Honestly I thought the same thing. All these people saying because he or she was in the story trailer and/or ooooh they’re in a menu or their assist is in the tower mode that they’re confirmed are nuts.They're all featured as tower assists, something that historically features non playable characters in MKX and I2 (the cyborgs didn't appear as their own characters).
It might still be placeholders, but this isn't a good sign for any of these characters.
The source is this video showing a full tower:
Sonic and tweedy both confirmed that they are just hopeful that they want rain and jade in the game. Honeybee said on his stream that people were asked who they want to main but have no clue what the roster looks like. Don’t let YouTube click bait artists like dynasty or super convince you that that was a conform.I'm still optimistic for Rain.
He shows up in the menu, and Sonic had him showed as main on his fight card.
As for Reptile, Cyrax and Shinnok ?
They do not seem that likely...
Reptile is the last remaining saurian (removing non canon endings).
At around 0:26 you can see the description for the Forceball Modifier: "A Saurian Force Ball targets your opponent when activated."
Looks like it isn't Reptile specifically, meaning his chances of being playable just went up.
Probably, but not if they make him mute, or more zoomorphic.For me Baraka's voice deconfirms Reptile.
Nope, it's called "Force Ball" and it's just a picture of one. No Reptile face or anything.Reptile is the last remaining saurian (removing non canon endings).
Also IIRC the effect is called Reptile assist and has his face icon, same as the others.
He was created as a joke, but he really isn't in the lore of the game.It's odd to see so many people want Rain in the game... back when MKX was in development and we saw Rain in the story trailer, I was so sure he'd be in the game, but everyone around me was like "No one likes Rain, he's just a joke character".
So seeing people requesting him for MK11 makes me happy. ^^
Reptile's face is showing with Rain, Shinnok and Cyrax at the top of the tower.Nope, it's called "Force Ball" and it's just a picture of one. No Reptile face or anything.
I know that Reptile is the last Saurian, but I don't think that these consumables are canon to lore in any way and there have been non-canon scenarios where Reptile finds more Saurians.
Also, why wouldn't they just name Reptile? The Rain, Shinnok, and Cyrax modifiers all mention them by name but the Force Ball one just says "A Saurian"
I think Reptile could be back but he won't have his Force Ball, so they moved it to a generic modifier instead.
In addition to what SenSx said, the tower says the moves are from Klassic Kombatants and that's clearly Reptile's portrait.Nope, it's called "Force Ball" and it's just a picture of one. No Reptile face or anything.
I know that Reptile is the last Saurian, but I don't think that these consumables are canon to lore in any way and there have been non-canon scenarios where Reptile finds more Saurians.
Also, why wouldn't they just name Reptile? The Rain, Shinnok, and Cyrax modifiers all mention them by name but the Force Ball one just says "A Saurian"
I think Reptile could be back but he won't have his Force Ball, so they moved it to a generic modifier instead.
He was created as a joke, but he really isn't in the lore of the game.
He is even half god.
Same story for Noob, began as a joke, but is now much more serious in the MK universe.
Reptile's face is showing with Rain, Shinnok and Cyrax at the top of the tower.
I also think Reptile, Ermac and Tremor won't be in.
Baraka has Reptile's VA, and Skarlet has slow ball.
Raiden has Ermac's levitation, and I guess some other character will have more from him (Shang Tsung ?).
Geras seems very inspired by Tremor and Jax.
So Reptile, Ermac and Tremor might be replaced by Smoke, Rain and Noob Saibot.
Oh, the video I posted and the one you guys were talking about showed different Towers. Mine showed no faces or anything which is why I was confused about where you are talking about...In addition to what SenSx said, the tower says the moves are from Klassic Kombatants and that's clearly Reptile's portrait.
As I said in an earlier post some might be there to mislead, but based on NRS way of doing things, if those assists are still there on release day rather than being changed into summons, then those aren't playable. There is still time for those to become summons though but I wouldn't bet too much on it.
The only thing I can think of is that it isn't Rain even though it looks like him. Could be a new character, or an alternate reality version of Rain where he doesn't go by that name.Yea that's what I dont understand about Rain probabilities, but I defended his case.
As for Rain being tied to the last 4th secret mode, I doubt it.
On that picture he is clearly facing the tower, with the light above them.
It's Rain, come on...The only thing I can think of is that it isn't Rain even though it looks like him. Could be a new character, or an alternate reality version of Rain where he doesn't go by that name.
It really does look like Rain, though... *shrugs*
Oh damn, I didn't even notice there were people behind them, lol.It's Rain, come on...
Purple and gold clothes, oriental design like the one he is getting since Armageddon, and the pony tail.
Why would they make new playable character looking like him, when fans want the original guy in the first place ?
Btw who do you think is fighting Baraka Behind Scorpion on the fight Icon picture ?
Looks like a dark ninja, like Noob or Smoke ?
Hard to tell...
I'm fairly certain the "tail" issue was the cause of his variations. The concept art also indicates he had a throat sac to "vomit" forceballs, but everything had to be left on the cutting room floor.No that's not the case at all. See my earlier post in the thread. It had nothing do with with such things.
So, you're a Cassie main now? XD Come to the dark side.Shinnok has done his thing in MKX, I'm happy to see him get benched.
So what you're saying is it could definitely happen that he misses out.Rain has to become part of the roster in some way or it would be the same kind of fuck you at this point like with Fujin if he wouldnt make it again.