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Discussion cR SonicFox's Top 5 Characters List (02/11/16)


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shinnocks hellsparks are a pain in the ass when he has a bar.

You can punish it if u have fast advancing armour, but you're eating 5% to do 12% hardly great. If you havent got a bar and they do, its effectively safe and even the threat of it shuts down so much of your game. Makes counterpoking scary too.

Makes like walking back and fourth baiting runs/jumps/normals really scary and tricky.

Move has SO much footsies/space control utility. No idea how it gets downplayed so hard. Its sorta punishable if u dont have a bar and you dont even have to mb it if they block it every time. The threat of Mb is a huge meta.

because you can sort of make your self safe most of the time, the move can come out a hell of a lot so you have to alter your game fairly drastically around it
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Tanya is pretty good in this version, in all 3 variations and frankly its the only character where i feel comfort in changing among all 3 as i see fit, different from KL and Scorpion tho.

I've been playing more DN and with the less BS the variation is pretty mobile now and can make use of tps much more than the other two variations due the pogo, and can use 112 meterless against all the cast as well.

She is definitely good in this game, still too see where she will fit on the tier list, very solid indeed, and no easy mode at all.
This is the first thing I ever disagree with you. Only Pyro is barely viable due to annoying zoning and amazing ex dust. Kobu basically lost all of her footsie and pressure tool, became super meter dependant and does shitty damage. DN suffered 9% damage lost from latest patch (wtf NRS?) and became high risk low reward, and with all the buffed zoners DN is NOT viable. She fell down the tier list like Tarkatan Alien