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Cyborg Match-up Discussion

@megamonk I just want to say thanks on the advice when it came to Dr. Fate in the matchup discussion thread. I faced one in ranked, and got the life lead early and decided to trade with the fireball. I even was able to stuff the EX fireball twice. I plan to upload it later today, still working on the matchup but it's a start.
No problem! I haven't been around lately in the Cyborg forums because I've been busy learning more about frame data from different characters and analyzing matchups as I watch/play.
If you have any questions about some matchups or want to have a discussion about it, just tag me or send me a message.
Several things I need to practice in the deadshot matchup:
-punishing b23 into all special options
-puishing b23
-whiffpunishing b12up3
-figure out when to dash in and when I can't
-reversal and trade situations against high shot, rifle, and trick shot
-oki setups vs. Assassins knee
-options against that one string that ends in gunshots
-options for punishing dead shots super
-opitons from range 0-2
-anti-airing j1

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
Played a long set against a good Cyborg last night, damn that really tests your patience lol it's like a minefield.
I found I could Cat Evade his projectiles but every time I did it allowed him to set up a free trait or TA.
I think Cyborg beats CatWoman maybe, or at least a 5-5.
Although I wasn't aware of his cancels up close, I poked out of a lot of them but I could probably mb B3 also.
Anyways they were really fun matches to test my patience, and was also so so so sweet when I push him to the corners, and bait out a grapple away, just to D2 him and put him back in the corner :)


Played a long set against a good Cyborg last night, damn that really tests your patience lol it's like a minefield.
I found I could Cat Evade his projectiles but every time I did it allowed him to set up a free trait or TA.
I think Cyborg beats CatWoman maybe, or at least a 5-5.
Although I wasn't aware of his cancels up close, I poked out of a lot of them but I could probably mb B3 also.
Anyways they were really fun matches to test my patience, and was also so so so sweet when I push him to the corners, and bait out a grapple away, just to D2 him and put him back in the corner :)
All his cancels are minus, 113 BF1 cancel is his best and it's still like -1 or -2, around there, definitely not neutral though
So what match ups do you think he currently wins?
Hard to say since I don't consider myself at the highest level of play for Cyborg. At the moment, I think he beats Wonderwoman, and could potentially beat Black Adam and Atrocitus (could just be an even matchup). Since it's pretty early in the game, it's hard to tell though based off the amount of sets I've watched on these matchups and played. (I would include Swampthing, but the I haven't played this matchup enough, nor seen Swampthing players discuss it on the forums)

Curious to hear what other Cyborg players' thoughts on this.


Buluc Chabtan
Hard to say since I don't consider myself at the highest level of play for Cyborg. At the moment, I think he beats Wonderwoman, and could potentially beat Black Adam and Atrocitus (could just be an even matchup). Since it's pretty early in the game, it's hard to tell though based off the amount of sets I've watched on these matchups and played. (I would include Swampthing, but the I haven't played this matchup enough, nor seen Swampthing players discuss it on the forums)

Curious to hear what other Cyborg players' thoughts on this.
Not 100% sure about matchups he wins, but I will list some matchups that I personally feel comfortable in at this stage of the game (subject to change, of course):
Bane, Canary, Beetle, Brainiac, Firestorm, Flash, Grodd, Lantern, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Red Hood, Robin, Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman


These are my thoughts from my experience

MUs where I feel like Cyborg wins:
  • Atrocitus
  • Bane
  • Black Adam
  • Cheetah
  • Flash
  • Grodd
  • Joker
  • Swamp Thing
MUs where I think Cyborg wins or is 5-5
  • Black Canary
  • Beetle
  • Lantern
  • Harley
  • Ivy
  • Scarecrow
Where I feel it's 5-5
  • Aquaman
  • Supergirl
  • Red hood
  • Fate
  • Firestorm
  • Robin
Where it's 5-5 or losing for Cyborg
  • Catwoman
  • Darkseid
  • Super man
  • Wonder Woman
Where I feel it's losing for Cyborg
  • Batman
  • Deadshot
Where I don't fucking know because no one plays them
  • Cap Cold
  • Brainiac


I am Cyborg player since IGAU.
I know that MU against Aqua in IGAU is worst for Cyborg but 5 - 5 against Adam.
Now in Inj2 as I see match-ups against both of them unbalanced top tiers BA and Aqua are worst for Cyborg.
BA - destroy you by damage output, AA, melee/wakeups.
Aqua - dont let you zone out himself, AA, melee.

Please correct me or add usefull info about that MU if you have it.
Best string for special dash cancel? 113, b123, or b231 for most plus frames?
I wish I knew the exact frame data for each but I don't. I prefer b123 since the pushback on it during the cancel means most character's pokes will whiff. Never really tried b231, should probably experiment with it more.

For 113, I cancel it on hit into f3 overhead (shoutouts to ketchup, it works too well. On block I usually hold NB for a brief second to catch a counterpoke. Honestly, it depends on the opponent.
@Protagonist_1 what is mu agains atrocitus in your opinion? ...given the fact that Cyborg player can perform iafb.
I honestly wish I knew, I have no idea. When it comes to matchup numbers, it's subjective considering what the "highest level of play" is. I would consider the highest level of play of Cyborg would have IAFB, be able to fuzzy guard all options off of f223, and have a good knowledge on when to punish, backdash, and counterpoke atrocitus's strings and normals.

With all that, I think it could be a 6-4, but my level of Cyborg is nowhere near what I described above. With IAFB, Cyborg can build meter quickly allow him to push block trait, reducing the amount of time Dex is used. Being able to consistently fuzzy guard f223 would also mean no mixup. But so far, I have yet to see anyone actually master this.

On the other hand, when Rewind faced Kinetic_Balding on RHS it looked pretty convincing. It would be nice to see a long set between them than just a first to 3 to get a better gauge of what's going on.

I uploaded footage of me playing my training partner in a long set, I can post it here if you like. I'm still trying to figure out the matchup myself, and my training partner has been playing my Cyborg since forever so he knows my tendencies pretty well. It only feels horrendous when Cyborg is in the corner since he can't wakeup and has poor reversal options (although that can be said for the rest of the cast).

I've also heard BB may do well in the matchup as well, and I feel Cyborg has better space control compared to BB. So yeah, that's my two cents.
Nothing really new, just some options to punish Darkseid if they choose to Omega Beam after Cyborg's IAFB. From ranges 2, 3 and 6.

YO THIS IS GODLIKE!!! I'm going to do the same thing for Dr. Fate when I get the chance as well as Deadshot. Good stuff Kekoa!!!
Someone might want to test this, but when playing vs. my training partner (Atrocitus), I did f22 and it beat out shield!?! If it's a legit meter less option to avoid trait, I'll take it:
So I've been testing it and this is what I got so far:

It seems like when Atrocitus dashes or when whiffing f22, there are specific frames where his hurtbox extends further than the hitbox of the shield, allowing you to hit him. This means that a well timed normal or whiff punish can poke him out of it.
I played PND's Mustard's Sub, but forgot to record the set lol. Some things I noticed:

  • Some of sub's strings into icefall aren't true block strings, may need to test to interrupt
  • Slide goes under ground NB, so he can be hit from like 3/4ths screen
  • His jump ins are pretty good, tried to trip guard them but the range is tight
  • I think IAFB and diagonal fireball are the best way's to hit Sub Zero out of clone.
  • TA is good, but Sub might be able to slide punish on reaction
  • The 12b2 EX PF TA setup into b12 doesn't work against Sub's slide. Have to bait and punish it
  • 112 and 113 may be fuzz able, so need to practice that
I got wrecked, good games. Sub looks really good atm