Deathstroke match up is not easy but Catwoman wins that one even before the buff... you only need to block low.. Try to get close slowly and wait a mistake of him to use EX cat dash... If your are a bit closer you just need to predict his projectile... Jump a bit before with ji2 and full combo... You must NEVER use miau against this bitch... Trust me... You will be a pain in the ass for Deathstroke... Ohh and every Deathstroke player wakes up with his air spin (idk the name lol) it's unsafe af! Just use D1-cat claws and full combo that bitch
Sinestro match up is one of the hardest :c His zoning is a pain in the ass for Catwoman... You literaly can't use any of your best tools against him :c No cat dash, no miau (his zoning hits mid ;_; so you can't evide it with D) he can easily charge his trait against her... If you try to foward dash and that bitch predicts it he will use his rock :c... One of her worst match ups definitely
Killer Frost match up is a wild one too, her daggers are easy to evade... But the problem is her iceberg... So i would suggest you to NEVER use miau against her... Badly punished! Also you can get close if you predict her iceberg... My suggestions.. Jump the iceberg and as soon as you touch the floor use cat dash! (Trust me, if you're fast the Killer Frost player won't use iceberg that much) i suggest to finish all your combos with 1,F2 ALWAYS we must use all our oportunities to full combo her! Abuse her vortex in this one... When the Killer Frost player fail a slide use B1,2,D3 (That bitch can not parry this one) and full combo her
Grundy match up is a big deal for us... Never use Cat dash out of a combo against him, he can use his armors and punish us pretty bad... I would suggest you to jump in with 2 at a long range and then straight whip (ji2 will break the armor and the whip will hit him) always block low against him and if you have the life lead... Don't get close to him... If he tries to get close with his armored walk... Do (ji2~straight whip too)
Wonder Woman match up is one of my favorites.. I can proudly say that this match up is 6-5 for Catwoman... If you have the life lead don't get close to her NEVER! If she tries to use her air BF3 just wait and use high whip... If she tries to get close via ground... Use low whip... And try to finish all your combos with cat stance~3
The flash match up is 6-5 and Catwoman wins this one too... If he uses his running man stance just wait him to run close and use low whip... Trust me... He will think it twice to get close after that... When you are up close against him just try to predic his vortex... At 1/2 range of screen against him... Jump in with 2 and full combo with F112
Green Lantern match up... Is one of the hardest ones full screen... U.U his zoning beats us badly... Try to never use miau against him... He can MB his projectile BUT always use miau against his air projectile Up close is a 5-5 match up... Just wait him to fail a lift and use her vortex... Also finish all your combos with 1,F2... Get close and he will wake up with lift thinking that we are going to use the vortex... Block the lift and once again...
The Aquaman match up is sadly a 9-1 for Aquaman :c We can't do nothing against his zoning... And up close he beats us :c so my suggests are to use every oportunitie to combo him... And predict his DB1, B1 or F2 :c (a hard challenge lol)
I can also say that our stage selction DECIDES our number os oportunities... NEVER pick stages like Atlantis, Gotham City(second stage) or The Watchtower because if he zones you all day... Your challenge is to get close until he gets to corner... If you're in any of those stages... He can zone you and even when he is at corner you can't do anything because of the interactibles :c
I will post more later... I really hope this helps someone