this is all off topic here?

On topic, do I think Fchamp's post was in poor taste? Sure. It wasn't particularly funny or witty. But I also don't sense actual MALICE behind it. That was my whole point in this situation. Context matters and a lifelong ban over a dumb post is IMO disproportionate. Nobody actually got hurt by this.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Not stanning for racists, frankly I'm kinda hoping both your side of idiots and the other side of idiots get shipped to a remote island where you can kill each other and let us normal people live our lives in peace.

Other than that, you don't get to decide where I comment. If it's twisting your panties, block me and move on. I wasn't the one talking shit about you.

And please stop scanning threads to see what comments I react to. Shit's creepy.
Every single BLM supporter I have seen or interacted with, has always taken a roundabout way of saying donate, promote, do this or the other for black people for no other reason than their skin colour.

I'm not in favour of showing support for anybody or anything based on what colour their skin is and apparently that means I hate black people, go figure.
Yeah I'll stay in the middle cause I have actual real life shit to worry about and not about what some nobody says to me on the internet. Take your "with me or against me" bullshit somewhere else. I literally couldn't give a shit anymore. Don't talk to me about racism as if I as a white person never experienced it.

And no, I'm not giving black people my money just because they're black. What is this fucking insanity? Why would I??
Alright, gonna sweep all of this into a pretty little pile for the dustpan.

I have correctly read your message stating you are definitionally not racist (which is a clown fiesta of a post, like holy shit what a disaster).

First of all, "don't talk to me about white racism as if I as a white person have never experienced it" is reverse racism, a typical neo-Nazi argument. You as a white person have not belonged to a race that has been subjugated, disadvantaged, and over-policed for 400 years.

Black Lives Matter is a civil rights movement against systemic racism found in every vein of American social structure, and also against police brutality in general. It is not enough to *not be a racist and stay silent. Staying silent means continuing the current status quo. The current status quo is more black people being denied employment and education opportunities, being paid less for equal work, having a 1/1000 chance to be killed by a policeman as an adult, and suffering dozens of microaggressive "innocent" racist remarks and gestures every day. Staying silent means enjoying and understanding you live in privelege.

We must be actively *anti-racist for a better society to emerge, and massively defund police forces around the country.

You are asked to donate for bail, to fundraisers for mourning families who lost a son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or father. You are asked to promote black voices because they are so often suppressed by virtue of their darker skin. You are asked to listen because they so often cannot speak.

Take my word for it. You'd think more critically without the rainbow wig on.
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Was the experience bad? Yes. Am I angrily yelling at other people to fix it for me? No. I chalked it up to what it was: shitty interpersonal events with people who didn't know better.

That's what I mean when I say that I don't owe you anything. When it happened to me, I wasn't expecting others to somehow save me or make me feel better.

I'm not big on collectivism in general, which also why I dislike the term "ally". It implies expectations, which I don't believe I owe to live up to. Maybe it's a personal thing, if you've spent a large part of your life relying on yourself to get things done and grow, then that's the perspective you'll get stuck in. I'll admit that. But hey, can we agree that this is all off topic here?

On topic, do I think Fchamp's post was in poor taste? Sure. It wasn't particularly funny or witty. But I also don't sense actual MALICE behind it. That was my whole point in this situation. Context matters and a lifelong ban over a dumb post is IMO disproportionate. Nobody actually got hurt by this.
I’m going to go ahead and simply say this.

You aren’t treated unfairly from day one at a systemic level because you’re white. Fact. Black people are. You have a 100m head start on them from day one and that gap hasn’t closed one bit.

What happened to you sounds shitty. Now imagine that happening to EVERYBODY you know who shares your skin colour - either at a systemic level, personal level or both. Now, you’d be pissed off right? Imagine trying to fight for equality for decades upon decades and there being literally zero change to today. You’d be mega pissed off.

That’s why people are mad. BLM isn’t about expecting handouts, it’s about finally being treated equally.


It has begun
Alright, gonna sweep all of this into a pretty little pile for the dustpan.

I have correctly read your message stating you are definitionally not racist (which is a clown fiesta of a post, like holy shit what a disaster).

First of all, "don't talk to me about white racism as if I as a white person have never experienced it" is reverse racism, a typical neo-Nazi argument. You as a white person have not belonged to a race that has been subjugated, disadvantaged, and over-policed for 400 years.

Black Lives Matter is a civil rights movement against systemic racism found in every vein of American social structure, and also against police brutality in general. It is not enough to *not be a racist and stay silent. Staying silent means continuing the current status quo. The current status quo is more black people being denied employment and education opportunities, being paid less for equal work, having a 1/1000 chance to be killed by a policeman as an adult, and suffering dozens of microagressive "innocent" racist remarks and gestures every day. Staying silent means enjoying and understanding you live in privelege.

We must be actively *anti-racist for a better society to emerge, and massively defund police forces around the country.

You are asked to donate for bail, to fundraisers for mourning families who lost a son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or father. You are asked to promote black voices because they are so often suppressed by virtue of their darker skin. You are asked to listen because they so often cannot speak.

Take my word for it. You'd think more critically without the rainbow wig on.
You invalidated your entire post when you called me a neo-Nazi. What do you know about me really?

I'm half Belgian and half Greek. If you wanna go by history - cause I'd bet you yourself were never into slavery - Belgium has a history of German occupation. I've been to Breendonk and have seen the marks on the wall. Why the fuck would I be a Nazi?

400 year occupation? May I introduce you to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 after which the Ottoman empire expanded to include what is now modern day Greece. An occupation that lasted until 1821. Should I start demanding reparations for that or something? Should I start blaming Turks for anything?

But hey, you do you bro. I can't talk to somebody whose default position is "you're either with me or a Nazi".


It has begun
I’m going to go ahead and simply say this.

You aren’t treated unfairly from day one at a systemic level because you’re white. Fact. Black people are. You have a 100m head start on them from day one and that gap hasn’t closed one bit.

What happened to you sounds shitty. Now imagine that happening to EVERYBODY you know who shares your skin colour - either at a systemic level, personal level or both. Now, you’d be pissed off right? Imagine trying to fight for equality for decades upon decades and there being literally zero change to today. You’d be mega pissed off.

That’s why people are mad. BLM isn’t about expecting handouts, it’s about finally being treated equally.
And that's what I want you to understand. I never said I'm against equality. I do want equality for all, regardless of superficial attributes. Especially judgements based on skin colour come off as dumb.

But when it comes to our methods of expressing this, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm just not somebody who fights for strangers. And as you can imagine, trying to push a collective becomes very difficult when you also have bad elements in said collective. In BLM's case it's looters. Obviously these people are opportunists, but they also self-identify as part of BLM. This sours a lot cause on one hand I also know there's people in the movement actively trying to weed them out, but at the same time others are working hard to protect these opportunists because THEY in turn think the looting is also justified. Anecdotal? Absolutely, but still something to consider.

It's a clusterfuck. Please understand that this is not a matter of bad will.


And that's what I want you to understand. I never said I'm against equality. I do want equality for all, regardless of superficial attributes. Especially judgements based on skin colour come off as dumb.

But when it comes to our methods of expressing this, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm just not somebody who fights for strangers. And as you can imagine, trying to push a collective becomes very difficult when you also have bad elements in said collective. In BLM's case it's looters. Obviously these people are opportunists, but they also self-identify as part of BLM. This sours a lot cause on one hand I also know there's people in the movement actively trying to weed them out, but at the same time others are working hard to protect these opportunists because THEY in turn think the looting is also justified. Anecdotal? Absolutely, but still something to consider.

It's a clusterfuck. Please understand that this is not a matter of bad will.
It’s not ‘fighting for strangers’ it’s fighting for equality for an entire race. The only reason you wouldn’t stand with it is if you:

A) are a racist
B) you don’t give a shit, which is ignorant as shit and silently helps people in option A. Silence is just as bad tbh.

What I want you to understand is just how harmful option B is - which is what you’re basically advocating for doing in this thread.

Racism (and silence when confronted with it) needs stomping the fuck out.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Have you seen Mike Z's outrageous comment on stream? Something to the extent of "This rush down is crazy! I would even dare say that... he cannot breathe!"

Yet he was defended by Sonic Fox and other social justice warriors.
I think you missed Sonic's point entirely. He was very clear in how he explained it, and you can disagree with it, but ignoring it altogether is kind of disingenous.

Sonic's point was that he's not judging either person on one statement or one moment alone. His decisions are based on looking at that person's personality, years worth of their actions, and the apparent sincerity of their apology.

This is called "benefit of the doubt" and it's a perfectly normal concept. It means that if someone has a history of being an asshole, a solitary asshole comment is not out of place for them, and is keeping in character. Whereas if somebody has a history of being kind and helpful/constructive, and they make a genuine mistake or have an idiotic moment, it's easier to see it as being out of place.

Obviously there are exceptions and every case is different, but let's not pretend that we don't understand this concept. You in particular have forgiven some of your buddies (like P2W) for some particularly questionable behavior because they're your friends.


It has begun
Wow, Agilaz, my man, you need to stop talking immediately and please delete this. Please.
Have you donated for the homeless in Brussels and Antwerp yet?

If not, do you understand my point?

To clarify, it's not a judgement. I'm trying to make people see why they can't just expect physical support from everywhere, whenever they decide they need it.


Have you donated for the homeless in Brussels and Antwerp yet?

If not, do you understand my point?

To clarify, it's not a judgement. I'm trying to make people see why they can't just expect physical support from everywhere, whenever they decide they need it.
I understand your point but has anyone said anything about not caring about homeless people in Belgium or mock them in any way like you do with black people and BLM? There's no need to donate money to support anything, there are other ways to support it too. But if you got nothing on that it's better to be silent imo cause you really don't look good with these posts.


It has begun
I understand your point but has anyone said anything about not caring about homeless people in Belgium or mock them in any way like you do with black people and BLM? There's no need to donate money to support anything, there are other ways to support it too. But if you got nothing on that it's better to be silent imo cause you really don't look good with these posts.
I spoke up because frankly im fucking tired of being labeled a nazi and a racist simply because im not outside taking a knee, of because Im choosing to distance myself entirely from these clusterfuck protests. That's not even considering the damage done in terms of the pandemic but that's another point entirely.

As far as mocking goes, anybody who's been here long enough and has seen me post, knows i like to antagonize people. If you read my earlier posts in this thread you'll see what i said in action. People are getting too riled up over superficial shit on social media. I never made light of racism, i never claimed it doesn't exist.

Im getting guilt tripped for my so called "white privilege" when I have been through my share of shit. Let me tell you, it's shit like this that's gonna end up pushing people to the alt-right, and that's why I want no part in any of it.


Nobody said racism doesn't exist.

The problem is a lot of people are beginning to seek legal repercussions for things said in jest because they're an easy target - this does nothing to combat ACTUAL racism.

Someone like Ryan who has spent a good portion of his life in the FGC (and being non-white himself, also a factor) is obviously not an actual racist.

People are saying the FGC is soooo toxic, conviently forgetting it's also the most inclusive community alive. We literally got everybody.

It takes somebody with the emotional intelligence of a child to genuinely be this upset over a picture of a watermelon. If you think it's in bad taste, fine, and i totally agree, but people are taking this shit way too seriously.
I don't see how this is doing NOTHING to combat actual racism. By making jokes and belittling the movement actively combating racism he is most certainly not on the same side as them, or at least he is using his position to actively harm the movement whether he realized that's what he was doing or not.
@Agilaz I thought I was out but i'm tagging back in.

"I spoke up because frankly im fucking tired of being labeled a nazi and a racist simply because im not outside taking a knee, of because Im choosing to distance myself entirely from these clusterfuck protests.
You didn't speak up to announce your were distancing yourself from this movement, you spoke up to push down others speaking up in favor of it.
That's not even considering the damage done in terms of the pandemic but that's another point entirely.

As far as mocking goes, anybody who's been here long enough and has seen me post, knows i like to antagonize people.
You think antagonizing people in a sincere conversation about racism was the way to go?
If you read my earlier posts in this thread you'll see what i said in action. People are getting too riled up over superficial shit on social media.
Seemingly superficial shit on social media however small all contributes to the problem. It's death by a thousand cuts.

I never made light of racism, i never claimed it doesn't exist.
You've never made light of racism yet you have a #blacklivesmatter joke in your bio.

Im getting guilt tripped for my so called "white privilege" when I have been through my share of shit.
White privilege is about acknowledging that despite all the shit you've dealt with in your life you didn't have racism to deal with on top of it. It's not about invalidating your struggles, its about validating inequality.
Let me tell you, it's shit like this that's gonna end up pushing people to the alt-right, and that's why I want no part in any of it."

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
He has always been arrogant, loud, and obnoxious, but I have heard from people who are close to him that he enjoys playing the "villain" in the fighting game community.

The cancel culture is as inconsistent as Kitana's razors. LOL.

Have you seen Mike Z's outrageous comment on stream? Something to the extent of "This rush down is crazy! I would even dare say that... he cannot breathe!"

Yet he was defended by Sonic Fox and other social justice warriors.
That statement is far more egregious than f champ's tweet imo. I mean fuck both of them, but that comment is downright cruel.


It has begun
You didn't speak up to announce your were distancing yourself from this movement, you spoke up to push down others speaking up in favor of it.

You think antagonizing people in a sincere conversation about racism was the way to go?

Seemingly superficial shit on social media however small all contributes to the problem. It's death by a thousand cuts.

You've never made light of racism yet you have a #blacklivesmatter joke in your bio.

White privilege is about acknowledging that despite all the shit you've dealt with in your life you didn't have racism to deal with on top of it. It's not about invalidating your struggles are invalid, its about validating inequality.
To your first point, even if that were true, how would this stop anybody who's convinced they're doing the right thing? I'm a nobody dude, I don't have any fame or clout. My posts can be ignored like the thousands of others on any social media platform. Remember, my original point before this thread devolved into what it is now, is that people are too busy being Twitter-angry. This also speaks to point 3 btw; as a practical example, somebody here in Belgium who goes around checking if landlords aren't discriminating based on skin colour/ethnicity before renting out a property, don't have time to get upset about a watermelon on twitter.

To your second point; I would agree if this was a sincere conversation to begin with. Capcom banning FChamp for racism allegations is kind of ironic to me, considering Capcom is still a Japanese company. Are you aware of how rampant racism in Japan is? This is virtue signaling so sincerity is arguable here.

To your fourth point, we've been over this. BLM was dormant at the time (and I wonder why, black people were still getting shot, and not just by white police officers) and I was just really hoping to see Shang Tsung in the game instead of having him discarded yet again. I don't live my life in a constant state of seriousness, and I can promise you with 100% guarantee that not a single person got hurt over my hashtag. Promise.

To your final point, it seems that every time I bring up my own experiences, the person I'm discussing with changes the definition of white privilege. I could mention I've had 150 euros to my name at my lowest point, and they'll say "at least you're white so you found a job quicker". I point out I've been passed over for basic jobs in the past due to my foreign sounding name, and then they make it about something else, and so on and so on. I'm being invalidated every step of the way, but even that seems okay to you, so really, what's the point of talking about this? You clearly think this is one-sided.


Buluc Chabtan
Just going to throw in my 2 cents:

I have found that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to change a person's sociopolitical stance on something. My >65 year old eastern-European parents have been discriminated against because of their ethnicity and religion, and at the same time they have some inherently racist views of their own. Can I spend lots of time and energy trying to enlighten them about racism and inequality? Yes. Will this ultimately create any real, tangible changes in their perspectives? Very unlikely.

But, me and my wife and my friends and all of you guys (that I am assuming are part of my generation), who are living through all this craziness now, have an ace up our sleeves in terms of creating real change: the next generation (i.e., our kids). Think about it: we are pretty much all in agreement that racism is bad and equality is good. We pretty much all agree that treating your fellow man with respect, regardless of what they look like/where they're from/who they love, is super important. As we move forward and have our own kids, we can instill these values into them in a much easier and more organic way then trying to "teach old dogs new tricks" (e.g., the above example with my parents).

While this may seem naive, it seems perfectly plausible to me that in theory, the next generation will (for the most part) not be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc., because those are the values shared by me, you, and others in our generation.
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Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Alright, gonna sweep all of this into a pretty little pile for the dustpan.

I have correctly read your message stating you are definitionally not racist (which is a clown fiesta of a post, like holy shit what a disaster).

First of all, "don't talk to me about white racism as if I as a white person have never experienced it" is reverse racism, a typical neo-Nazi argument. You as a white person have not belonged to a race that has been subjugated, disadvantaged, and over-policed for 400 years.

Black Lives Matter is a civil rights movement against systemic racism found in every vein of American social structure, and also against police brutality in general. It is not enough to *not be a racist and stay silent. Staying silent means continuing the current status quo. The current status quo is more black people being denied employment and education opportunities, being paid less for equal work, having a 1/1000 chance to be killed by a policeman as an adult, and suffering dozens of microaggressive "innocent" racist remarks and gestures every day. Staying silent means enjoying and understanding you live in privelege.

We must be actively *anti-racist for a better society to emerge, and massively defund police forces around the country.

You are asked to donate for bail, to fundraisers for mourning families who lost a son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or father. You are asked to promote black voices because they are so often suppressed by virtue of their darker skin. You are asked to listen because they so often cannot speak.

Take my word for it. You'd think more critically without the rainbow wig on.
Nice post, very very articulate. BLM has a right to exist and shouldn't be judged as a whole on the non peaceful minority of their members. So long as nobody is being hurt, which BLM doesn't want, it's a good thing, and long overdue.

It's got me thinking, I wish the Native American community got more recognition. Nobody is still getting epically fucked like them, I live close to the Navajo reservation and it is literally like taking a time machine back 100 years. Over half of the population has no running water, medical supplies are limited so COVID was extremely rampant there, the population is completely and utterly reliant on the government for everything, they can't even own their own land so there is no incentive to do anything like get an education really. Their only options are to leave the reservation to pursue a brighter future, which just leaves the reservation to rot if all educated people and high income members of the Navajo community immediately leave it. 1/3 native women are molested, usually by a family member. The MMIW (missing and murdered indigenous women epidemic) is absolutely a real thing happening in the US and Canada and I have never once heard a single person, Anglo, Navajo, or otherwise even talk about it. Alcoholism and violent crime rate is insane, it is genuinely depressing how their culture has been fractured like this over the last few centuries. Not going to act like I know any solutions, it's just on my mind. Obviously not trying to take away from the subject of the thread, shit just bums me out and I wanted to talk about it.


It has begun
Nice post, very very articulate. BLM has a right to exist and shouldn't be judged as a whole on the non peaceful minority of their members. So long as nobody is being hurt, which BLM doesn't want, it's a good thing, and long overdue.

It's got me thinking, I wish the Native American community got more recognition. Nobody is still getting epically fucked like them, I live close to the Navajo reservation and it is literally like taking a time machine back 100 years. Over half of the population has no running water, medical supplies are limited so COVID was extremely rampant there, the population is completely and utterly reliant on the government for everything, they can't even own their own land so there is no incentive to do anything like get an education really. Their only options are to leave the reservation to pursue a brighter future, which just leaves the reservation to rot if all educated people and high income members of the Navajo community immediately leave it. 1/3 native women are molested, usually by a family member. The MMIW (missing and murdered indigenous women epidemic) is absolutely a real thing happening in the US and Canada and I have never once heard a single person, Anglo, Navajo, or otherwise even talk about it. Alcoholism and violent crime rate is insane, it is genuinely depressing how their culture has been fractured like this over the last few centuries. Not going to act like I know any solutions, it's just on my mind. Obviously not trying to take away from the subject of the thread, shit just bums me out and I wanted to talk about it.
Out of curiousity, how did alcoholism become such a prevalent issue? Every time the natives are mentioned, alcoholism is also mentioned sooner or later, but how did this happen?


Everyone Has A Path
Hey I dont think I can add anything that hasnt already been said but can someone shed some light on the KBR feud? Did stuff happen outside of the exhibition and GF of that tournament? That series was pretty vindicating to watch

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Out of curiousity, how did alcoholism become such a prevalent issue? Every time the natives are mentioned, alcoholism is also mentioned sooner or later, but how did this happen?
Alcoholism is a thing in any area with high poverty rates as far as i can tell. As upsetting as it is to think about, it's a readily available substance to make you feel better if even for a little bit. The reservations tend to be poor and I think that is where the link is, drug, violence, and crime rates naturally increase as peoples desperation does. Then a pattern is set across generations that is hard to break. For further context this is rural New Mexico we are talking about so white and Hispanic communities are also impacted. Once again because the population here as a whole is poor.


Administrator and Community Engineer
somebody here in Belgium who goes around checking if landlords aren't discriminating based on skin colour/ethnicity before renting out a property, don't have time to get upset about a watermelon on twitter.
Someone implying that they need time to get upset about racism is admitting that they don't understand racism at all.


It has begun
Someone implying that they need time to get upset about racism is admitting that they don't understand racism at all.
I'm starting to think my English must be abysmal.

The point I was trying to make is that it's a matter of priorities, or impact if you will.

A Twitter watermelon goes away when you close Twitter. A scumbag not willing to take you as a tenant purely because of your skin colour could be a direct route to homelessness.