Yes, I regret buying their overpriced Season Pass. Their communication around the DLCs or updates in general is
awful. They should have said since the beginning the characters present in the Kombat Pack, but no, they waited one extra month after the release of the game to just to upload a video where we didn't even have a visual render of the revealed character. We wouldn't even know who are the last two DLCs without the Switch leaks. I mean... How bad is the communication around a game when the main source of information for its players is the leaks from the datamining of the game ?
And besides that, on a more personal level, I don't like Shang Tsung, I'm not hyped at all for Nightwolf (while I was hyped when he was announced... maybe because of the lack of communication ?

) and I don't care about Terminator.
And I said "overpriced" Season Pass at the beginning of the post. Yes, €40 (around $44) isn't a big amount of money, but €40 is already quite expensive for a Season Pass, because when you buy a full game like €60 (around $66) at release for 25 characters and their cosmetics and everything else like the stages and the story and they charge you €40. for only 6 characters... Oh sorry, I forgot about the skins : Klassic Male Ninjas, Klassic Female Ninjas and Ninja Mime JC. how original. What skins will they create for the next DLCs ? They probably already ran out of ideas. Yeah that's overpriced. Injustice 2's SP was also 40€ but at least you had 9 characters and it was enough for the whole game's lifespan. Here it is €40 and they'll release another €40 KP the next year...
And, WB, if you overcharge us for DLCs, at least use the money to patch your game. There are still amateurish errors for a AAA competitive fighting game : No Wifi filter for the ranked online "seasons", broken mechanics, characters with a lot of whiffing issues or moves that hit when they shouldn't, buggy in-game store, huge grind walls for cosmetics etc.
So yeah I'm pissed off. At least I enjoy the gameplay when I play with friends, but I'll never buy a season pass again.