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General/Other - D'Vorah D'Vorah General Discussion Thread

how lenient is timing on b1~wc~212? is it at least 2 frame link to 212? practiced a lot today and it seems really hard. after watchind HoneyBee play i became very interested in DVorah because she seems strong and technical. nice change of pace after doing braindead kung jin combos for a couple of weeks.
i just want to know if it is viable to use in real match, if not i won't be spending too much time trying to learn this combo.


gotta take it to make it
how lenient is timing on b1~wc~212? is it at least 2 frame link to 212? practiced a lot today and it seems really hard. after watchind HoneyBee play i became very interested in DVorah because she seems strong and technical. nice change of pace after doing braindead kung jin combos for a couple of weeks.
i just want to know if it is viable to use in real match, if not i won't be spending too much time trying to learn this combo.
I mean it's not too lenient but it feels like its at least 3 frames, maybe more. 100% doable in a real match consistently.


gotta take it to make it
i see, that just means i have to input it cleaner and faster. will be labbing hard, thanks
No prob. I have some videos on the YT channel in my profile that might help. My b1 inputs are pretty clean so you can get an idea from that maybe. I also made a video explaining wcs using f22 as an example, but it works for b1 too.

What will help you with speed the most is doing df1 run 2 imo. It'll help with your finger coordination and muscle memory, so linking 212 instantly after you tap that 2nd forwad+block becomes as easy as breathing.


I love Kitana
So I'm picking up D'Vorah looking at all the characters I ever liked. what BnB should I learn first? (Venamous Variation) I'm looking mainly at her meterless combos to start.


My blades will find your heart
So I'm picking up D'Vorah looking at all the characters I ever liked. what BnB should I learn first? (Venamous Variation) I'm looking mainly at her meterless combos to start.
You should learn the combos that lead to a restand:

F34 F44 df1
212 F44 df1
11b2 f44 df1
F44 F44 df1

They are easy and leave you at advantage to go in for a f22 or b1 mixup.

If you are looking for combos to kill/ get venom stacks with though...

F34 1 F34 d4 ovi
212 puddle d4 ovi
11b2 F34 d4 ovi
F44 F44 run d4 ovi

Those give more damage+venom.


I am very fine performing all of these combos. Thanks are there any more advanced... I should know :D. Also general information decent footsie tools and such.
Here is an advance combo to work with her poison ticks, 212 f44 f42 d1xxdb4
For her neutral game, I use d4/d3 all day. Her f112 string has some nice forward advancing properties to it and can be confirm into db4 for poison ticks. Her f42 is pretty good and can be used to beat out high projectiles.


My blades will find your heart
I am very fine performing all of these combos. Thanks are there any more advanced... I should know :D. Also general information decent footsie tools and such.
Advanced? Not really, although if you want you can try and add a d3 before the d4 in those combos I posted. in the corner you can sometimes do 2 d3s before a d4 ovi. Like 212 EX Puddle njp d3 d3 d4 ovi in the corner.

As far as tech goes, here are her best tools:
b12- breaks armor, end in air throw for hard knockdown
U3- goes over any low attacks, can beat a lot of wakeups and such
F22- far reaching, great footsies. F224 is -8 but there is push back, all other options(f22 venom and f22 puddle) can be armored through and beaten by other tactics.
Spray- Hit advantage gives you a free mixup, does lots of chip. Is unsafe but can be delayed or shortened to change the timing of the punish
Throw- Does venom damage, gives you a third option other than f2 and b1
D3/D4- Does venom damage, incredible range, and can be done right after the other(d3 then d4).
F112- Forward advancing, fast punisher, and only string that can be canceled into spray without getting armored through. F112 spray is a great way to chip out the opponent.
D2- Best AA(takes some getting used to) and also adds venom damage.


Flash God Lord
Advanced? Not really, although if you want you can try and add a d3 before the d4 in those combos I posted. in the corner you can sometimes do 2 d3s before a d4 ovi. Like 212 EX Puddle njp d3 d3 d4 ovi in the corner.

As far as tech goes, here are her best tools:
b12- breaks armor, end in air throw for hard knockdown
U3- goes over any low attacks, can beat a lot of wakeups and such
F22- far reaching, great footsies. F224 is -8 but there is push back, all other options(f22 venom and f22 puddle) can be armored through and beaten by other tactics.
Spray- Hit advantage gives you a free mixup, does lots of chip. Is unsafe but can be delayed or shortened to change the timing of the punish
Throw- Does venom damage, gives you a third option other than f2 and b1
D3/D4- Does venom damage, incredible range, and can be done right after the other(d3 then d4).
F112- Forward advancing, fast punisher, and only string that can be canceled into spray without getting armored through. F112 spray is a great way to chip out the opponent.
D2- Best AA(takes some getting used to) and also adds venom damage.
Stand 1 is also a great AA. I was using stand 1 as an AA into F112 ovi a lot at Toryuken but it wasn't optimized. You can do stand 1 AA into F44 bug cancel F44 ovi (in SQ) or stand 1 AA into F34 D1 F44 ovi in any variation.


My blades will find your heart
Stand 1 is also a great AA. I was using stand 1 as an AA into F112 ovi a lot at Toryuken but it wasn't optimized. You can do stand 1 AA into F44 bug cancel F44 ovi (in SQ) or stand 1 AA into F34 D1 F44 ovi in any variation.
Sounds like a good idea. Will try to implement.


My blades will find your heart
@Zoidberg747 One thing I think I missed was so for clarification "They are easy and leave you at advantage to go in for a f22 or b1 mixup." f22 spray and b1 spray?
Yes. If they consistently are waiting for that/punishing it you can also cancel into puddle, which either grants a knockdown or frame advantage(can be interrupted with armor or forward moving specials though).


Stand 1 is also a great AA. I was using stand 1 as an AA into F112 ovi a lot at Toryuken but it wasn't optimized. You can do stand 1 AA into F44 bug cancel F44 ovi (in SQ) or stand 1 AA into F34 D1 F44 ovi in any variation.
There was also those crazy b3 routes that I thought was hella hype (No one else in the crowd cared, lol).


Master of Quanculations
I am very fine performing all of these combos. Thanks are there any more advanced... I should know :D. Also general information decent footsie tools and such.
Once your opponent knows how to be defensive against her and what to look for, start using your stagger strings. They´re waiting for spray, puddle, or completed block strings. F11 and 11 are both 0 on block, I believe 21 is -2. Her normals give excellent throw and 50/50 opportunities.

For example, you block a D1. Then you do F1 on block, straight into throw. For F11 throw. Or F11, then F22 or B1. This has been very useful as my training partners level up. They are interrupting and punishing everything. So you gotta get trick and use your staggers to mix them up.

Throw Throw Throw all day. After Spray, you get a free F1 check, into your throw. This avoids armoring out. After a couple D4s, or F22 Spray, locking them into a throw shows Throw damage at 17-19%, which is demoralizing.

Use your plus frames too. You can get creative and use B3/B2 at footsies range or after a blocked puddle, and they leave you at +2 for a D1 check.

113, the overhead string, can be armor interrupted, but if you´re using 11 as a stagger string you can use it to bait out armor. And then when blocked, 113 is +2.

AK Stormthegates

Does anyone have any tricks for doing b1 fast after the opponent blocks f112? Im trying to see if you can do f112 rc b1 rc into combo if they block f112 but i keep running out of stamina. Any tips or buffering tricks?


Does anyone have any tricks for doing b1 fast after the opponent blocks f112? Im trying to see if you can do f112 rc b1 rc into combo if they block f112 but i keep running out of stamina. Any tips or buffering tricks?
Two requirements for this

1. You need full stamina.

2. The first run needs to be as short as possible, to leave enough stamina for the second.

I don't think there's any tricks, you just need really tight exection.

For an easier alternative, try doing f112 WC 2, b1 or f22. 2 is +2 on block so you still get a nice advantage, not as much but it's infinitely easier to execute.

Here's a little setup I found that stuffs armored moves and also reverses inputs. I'm kind of digging her brood mother variation. Sorry for the video quality lol

212 f44 df3 run f34 f44 db4 run ji3
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EX Swarm Vortex is amazing. I suck and don't test things before I say things think it tracks better than Swarm Vortex (Similar to Inferno Scorps EX Arise) and has a huge hitbox.


Kytinn King
EX Swarm Vortex is amazing. I suck and don't test things before I say things think it tracks better than Swarm Vortex (Similar to Inferno Scorps EX Arise) and has a huge hitbox.
Yup I'm pretty sure it catches neutral jumps as well. Have to test forward and back jumps.


gotta take it to make it
EX Swarm Vortex is amazing. I suck and don't test things before I say things think it tracks better than Swarm Vortex (Similar to Inferno Scorps EX Arise) and has a huge hitbox.
I dunno, it feels like every time I use it a regular one would have been better, since I get to keep a bar for breaker/put them in the corner with one combo that takes half their life. EX even has longer startup for some reason I think.