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Closed Beta Jade Discussion


There it is...
Both hits have extremely few active frames for how long the staff is out there, so you get scenarios where it looks like the move doesn't work at all.
Considering it only Launches in the corner has a gap bigger than the Atlantic and is slow af I don't get why. But it's beta I guess

It also has literally no hitbox above her head. When she swings it over it


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I have never really been in to Jade playstyle wise and have rarely bothered to play her much in any of the MK titles in the past. She is SOOO much fun in MK 11 and feels a lot less clunky than she has been in past titles.

She will definitely be a contender for one of my mains.


After spending the last 7 hours playing as Jade, a character I've loved since MK2, I don't know how I feel about her in this game now. Was really looking forward to playing her, and I still enjoy her more than other characters in the beta, but man she has nothing midscreen. It all comes down to 3-4 hit basic combos with an ender, or just poke. The only extensions are KB and that's being generous because you can't get much out of them. At least I wasn't able to, please correct me if I'm wrong and someone actually found something. Her overall dmg is low compared to others, and has huge gaps between her strings.

For now, I'm pretty disappointed to be honest. I don't know, we'll see I guess how it goes in the next few days.
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Positive Poster!
The 123 part has to be mashed out super quick during the B2. It's not like most strings where you see 1 hit, another hit, another hit.
is it a beta thing or do we know whether that was actually intended to be unhitconfirmable for some reason?


Ok, some super hot -30 day beta Jade impressions.

She looks gorgeous. Her outfits and model is just super good. NRS really put bar high for future female fighers.
I don't mind her game. She can't be zoned. Her run really goes well with this design. At the same time, she can play really patiently and throw some big normals. She also seem safe with much good stuff she has. Her mid is great and leads to really good situations both on hit and block.

But at the same time I don't like some of her indivudaul character stuff. Like her mid, B3. B3 by itself it's great. But why the hell she does not have B34 but her next string for B3 is B343. So far I can't get used to it that I have to input B343 fast, instead of pressing next buttons of a string while animation is going. Also I hate that B343 does not come out on whiff. You really don't want to whiff B3. Yeah, I know that I have to step up my neutral, but other characters good strings come out on whiff.. Her parry also seem to have not so great utility compared to Skarlet's parry. Skarlet's is 3 frames faster and she can hold her parry. Also I can't figure out what it's the requirement for parry KB.

But I think I will stick to her during beta. For a first glance she does not look super strong, but playing her will probably help me get used to MK11 neutral better.

And last bit of the rant. Why the hell nobody plays her? In like 4 hours of gaming I fought like 2 other Jades and at the same time dozens of Kabals. Also it seems like noone good player that streams is using her.
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Positive Poster!
Two things I'm not digging so far is her overall combo damage in comparison to others' combo damage and how Kabal can dash punish glow after zoning her out with that gigantic projectile.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Yeah... her combo potential is... lacking, to say the least. I found myself wondering what I was supposed to do after a blocked spear/dash/charge/etc. and could only do a simple string into an ender. Maybe ~25% depending on how negative the move I just blocked is?

And I, for the life of me, can’t figure out why NRS took to the Kung Lao style of string inputs for her. I guess because they have so much going on and she flings herself halfway across the screen? But still, it makes playing her feel awkward at times. Also... the gaps, dear God the gaps.

To be fair though, she has some glorious range on her attacks, and her uppercut is absolutely amazing. Her corner game also seems strongs, and she has a lot of tools allowing her to escape the corner if need be. Her pressure seems strong there, but I have to wonder how much I find myself faking. Clearly people just aren’t reacting to F2 yet, because I found myself mixing up her F3 string into Vanishing Winds, then into F2 to lock people down for entire rounds. But again... I know it’s just people not reacting yet and I’m scared for when they do.
Ok, some super hot -30 day beta Jade impressions.

She looks gorgeous. Her outfits and model is just super good. NRS really put bar high for future female fighers.
I don't mind her game. She can't be zoned. Her run really goes well with this design. At the same time, she can play really patiently and throw some big normals. She also seem safe with much good stuff she has. Her mid is great and leads to really good situations both on hit and block.

But at the same time I don't like some of her indivudaul character stuff. Like her mid, B3. B3 by itself it's great. But why the hell she does not have B34 but her next string for B3 is B343. So far I can't get used to it that I have to input B343 fast, instead of pressing next buttons of a string while animation is going. Also I hate that B343 does not come out on whiff. You really don't want to whiff B3. Yeah, I know that I have to step up my neutral, but other characters good strings come out on whiff.. Her parry also seem to have not so great utility compared to Skarlet's parry. Skarlet's is 3 frames faster and she can hold her parry. Also I can't figure out what it's the requirement for parry KB.

But I think I will stick to her during beta. For a first glance she does not look super strong, but playing her will probably help me get used to MK11 neutral better.

And last bit of the rant. Why the hell nobody plays her? In like 4 hours of gaming I fought like 2 other Jades and at the same time dozens of Kabals. Also it seems like noone good player that streams is using her.
Watch scars stream. He’s using jade


The anticipation is killing me
Has anyone messed around with the run cancels? It does feel like there could be something legit off 21 xx run cancel but I have only played the beta briefly.


There it is...
B343rc isn't bad.

That double low hitting staff thing is so bad. You trade her only decent launcher in the corner for it


The Ignore Button Is Free
The most I’ve got for Jade so far is 31%.

It’s in the corner and she needs to have the extra strings equipped.

Haven’t messed around with KB combos yet