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Doctor Fate General Discussion

Boss Savage

I know it's a bit early for whining, but god I wish I could swap out his healing orb and interactable lock specials for something else, they are entirely useless to his game plan.
Probably. It's still extremely early in the game. Give it time. After a few months when the dust finally settles we'll see where fate's toolkit lies.


Probably. It's still extremely early in the game. Give it time. After a few months when the dust finally settles we'll see where fate's toolkit lies.
I'm fairly certain that we already know his toolkit, his only real depth lies in the ankhs. I would bet money that the two moves I mentioned will be basically nonexistent in competitive play. I feel like this character is probably going to have a much harder time as people learn the match up (he basically has no safe strings and we're using db2 as if it's safe because no one is punishing it yet).

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
What's up dr. Fate players!!! Curious if any dr fate mains think that dr.fate beats Cw 4-6 or 3-7? If so challenge me.

Ra helios on Xbox one

EmperorRAHelios on PS4.


In trait: f2db2df3 is pretty great, everyone wants to move/attack after they block a db2. If you have two ankhs in trait df3 f2db2 creates a decent frame trap into his grab combo. His ankhs when trait is active is like a shit version of sinestro's trait, I wish they just went to where the opponent is rather than right in front of you or midscreen.
I am having HUGE issues with input errors using fate no matter what controls I have on.... some show me them consistently punishing something that is -10/11 with f2 after crouch blocking...

I get healing orb >50% of the time. I get random interactable locks doing ank throw.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I am having HUGE issues with input errors using fate no matter what controls I have on.... some show me them consistently punishing something that is -10/11 with f2 after crouch blocking...

I get healing orb >50% of the time. I get random interactable locks doing ank throw.
This game is extremely frustrating in that way. I remember play Batman in the beta and low blocking then try to B1 then fucking sky grapple comes out. I thought it would have been fixed, but noooope


In Zoning We Trust
I am having HUGE issues with input errors using fate no matter what controls I have on.... some show me them consistently punishing something that is -10/11 with f2 after crouch blocking...

I get healing orb >50% of the time. I get random interactable locks doing ank throw.
I had this problem at first too but not much anymore. I started taking a split second letting go of block. Like blocking, then letting go really quick, then F2. Works a ton better and I barely get the input errors on it now. Hope this will help.

Threw together a quick video just now when I saw your post on Ivy drill since I heard people were having issues punishing it with F2 also.



s3 doesn't seem that bad of an AA honestly, you have to be pretty onpoint for jumpins up close though, but if you do hit one you can b3 bounce cancel into big damage and do dash 211~orb for a setup or 2113 for distance (around 360-380 damage respectively). s3~ankh seems to work up close too if you don't have meter. It does seem like a pretty sweet antiair within sweep distance though, you can try s3~fireball when you hit them from this distance or further. s3~b3 bounce cancel seems to whiff around sweep distance or further.


Beware my power.
There's just no safe way to activate trait in neutral when your close the the opponent. Popping trait from fullscreen and cancelling into fireballs is great but up close I don't know how to get it out.

The video where you have one ankh out and cancel trait on block into ankh summon has a massive gap so that doesn't work. I really feel like a knockdown setup is needed to really maximize getting trait out for rushdown usage


kick kick
How do I go about the Scorpi- I mean Supergirl matchup? Forget the teleport, the lasers are a huge pain, they knock down and are really + on hit so every trade is in her favor.
I had this problem at first too but not much anymore. I started taking a split second letting go of block. Like blocking, then letting go really quick, then F2. Works a ton better and I barely get the input errors on it now. Hope this will help.

Threw together a quick video just now when I saw your post on Ivy drill since I heard people were having issues punishing it with F2 also.

i agree but you are losing punish frames
I had this problem at first too but not much anymore. I started taking a split second letting go of block. Like blocking, then letting go really quick, then F2. Works a ton better and I barely get the input errors on it now. Hope this will help.

Threw together a quick video just now when I saw your post on Ivy drill since I heard people were having issues punishing it with F2 also.

i just looked at it. it does help but depending on the block stun of the move... u can get away with it. but if the block stun is really short then you might be losing your punish window


In Zoning We Trust

i just looked at it. it does help but depending on the block stun of the move... u can get away with it. but if the block stun is really short then you might be losing your punish window
Yea that's true. I tested on a couple of strings that end in -11 also. It's like 2 moves that are both say, -11, have a little different timing in punishing them on reaction. I'm not a fan of that because I prefer to learn one timing than have it work in one MU and have to remember a different timing for the same move in another MU.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
The doc's 11 is amazing.

It is plus 1 on block but the range on it is super deceiving.

I've been using it to catch forward dashes instead of f2 and buffering db2 to push them away. If I have trait then this can lead to full combo punishes on dash ins.

If you have ankhs you can play some serious mind games by doing 11 and slowly walking forward before doing another 11. Once they start to respect it, go in for the throw. ;)


The problem with 11 is that it's a high and highs are full combo punishable by d1's. Additionally, our d1 has such shit range (and combo potential) that after a blocked 11 at anything but point blank range, we don't have anything quick and long reaching enough to take advantage of the +1.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
The problem with 11 is that it's a high and highs are full combo punishable by d1's. Additionally, our d1 has such shit range (and combo potential) that after a blocked 11 at anything but point blank range, we don't have anything quick and long reaching enough to take advantage of the +1.
I believe I said to use it to punish dash ins. It doesn't matter if 11 is a high, you're getting hit if you try to dash. If they don't dash all the way in your face, then you are +1 at the perfect distance to whiff punish pokes with f2, walk back, or check them again with a 11.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
11 into trait links to db2 and can be canceled on whiff using 11 hold 3. This string is your footsie tool outside of f2 and recovers extremely fast. If you have an ankh with trait you can whiff a 11 dash cancel it using 113 and come in for a grab that leads to 38% and sends them fullscreen. Or, you can bait the throw and still end up with good damage.

That said, has anyone been experimenting with MB roll? You can get some dirty crossups with it after 211xx orb. Might be worth messing around with it.
If you do the b1d32 string meaty then it looks like it covers all wake up timings (tech roll, normal, short delay and long delay) and you can make it "safe" by cancelling into the glyph.


I feel like this character is super gimmicky.
The only not gimmicky setup (no gaps) i know of for a grab set up is if you have two ankhs out in trait release them, then immediately after the df3 press f2db2, after they block this you can do F2db2 df3 f2db2 for pressure if you think they might not respect your advantage, or grab them for a full combo.

Edit: jk, the block pressure is all good but if they are holding back instead of down to block, our little T-rex arms will never reach them for a grab. I swear whoever designed this character was deeply confused about how they wanted him to be played. I wonder if the fact that alternate special moves exist means that in future patches swapping base special moves with the unlockable ones would be a simple way to balance characters.
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