Light Bringer
Arena shooters are really fast paced games. There is a lot of vertical movement such as jumping from platforms to platforms. You have to keep moving or you'll die. Camping in CoD might earn you kills but in an arena shooter, you'll get massacred. Also you have a health bar so you can't just hide and wait for you health to regenerate like you can in CoD. You need to find a health pack or you're dead. You're not limited to two weapons in arena shooters whereas in CoD you are.What seperates arena shooters from something like CoD. Is halo an arena shooter?
But the biggest thing imo is that there tends to be no leveling system for arena shooters unlike CoD where you can keep playing until you're prestige 10, have the best guns and mop everyone. When you enter an arena game, everyone is fair game. The one with the best skills wins. That's why arena shooters tend to have a high learning curve. For halo, imo they're not arena shooters. The only one that I could consider as an arena shooter is Halo 1 and that's because it had a lot of funky shit in it lol.