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Each character's best normal/string/special


you don't get it, do you?
and use sweep instead of d+4 vs characters with no good wakeups like quan chi or in mirror match


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
d+4, d+3....whatever. Just condition them to block low and B2 is the move that leads to the damage...brehhh

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Yes, that is what I believe it should be.
Do you really believe 21f2 is better than fwd33b3? They both have their upsides, but fwd3 cannot be ducked while 2 can, it builds better meter, and being at negative 4 after fwd33 opens up mindgames, because the opponent is more likely to try something. Alos the whole string is neutral with pushback, starting b3 and whiff punishing setups that simply are not available after 21f2. If we are doing it taking all the options with the string into account, I would say cage is b3/fwd33b3/nutpunch


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
no one ever blocks low vs smoke, show me a vid where a good player blocks low vs smoke
Top level players block it all the time, esp when they read a D3 since you can blow it up with a full combo. This is usually done on a read when they see the player is already ducking. It does happen believe it or not. Plus you can just fuzzy it the best you can and react for a punish.


you don't get it, do you?
Top level players block it all the time, esp when they read a D3 since you can blow it up with a full combo. This is usually done on a read when they see the player is already ducking. It does happen believe it or not. Plus you can just fuzzy it the best you can and react for a punish.
That's the reason, so many fools consider smoke top tier. Block low, eat 150% reset, put smoke near top5 in ur tier list.
It used to be even more stupid. It used to cover way behind Subzeros back so you couldnt even cross him over while he was doing that string. It still will get you above his head but not like the old days lol.
did they nerf the hitbox on it? and did they nerf the recovery on it? its -4 on block right now right?
I'd say Kung Lao's best string is 2,1 over 2, 4 overhead. 2, 1 can be hit confirmed into spin (2,4 is stance specific), or extended into 2,1,2,1,2,1.
2,1 is not hitconfirmable unless it is done from a jump in punch or teleport. unless you mean 2121 that string can be hitconfirmed.
PL, CDjr and f0xy ALL hit confirm 21 into spin off a standing 21.
Why do they get a naked 21 on hit that often then, I always use the 2121 to hitconfirm and i always see curbo do the same thing. And if it is really hitconfirmable is there a trick to it?

for example in this match how many 21's on hit did Pl get without spinning..


2,1 is not hitconfirmable unless it is done from a jump in punch or teleport. unless you mean 2121 that string can be hitconfirmed.
It is absolutely hit confirmable. It's not easy since you have to react quickly especially if it's not off of a jump in punch, but to answer your question, no there is no trick to it. You just have to quickly recognize that the string hit and you just input a spin. And of course, 2,1 spin is an excellent punish. For instance, you can punish a whiffed dash punch by Jax if you neutral crouch it with 2,1 spin, or a blocked smoke bomb from up close (timing is very strict though).

As far as hit confirming 2,1 2,1 string into a spin, you obviously can do it, but the combo becomes less damaging due to damage scaling.
It is absolutely hit confirmable. It's not easy since you have to react quickly especially if it's not off of a jump in punch, but to answer your question, no there is no trick to it. You just have to quickly recognize that the string hit and you just input a spin. And of course, 2,1 spin is an excellent punish. For instance, you can punish a whiffed dash punch by Jax if you neutral crouch it with 2,1 spin, or a blocked smoke bomb from up close (timing is very strict though).

As far as hit confirming 2,1 2,1 string into a spin, you obviously can do it, but the combo becomes less damaging due to damage scaling.
So you would have to put your whole mind into it just do be able to do it. I highly doubt PL is hitconfirming 21 if you watch all his matches. There are so many things possible in theory but nearly impossible to do in a fast paced match. Ive heard a lot of people talking about kung lao punishing pokes on block with a spin but I have yet to see anybody do it. Ive played kung lao for a long time and I highly doubt anybody does 21 hitconfirm consistently.


Considering it is rarely ever safe to throw one outside of AA and after hit confirming a string, I would make an argument that spear is not scorpions best special, his teleport is.

Teleport has a bit more uses and if executed properly, hard as it may be to do, can be safe if done instant. An opponent would adjust their game plan around the threat of a teleport much more than the threat of a spear when fighting a scorpion.


you don't get it, do you?
Considering it is rarely ever safe to throw one outside of AA and after hit confirming a string, I would make an argument that spear is not scorpions best special, his teleport is.

Teleport has a bit more uses and if executed properly, hard as it may be to do, can be safe if done instant. An opponent would adjust their game plan around the threat of a teleport much more than the threat of a spear when fighting a scorpion.
LBSH, all scorpion's specials r a pile of shit, it's hard to tell which is the better one.