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Each character's best normal/string/special


I don't play Runescape
What about Mileena's 234? Its very easy to hit confirm 23 into ball/ex ball and the entire string is safe on block.

The damage you can get with a 23 starter is greater than a 42 starter as well.
I'd like an answer or contest for this

This one caught me by surprise, I was under the belief that it was truly awful because it's so slow
Sektor's standing 1? please.

should be his leg lift overhead or his throw

yeah, his throw.
I'd really rather not include throws, though.

Smoke's best special is obviously smoke bomb, best string is probably B23 since it has awesome range and is an overhead, and best normal is probably b2 or maybe f4 since it leads to reset madness!

Can you consider D4 and/or D3 good since they are his only lows? Well and his sweep

Thanks a lot guys, edited.


um ya, 22 is so annoying with it's stupid high hitbox....
It used to be even more stupid. It used to cover way behind Subzeros back so you couldnt even cross him over while he was doing that string. It still will get you above his head but not like the old days lol.


Stryker: Back 1,2,2/ gun shot or roll toss
Jade: 2,3, forward 2/ glow
Sheeva: 2,1,2, forward 1/ grab n punch

Each of their best regular normals is heavily debatable for me in regards to these three, so nothing to add there.


I don't play Runescape
Woah Woah Woah, Woah.
Hold on.
Kabal's best special move is the Nomad Dash, and this is unarguable. (From my perspective, at the moment)
The Nomad Dash is what creates nearly all of his block damage, all of his big combos, and biggest zoning damage, through Nomad dashing into an opponent, after they are struck out of the air from the Gas Blast.

Not sure if someone has said this already.
It was either Gas Blast because of all the meter it gained or his Dash and I think most people usually agree that IAGB is better

best normal: 2
best string: b23
best special: toss up between shake and sb


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Think about the meter gained from Kabal block pressure, combined with the use of the Nomad Dash Cancel, which also builds meter.
If it were not for the Nomad Dash, Kabal could be defeated by any character with a teleport.
ND guarantees that he has no losing mtachups, especially when combined with the IAGB.


I don't play Runescape

Think about the meter gained from Kabal block pressure, combined with the use of the Nomad Dash Cancel, which also builds meter.
If it were not for the Nomad Dash, Kabal could be defeated by any character with a teleport.
ND guarantees that he has no losing mtachups, especially when combined with the IAGB.
True. I want more opinions on this, Gas Blast or Nomad Dash, guys? Which is better, iyo?

B1 recovers quicker than some people think, plus it's neutral. Everything else isn't exceptional or is just too slow.
well, there we go

I think I missed someone...


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Nomad Charge (Enhanced ND) murders fundamentals when properly used up-close (anti-poke and such), it gives Kabal a Flash Parry too.
Right. the ND offers a parry for a full combo when upgraded, block "infinites" block pressure, meter building, and zoning combo pickups.
The IAGB offers guaranteed meter building, clock running, and lockdown of non-teleport, non armored characters.
Thanks, Substance.
Right. the ND offers a parry for a full combo when upgraded, block "infinites" block pressure, meter building, and zoning combo pickups.
The IAGB offers guaranteed meter building, clock running, and lockdown of non-teleport, non armored characters.
Thanks, Substance.
No problem. I know about the Nomad Charge's fundamental-murdering through reading posts on TYM, and experience. ;_;


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Then again, the IAGB also offers full combo pickups, but it must be combined with the ND...
One cannot exist without the other... yet the combination of the two is enough to make a character top-tier...


What about Mileena's 234? Its very easy to hit confirm 23 into ball/ex ball and the entire string is safe on block.

The damage you can get with a 23 starter is greater than a 42 starter as well.
Only reason for using 42 over 234 is that 2 hits high/16 frame start-up and will whiff after a D4 on hit/U4 on block. 42 hits all mid and has 14 frame start-up. Off a jip I'd go 234.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
The best normal for all characters is the Neutral Jump Kick.
It does 2% less damage than a directional jump kick, with far less combo-ability.
Something I have noticed, though, is that the NJK slows character descent from gravity a bit... Useful for dodging ground projectiles when taking any damage is fatal.


I don't play Runescape
The best normal for all characters is the Neutral Jump Kick.
It does 2% less damage than a directional jump kick, with far less combo-ability.
Something I have noticed, though, is that the NJK slows character descent from gravity a bit... Useful for dodging ground projectiles when taking any damage is fatal.
I want non universal Normals though :/
If you are good at making reads then ex nd over the IAGB, which is the second best imo.

I'd go with ex nd (ndc and flash parry)
This can be used in all match ups and blows up pretty much everything.
I was under the impression the Nomad Dash and Nomad Charge are the same thing in the best normal/string/special list, since Charge is an extension of Dash and exists with it.


I don't play Runescape
I'm counting air and EN versions together with the move

Air Fireball and EN Fireball all go under Fireball
Sub-Zero's best string is not 222... that's only in the corner and it's only an ender there.

Sub-Zero's best string is either 224 or 214.

His best normal is D4 unless you just call that a poke. Then I guess standing 2 would be right.
his standing 1 is good too. but his d4 is much better


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Stryker's Roll Toss is much better than his gun, even though gun cancels are fun and all...
Roll Toss can have full armor when upgraded, and travels under all spammable projectiles, except for Sindel and Liu Kang low fireballs, the rest of the low projectiles aren't spammable.