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DS or X-Box 360 for UMK3?

Do you prefer the DS or The 360 for Competetive UMK3?

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I say 360 or DS over mame and this is why.

top ten reasons why 360 sucks.
10. Second worst online menu (1st is mk2 for ps2).
9. No playable Noob Saibot, no 2v2 h. smoke matches with out seeing r. smoke. Yes, both are possible on kaillera.
8. Controller is terrible, you can't rebind keys, solvable but neither cheap nor easy to solve.
7. You're stuck on Microsoft's server which runs like ass 80% of the time.
6. No p2p.
5. You can't run silent kombat and change the level at the same time (big issue for me)
4. You can't control your swap games
3. You HAVE to use a mic to chat ingame which means to communicate one has to endure the screeching sounds of puberty.
2. The trash talkers. Only time kaillera players see true oral defecation in umk3 is while 360 users are waiting for their xbox to be repaired.
1. I can't keep a working xbox long enough to actually enjoy the game...

The only reason why xbox or DS are better than mame, they're legal.
It's impossible to run the form of kaillera we have now legally. The reason why is because you need 2 instances of the same rom dump, that's not legal. :(
9.95 said:
Scheisse said:
Right now for me
DS > Mame > XBLA

I like the speed of DS compared to the other two, that is what puts it over the top for me. The other two seem unresponsive after playing DS.

There are some mames that allow you to play umk3 at this speed however. I think it is offline only though.
The speed is exactly what caused me to vote for the DS as well. IMO, if they ever upgraded UMK3 on the 360, adding a speed setting(matching the DS speed) and adding a training mode would put that back at the top.
That would be cool, on the home version to have a speed setting... like old school street fighter turbo edition on SNES.


Pink Godzilla said:
Technically it's already illegal if you didn't dump the ROM yourself.
Technically there isn't any protection for having the ROM even if you have the game.

You can keep backup copies of software, but only on the same media. So you can make a copy of your arcade machine ROMs for safe keeping, but only on ROM chips ;-)

I voted DS because 360 is only acceptable with the addition of an arcade stick which brings the cost up close to buying a cab, lol. And, while when I play folks near me on Kaillera it's fantastic, finding random opponents on Kaillera is horrible.

I like the speed of UMK DS, I actually like the controls (at least better than 360 and maybe even better than an arcade stick since I am so unused to arcade sticks), and just going online to find a random challenge is nowhere near as painful as Kaillera IMO.

That said, I don't own a 360 and my DS can't go online still. So I guess technically I should have voted for MAME, lol.


My router won't work in WEP mode. I could switch off security but don't really want to do that since every time I switch modes it bumps 6 comps offline, lol.

I have to get a new router or a nintendo USB wifi adapter. I haven't done either because I just haven't felt like spending the money or putting in the effort. My last day off was 10 days ago. I'll only have Sunday off this weekend. Gaming's just not in the stars any time soon.
dreemernj said:
My router won't work in WEP mode. I could switch off security but don't really want to do that since every time I switch modes it bumps 6 comps offline, lol.

I have to get a new router or a nintendo USB wifi adapter. I haven't done either because I just haven't felt like spending the money or putting in the effort. My last day off was 10 days ago. I'll only have Sunday off this weekend. Gaming's just not in the stars any time soon.
I just disabled security on my router for the DS, and set it up to only allow specific MAC addresses in the house for all the equipment I have... so unless someone can get the right MAC address they cant get in wirelessly. And the odds of someone doing that, at least near me, is like 1 in a million.

You could probably do that if your router has that setting.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ohh that sucks Dreemer, well hope you get it fixed sometime man.

I guess with work, school and modding on here you don't have much time to play MK.

It happens, I remember though you like using the girls a lot. 8)


Frankiebonez said:
dreemernj said:
My router won't work in WEP mode. I could switch off security but don't really want to do that since every time I switch modes it bumps 6 comps offline, lol.

I have to get a new router or a nintendo USB wifi adapter. I haven't done either because I just haven't felt like spending the money or putting in the effort. My last day off was 10 days ago. I'll only have Sunday off this weekend. Gaming's just not in the stars any time soon.
I just disabled security on my router for the DS, and set it up to only allow specific MAC addresses in the house for all the equipment I have... so unless someone can get the right MAC address they cant get in wirelessly. And the odds of someone doing that, at least near me, is like 1 in a million.

You could probably do that if your router has that setting.
It has the settings but I am a bit too paranoid to leave all my wireless traffic unencrypted for everybody to grab. Even WEP I was not a fan of since it only takes a few simple apps to break into that. Damnit, why didn't they just put WPA on the DS?

I'll probably get the USB wifi adapter soon. I really miss playing it.


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
mud said:
5. You can't run silent kombat and change the level at the same time (big issue for me)
If you go to the guide menu, you can start playing music and then pause it (the 360 ships with a few sample mp3s on the hard drive already, so anyone should be able to do this). Once you start playing custom music, it cuts off the in-game music, so if you just leave the music player on pause you will effectively put the game into "silent kombat" mode. Try doing that and then inputting a level select code!


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
I have a DS but I actually haven't picked up UMK3 for it yet. The thing is, I only really have Wi-Fi access when I'm at home. And if I'm at home, I figure I may as well be playing the 360 version. :p

I played Kaillera before the 360 version but I don't think I've touched it once since then. I dunno, the convenience of Live is just a really big selling point for me.
You guys are teh noobs. XD Nah, I'm j/k. DS > any other umk3 port, besides ps2. Even then, ps2 version is wack. DS pwnssssssssss so so much, for me at least. I'm not sure if you guys see what I see, mame = lag fest. XBOX = Lag/puberty/toughshits/cheap ass controls/lag/civilization going to shit/shit controls/goddamnihatethexboxcontroller/fest. XD'

I literally despise XBOX version of um3 without arcade stick.

The ONLY problems with the DS are : Controls are tiny = wack; Screen is tiny but gives out some good ass gfx; Those stages that lag. That's it. If you can use the DS controls fine like me, WINZORS. If you can play on a tiny screen like me, WINZORS. If you can put in the stage code, which every does, WINZORCAKESINTEHMORNINGLOL.

MAME, FUCK YOU!! I hate kaillera. I used to play on kaillera with enthusiasm, but you see that just went right out the door. :/ I guess you really need a BADASS comp to play without lag? :S I mean come on, 700 MB video memory, intel p 4 duo, 1 GB RAM, and lag? D:<

I pick DS vs anything because of speed/lag/comp/fun. :D Only thing I really hate about the DS version is I find so many noobs, even then when trying to find someone it just doesn't find anyone because it's like they block me or something. XD /BANTOME D:

DS > All other sources of UMK3, besides snes and arcade. XD

End of teh opinion. : )
MAME, you arent forced to play with the control configurations that they give you on 360, that alone makes playing on MAME better for me.


Premium Supporter
MAME because it's the closest to the arcade, and I can use the keyboard, which I suck on the least.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
BustaUppa said:
I have a DS but I actually haven't picked up UMK3 for it yet. The thing is, I only really have Wi-Fi access when I'm at home. And if I'm at home, I figure I may as well be playing the 360 version. :p

I played Kaillera before the 360 version but I don't think I've touched it once since then. I dunno, the convenience of Live is just a really big selling point for me.

Ohh ok I got ya lol 8) no problem dude, if you get on sometime definitely make a post or send me a buzz :)

Shock, man I don't know how anyone can play a fighter especially on a KB but dude if you can manage that's impressive :shock: lol


Premium Supporter
MKF30 said:
BustaUppa said:
Shock, man I don't know how anyone can play a fighter especially on a KB but dude if you can manage that's impressive :shock: lol
Not just that I can play on KB, but the difference between me playing someone on say, DS and then KB can be 100% opposite.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Shock said:
MKF30 said:
BustaUppa said:
Shock, man I don't know how anyone can play a fighter especially on a KB but dude if you can manage that's impressive :shock: lol
Not just that I can play on KB, but the difference between me playing someone on say, DS and then KB can be 100% opposite.

Yeah, lol I hear ya man. With me it would be the exact opposite lol. I can't play anything except an FPS on a KB, the DS (for me anyway) feels perfect(older DS) newer one is good if you can adapt but the D-pad is smaller so I prefer the DS Fat over the DS Lite.

Your best on the actual arcade version though, right? With a stick? 8)


Premium Supporter
My absolute favorite control type is the keyboard, so basically anyone who has played me on gamepad doesn't get nearly a full level of competition from me, on 360 pad that is, DS is even more difficult because the control set up is just annoying. On stick I would put as a default 100%, on keyboard, it's beyond 100% because you can take advantage of control more. I know guys who have complained about me using keyboard when I had the XFPS so I stopped using it for a while, then it just stopped working.


If I could play random people on Kaillera with the same quality of connection I can on the DS I would have picked Kaillera. Keyboard is just too good. But I've been trying ot ween myself off of it since I enjoy going to tournies so much even if just to play casuals with new people, and dependence on a keyboard makes it very difficult.
Tim Static said:
Frankiebonez said:
Shock said:
I believe he said that the discount was extended indefinitely, I'll have to recheck with him though, but I believe he posted that in the thread. If so We have to fix that info.
Yes he did, for UMK members he will hook us up forever :)

I'm probably going to buy another joystick at some point from him as well, just because :D
Me too. I am gonna order a Japanese SF stick too, with Venom on it, for 360 SF's. (HF, 3s & HD Remix)

Then, I am gonna try to get a 2 player Dreamcast stick for tounries, as well at some point, I want a Jamma-In-A-Box with UMK3 or MvC2 for tournies.

I am helping out with a SF tounrament next month at a local game shop, and later this spring, I have having a UMK3/MKII tournamet at my bowlin alley.


let me know Via PM when the tournament is i will be there to own :D
I can't stand Keyboard. I picked 360, because the only flaw is the dpad, it is a big flaw, but everything else works smoothly.

1.Arcade setup

2.360 pad


Tim Static

I AM THE ONE said:
Tim Static said:
Frankiebonez said:
Shock said:
I believe he said that the discount was extended indefinitely, I'll have to recheck with him though, but I believe he posted that in the thread. If so We have to fix that info.
Yes he did, for UMK members he will hook us up forever :)

I'm probably going to buy another joystick at some point from him as well, just because :D
Me too. I am gonna order a Japanese SF stick too, with Venom on it, for 360 SF's. (HF, 3s & HD Remix)

Then, I am gonna try to get a 2 player Dreamcast stick for tounries, as well at some point, I want a Jamma-In-A-Box with UMK3 or MvC2 for tournies.

I am helping out with a SF tounrament next month at a local game shop, and later this spring, I have having a UMK3/MKII tournamet at my bowlin alley.


let me know Via PM when the tournament is i will be there to own :D
of course I will!!! :wink: