Gotta get creative. Slap on that cooperator's mirror or place a Grace Mimic if you're ahead of the host in zone (read about someone doing this, hilariously clever).Invasions not really fun to me at least. You are always facing 3 people if not they summon them right away. They stay in one spot out in the open and just wait. Usually a mage and a tank you get close they do rot breath while mage shoots magic at you and the other person chases you down with the other shooting lightning bolts at you. I have done at least a hundred invasion and 90% of them are just as I described.
You may get lucky and catch people while they are fighting a tough open world boss but thats random. I was super excited for them but they ended up pretty lame and not worth the time. I may be missing something but once you start invading people that are geared and grouped it is rough as fuck.
Or classic Mimic Veil fuckery.